Yes, I am glad I worked. Not gloating over anybody who was misled into thinking they didn’t have to. I cringe when I think what could have happened to me if I were gullible.
I actually had young Witnesses my age back in the day scoff at me. They felt I should have been doing full time ministry like they were. Even though part of me felt they were having a good time (they were invited everywhere), I couldn’t bring myself to quit my job.
And then…. I saw ALL the older people in the congregation who were collecting SS and pensions. They had obviously been in the workforce and I don’t mean housecleaning either. I also noticed ‘intelligent’ people there found a way and were making money. No offense to anybody, but I observed that people who did housecleaning were mostly younger women who lived with their family.. No way they could pay rent by themselves.. Or, a married woman who did housecleaning to make a little extra money.. DON’T forget she had a husband paying the major bills!
So, I realized to myself that I’d be OUT of my mind if I quit my decent job with benefits and IRA to do housecleaning (manual labor and chemicals) with no benefits.🤣
So, I paid no mind to the JWs and didn’t care what they thought.. They weren’t paying my bills nor would they be supporting me in retirement. Fast forward to now, all those young pioneers have reached senior years mostly unprepared whereas I am. If I were around them now they would surely resent me and expect me to give them $$. My answer would be NO. There you have it.