Your post is more in line with what I was getting at. There is a selective forgiveness depending on what you did. Of course, criticizing them was the biggest no-no.
They are definitely more forgiving towards men regardless of what they did.
But I am of the opinion that there is no protection there for the average person against predatory types of individuals.
JoinedPosts by LongHairGal
They have screwed-up ideas about forgiveness
by LongHairGal inthis was another issue i had with them.
no matter what someone did, no matter how bad and even if the person was dfd and came back some would welcome them with open arms.
it was almost as if they were being rewarded for their wrongdoing.
They have screwed-up ideas about forgiveness
by LongHairGal inthis was another issue i had with them.
no matter what someone did, no matter how bad and even if the person was dfd and came back some would welcome them with open arms.
it was almost as if they were being rewarded for their wrongdoing.
I know the statement I made is ambiguous so let me try and clarify what I think I mean. I understand that people can be truly repentant and I know that we all can and do wrong sometimes. What I am saying is that the whole situation there (from soup to nuts) lends itself to the "sheep" being more gullible and vulnerable and certain really predatory people in a great position to hurt people. For example, they told everybody to widen out. Well, what if you are widening out to a con artist? I met a few of them.
When and if that person hurts anybody and even if that person is DFd he can still come back and expect to be welcomed and fit for the preaching work. You are expected to be civil to this person. Even if Jehovah (as some will say) deals with him later, that doesn't protect anybody now.
There is too much victimization on all levels there. -
They have screwed-up ideas about forgiveness
by LongHairGal inthis was another issue i had with them.
no matter what someone did, no matter how bad and even if the person was dfd and came back some would welcome them with open arms.
it was almost as if they were being rewarded for their wrongdoing.
This was another issue I had with them. No matter what someone did, no matter how bad and even if the person was DFd and came back some would welcome them with open arms. It was almost as if they were being rewarded for their wrongdoing. You never knew who you were sitting next to because they could have done anything - you name it.
Now I am not talking about the run of the mill things like immorality because this is a private thing. I am referring to horrible things they did to other people. There are some things I could never forgive somebody for. For instance, if somebody molested my child I could never forgive them. I know it is not healthy to be consumed with hate but it would be up to my child to forgive them when they were old enough.
There were other horrible things I heard of such as brothers defrauding other brothers - out and out dishonesty. These people do not expect actual punishment. Disfellowshipping doesn't mean anything to them. They feign forgiveness and come back. No big deal. They obviously do not fear the true god or else they would not do these things in the first place. They must think the whole thing is a load of nonsense and everybody there is a bunch of suckers.
There is an unaccountability that runs through the whole thing from top to bottom. -
Compiling List-Trivial Items People Are Counseled Against
by love2Bworldly ini hope this is not a repeat of past threads and i hope to get a lot of response.
i am compiling info of how people are treated within the wts.
i just read the post about a person being counseled for having baby shower games.
You are right. They do have issues with a sister who has a "body" and you will actually be discriminated against. They think you are trying to be sexy even when you are not. That's too effin' bad as far as I am concerned! I always felt I had to try harder to look modest because of how I was shaped. Whereas some sister built like a beanpole didn't have to try at all. I have gotten into fights over the years about this. Once when I visited a sister congregation there was a certain sister there who had an issue with other attractive sisters because her husband had a straying eye. She once made trouble for another sister who had nice legs. Well, when she saw me she would roll her eyeballs and go tsk (that sound women make with their tongue on the roof of their mouth). I wanted to punch her in the face.
Do I have an attitude about this? You bettcha! -
Are You Still Stuck In The Moral Panic trap?
by Englishman injust curious..now that you're an exjw, do you think that the world is a good place or an evil place to be?.
or are you screwed up about asylum seekers and other perceived threats to your security?.
i tend to always err towards optimism generally.
While it is great to be alive I am very well aware of the danger in the world around me. I take nothing for granted and don't let my guard down when I am in public. But I also refrain from watching too much news because this tends to make me angry and depressed.
pioneers with ulcers!!
by curlygirl inas i was reading the thread about jws and obits, i started to feel sick to my stomach.
i was reminded of a time when i was pioneering and developed stomach ulcers.
i was 16. i was told by an older sister that it was all in my head.
I can't believe you got sick over pioneering. You poor baby!
I once almost developed an ulcer at a job I had. Once I left the job, problem solved.
Now, how could the happiest people in the world make you sick? (I'm being sarcastic). -
What were your reasons for not liking the ministry school?
by LongHairGal ini dropped out years ago because i couldn't stand getting together with sisters i didn't like to do a talk.
i hated it with a passion!!
i do realize that you did learn but what i resented was that the sisters were inflicted on each other in a way that i don't think the brothers were.
Thanks for all your comments.
I do acknowledge that the MS built up your confidence if you did not already
have it. Heck, anything good we got out of our experience there is great. -
Do world events preoccupy you?
by JH inwhen you read the news on the net or tv or in the news paper, do you get worried about war, oil prices, ozone depletion, species dying, and the list could go on and on, or are you just numb about it?
i found these 2 forums, and they really think that the end is close, and they aren't jw's !!!!
Not anymore they don't! There was a time I used to be up to the moment on everything. Used to read the paper while I ate lunch. Bad idea!
It is not that these things are not important because they are. It is just that I cannot do anything about them! I want whatever little bit of my life to be as happy as possible. Besides, they don't necessarily report the news, they create it! They all have agendas.
I am not responding like a pavlovian dog to anything anymore! -
Compiling List-Trivial Items People Are Counseled Against
by love2Bworldly ini hope this is not a repeat of past threads and i hope to get a lot of response.
i am compiling info of how people are treated within the wts.
i just read the post about a person being counseled for having baby shower games.
These comments are hilarious! But, seriously, the one about the sister with the erect nipples (her brights were on, ha. ha.) could have been remedied by her wearing a padded bra. Ladies, you know, the ones I mean that are designed to be worn under sweaters.
But really they are one obsessed bunch of meddling, insulting, presumptuous control freaks! -
The 1000 Year Stupid Doctrine
by Nosferatu into me, the 1000 years that jws promise after armageddon is a really dumb doctrine.
basically, everyone who cacked before armageddon is going to be resurrected, and everyone on earth is going to grow perfect during these 1000 years.
then, bastard jehovah is going to let satan loose for "a little while" to basically clean out any evil that is on the earth.. so, what's the point of paradise erf?
This one of the reasons their paradise sounded like a nightmare to me. You had to watch yourself every step of the way (you know, you might be struck dead for something).
You could never relax because one day all the evil would start again, ad nauseam.