They don't think they are typhoid marys - they think they are great!
Same thing with the pio. brothers. In fact, they are more stuck up than the sisters. They could be ugly and have $2 dollars to their name and own one cheap suit - but all they had to do was be breathing and somebody would be after them. I remember meeting several many years ago over different people's houses. One was absolutely crazy and I could see why he was single. Another was conceited even though he was homely. I guess they made him feel like he was god's gift!!
JoinedPosts by LongHairGal
was your cong like out of a chapter of Peyton Place?
by littlerockguy inthe first congregation i went to basically was warm and friendly even though i didn't develop very many close friends there but some of the others i went to were rather scandulous in more ways than one.
one that i went to im surprised anybody is still there that has a conscious with all that went on.
was yours like that?
How Do YOU Feel Knowing That YOU Were In A Cult?
by minimus infor years, i refused to think of the witnesses as a "cult".
too harsh and restrictive of a word for me......but there is no denying that we were all in a mind controlling cult.
are you embarrassed or uncomfortable knowing that you belonged to a cult just like the moonies and the branch davidians are/werw a cult?
When I was in and believed it all (or most of it) I remember hearing now and then that I was in a cult. I reasoned to myself that if I had the truth it didn't matter if I was in a cult or not.
Now I just feel angry. -
was your cong like out of a chapter of Peyton Place?
by littlerockguy inthe first congregation i went to basically was warm and friendly even though i didn't develop very many close friends there but some of the others i went to were rather scandulous in more ways than one.
one that i went to im surprised anybody is still there that has a conscious with all that went on.
was yours like that?
No real immorality but terrible, terrible gossip!!
I tell you these people would rip everyone to shreds while they were out in service. Imagine, counting time while catching up on the latest gossip!
The thing that really bothers me though is this: they feel that their preaching work is a "white wash" for all the other things so therefore they are okay. It covers a multitude of sins. They will not admit this.
In this regard they are no different from the ancient pharisees. -
Did You Ever Think The "End" Was Going To Happen In Your Lifetime"?
by minimus inalthough i was considered an exemplary jw, i never really could see it happening.
still don't.
Yes I did.
I told a few people at the doors too. I said "it will happen in somebody's lifetime - what makes you think it won't be yours"? -
Did U ever wonder - if the end was so close - why were we building Kh's?
by AK - Jeff ini always wondered why we were not spending the money to build halls in remote and poor areas that needed them - but instead we would build new halls and sell old ones in places where we were seeing little growth.. every congregation in this area has built a new hall in the past 20 or so years.
yet the congs are the same basic size they were before.
most have had a least one major remodel since building new.
Hi Hondo!
It was never made exactly clear if the halls are to survive the big A. I suppose nobody could possibly know that.
But even if they were not don't you think they would err a little on the side of safety? Besides, with all the meetings and the large volume of people who congregate there don't you think there should be a few supplies of some sort?
Wouldn't that at least be humane and considerate? -
Did we become JW because we wanted someone else to do our thinking for us?
by Rod P inask yourself the question "do i have the kind of personality that is attracted to a strong person or entity that speaks with authority, and is very assertive?".
most of us just want to follow the leader.
it makes us feel protected and secure.
No. I was searching for truth (if such a thing can be found). I always ran into problems with them because I am a free thinker. I found that they do not like free thinkers.
I guess that place was not the last stop! -
Rutherford, "I made an ass of myself"
by Fatfreek in.resurrected in 1925 to rule as princes over the earth.
(millions now living will never die, 1920, pp.
89-90) they failed to show up, of course, and rutherford quit predicting dates.
The shame of all of this is that they will still go on and on. They are too heavily invested to back down now!
They would all look like asses! Even if you shoved this quote down their throats you would get a response like: well, (blah, blah,) we are still doing a good work...and the end is coming anyway. -
When you see a JW or two on the street, do you ignore them or speak tothem?
by Rod P inmost of the time i just walk on by.
i just can't be bothered, and they are not going to believe what i say anyway.
besides, should i tell them i am disfellowshipped, which may scare them away?
When I see strange ones on the train I won't say hello like the old days. Not too long ago a "sister" sat next to me and was reading her daily text. I made mention that she was reading her daily text and said that was nice. She answered me (I forget what exactly) and kept on reading. She then looked at me again as if she were afraid to speak because she didn't know anything about me. I read her mind. She got off shortly thereafter without saying goodbye. With these people they have to know what your "status" is. The look I got was similar to the one you sometimes got when you were in a strange cong. and people were afraid to get friendly. Some brotherhood!
Because I am not "out", when I see familiar ones in my neighborhood I will chat briefly. -
VERY ANGRY at jw for treating someone special to me/other women so bad
by VH5150 ini think that the way jw treats women is absolutely terrible!!!!!
makes me want to confront them and give the powers that be a taste of the same medicine they dish out.
how can the be so cold and insensitive to treat another human being this way for any reason and try to justify with the words of the bible.
I don't know if you are still reading this post but I didn't leave because of how women are treated. That is only a by product of the other wrong things I see there and I haven't even touched on doctrinal matters!
I would never presume to drag somebody out of there if they are happy or think it is truth. To each his own. And as far as convincing ourselves of anything - don't dubs do that all the time?
The problem for me is that even if it WERE truth so much is intolerable I would have to stay on the edges just to protect myself.
What is the Great Pyramid?
by phil78 ini found this reference, but i have never ever heard it spoken about.
what is this great pyramid?
how did it effect the early witness doctrines?
This is part of their past that they don't want anybody to know about. Once years ago I held in my very hands a book that had something about the pyramid. This book was in the possession of somebody's personal library. She thought nothing bad of it and how they changed their beliefs.
What I don't get is: with the obvious pagan-ness of it all, how can they claim succession from the apostles? It seems they can just morph into anything they want and still claim this succession.