I remember hearing that phrase although nobody ever said it to me directly.
It makes you feel that their paradise would be some kind of nightmare. If you have ever watched any episodes of the new Outer Limits show it might give you an idea of what their paradise might be like!!!
JoinedPosts by LongHairGal
Time was when we would just have taken you out and killed you...'
by Mystery insounds like what my jc told me.
'you know, we are being loving here.
time was when we would just have taken you out and killed you...' .
Does the Ransom Sacrifice doctrine add up?
by nicolaou incommon to almost all flavours of the christian faith is the teaching of the ransom.
that the sacrifice of jesus' perfect human life paid back the debt of the perfect human life which our forefather adam had forfeited.. but is it truly a 'corresponding sacrifice'?.
points to consider:.
I had it explained to me this way:
Jesus gave up his right to bear children; so if he did have children he would have supposedly fathered a perfect race with no defect.
So, technically, in his loins was the potential for a whole race of people, yet unborn.
So, when he gave up his life it was supposedly a perfect exchange for the existing human race.
(or words to that effect). -
If You Want to Fight Against Child Abuse, Watch Your Language
by blondie inan article appeared in this sunday's (june 5, 2005) parade magazine.
here is an online excerpt of it.
watch your language -- it might help in the fight against child abuse.
Very good points. I feel the same way myself.
I absolutely hate the modern trend of politically correct euphemisms to describe many things in our every day world - trying to make something repulsive sound good or acceptable. Why even the term "multi-tasking" simply means doing many things at once! But all the idiots who don't know any better think it is a new and good thing. Even the term "homeless" is all encompassing. When I was growing up, many of these people would simply be called "bums".
I have always felt that certain elements in our society have a definite agenda in trying to change everybody's thinking. (But they are not changing mine - I call a spade a spade). Can you imagine pedophilia made legal?
The DFing of Sister M
by Bonnie_Clyde inthis is a true story although it happened many years ago.
in the early 1960's, the wife of our po (then called congregation servant) studied with a very sweet old lady in her eighties.
this lady loved her bible and truly loved god.
Regarding this sister's preferring the King James version:
Years ago I was at a Sunday meeting with a King James bible. (I preferred it because of its small size) and didn't really think it mattered anyway.
A busy-body sister sitting behing me noticed this and asked me why I carried it. I told her why and she commented that I shouldn't for several reasons. Yada Yada. Not long afer that I obtained a miniature NWT which I had for years.
To think that I used to carry it around everywhere I went! But no more.
if ignorance is bliss, why are people afraid of the unknown?
by zen nudist in.
fear is anticipation of pain.... no one really fears death is by death they mean complete non-existance... there is no pain possible for those who dont exist...what they fear is the unkown life that may come after death in whatever form they may find themselves...they fear the possible painful hell of religion or the judgement of others who may be waiting for them, etc.... being ignorant is often not seen as our normal position.... we never really know what is around the next bend, but often we go through each day without thinking that at all... we have a plan, a goal and a dont see any apparent road blocks, so we feel confident and forget that this is all delusions based on experiences of the past which are hardly consistant predicators of the future.
Ignorance is supposedly bliss because you are unaware of anything bad.
Once the unknown is "known" you are no longer unaware. People don't want to know the unknown because it may reveal something to them that is unpleasant.
Elders wont answer my questions
by gringojj inwell i had written up 30 or so questions for the elders.
i made it very easy.
ther were mostly simple questions with yes or no answers.
If you write to bethel they don't really answer your questions either.
I wrote to them several times years ago and got back what I would call cowardly answers that didn't answer the questions I raised (probably because they didn't have an answer) OR they answered something I didn't ask.
I assumed this was because somebody either didn't really read my letter OR they didn't care to address the points I raised.
Yes, in the beginning it did.
It made it sound as if nothing a so-called worldly person could do was right.
Their prayers supposedly weren't answered.
If they were good (like a Mother Teresa type) it didn't matter.
If people I met seemed like good people (even better than them) I had to watch out because if they didn't serve the true god how good could they be. They were destined for destruction.
The last point bothered me more than the rest because over time I saw that many so-called worldly people were better persons. -
How long are Publisher Records Kept?
by BrendaCloutier inhow long are publisher records, and all other file materials kept on a person, and by whom?
what gets sent to corporate and how long are those records kept?.
i was a publisher in good standing when i rapidly faded and my husband of the time, also a jw verbally threw out the ms and his wife that did an "encouragement" call on us in 1976. as a wife subject to her husband's authority i could do nothing about it.
I couldn't give a flying !!&*## how long they keep them!
As long as my address and phone number are not made public, who cares?
If you know you are "out" it shouldn't matter. I know some get angry and demand that their names be removed but how do you really know if your name is ever removed unless you went in and deleted it yourself. I guess that goes for any other data base also.
Whats the spookiest thing that has happened to you?
by diamondblue1974 ini have had a few experiences which some could be dealt with rationally although even to this day the coincidences seem too convenient; .
mine was on new years day in 1994; i didnt celebrate new years at the same although i was about to start my fade that year; i was ill on new years eve anyway and i had been sleeping when i awoke at precisely 12.13. i couldnt get back to sleep but there was no obvious reason why.. my grandmother was in hospital but she was getting better when i had last spoken to her; i managed to back off to sleep but woke that following morning for some reason really concerned about my gran; just as i was coming downstairs the phone rang and my girlfriend answered it.
i said to her before she got to the phone that it would be my mother with bad news about my gran; i was right on both counts; it was my mum and my gran had died.....at 12.13 precisely..
Years ago before I became a dub I went with a friend to a bar where her friend, the barmaid, was a "witch" who did palm reading. One thing she told me was that there was a "male" spirit who was watching over me. Whatever!
Anyway, on the ride home when I was in the car by myself I had a strange feeling that I wasn't alone. I got so spooked I almost ran the car off the road. Good thing I was on a side street! -
Does Jehovah protect his "people"?
by sonnyboy inan an exjw, i'm well aware of the fact that they arrogantly think they're god's only chosen people.. my family used to be frequently visited by an elder and his family.
my family strayed from "the truth", and they would constantly come to our home and try to get us back on the "straight and narrow" path.. so, what happened to this elder and his family?
their adult daughter was accused of having sexual relations with a 13 year old boy.
This question always got mixed answers.
In my years there coupled with what I learned from the bible, I realized that modern people as a general rule do not have his protection. The only time I can see they might have was during WW2 with the nazi persecution (unless somebody made up those heart-wrenching stories!)
I may be wrong but it seemed to me that only people back in ancient times who were the ancestors of Jesus were protected directly by him.