Here lies Richard E Ivey III
Entrepreneur Extroadinare
Part Time Scholar & Sportsman
Specializing in the tasting of sundry alcohols
Tigers tamed
Orgies Organized
Virgins Converted
Chastity Belts unlocked
i always liked what richard dryfress said in the movie "alaways", when he found out he was dead---"wow!!
!-----what a jerk i turned out to be"!!!!.
my mother's head stone says---------"i told you i was sick"!!
Here lies Richard E Ivey III
Entrepreneur Extroadinare
Part Time Scholar & Sportsman
Specializing in the tasting of sundry alcohols
Tigers tamed
Orgies Organized
Virgins Converted
Chastity Belts unlocked
just wondered if you have done these crazy pictures before at your local fairs???.
this is a picture of hubby and i being bad, the wild west way.... god, it was alot of work to get all the gear on...i cannot imagine having to wear all of that on a daily was heavy as well....the women back in those days had a hole lot of work to do in order to just get dressed every day..... so glad we got rid of the corset things......i could not take a deep breath in those cloths..... i thought about using it as my avatar picture but maybe it is too small??....
they were also pricey pics, but worth the entertainment....
I got to talked to by this girls father for this...
ANd apparently this was bad too... Shield your eyes now...
For all you single apostaladies-- Ive lost weight since then.
Who knew school spirit could look so good?
i used to embarrassingly get a kick out of going to the conventions and seeing jw families proudly displaying their songbooks and literature strategicially placed in their automobiles for all to see.
some even woyld display yhwh in their windows.
meanwhile everyone in the car would watch to see if other witnesses would notice and give them a joyful wave.
On my Bethel trip (last week lol), on our "free day" in the city, we drove through the burroughs to go into manhattan. We passed several witnesses doing street witnessing and the bus driver would blow the horn and everyone would wave texts and watchtowers in the windows and them to wave back. I could have died right there.
Ever see anyone at an assembly who you knew from school/work and didnt know they were a witness? I ran into a kid from school at a quick build. we both started laughing do hard we darn near passed out.
last friday night sucked big time.
i just don't know whats wrong with me.
i have many worldly friends that would like to hang out with me but i just didn't feel like calling anybody up.
Are worldly people just as unsure of themselves as I am?
No. 98% of them havent been subjected to the mental torture/ manipulation we have. They are happy, and enjoying themselves with out unduly focusing on the future... I don't know how old you are... but just get out of the org... leave now. Youll thank me later
did you ever notice that, when a dub moves, all the other dubs help?
i remember many a time when someone moved, the person would just pass it around to everyone in the kingkong hall, and they'd all show up to help.
those who had trucks were obligated to show up.
Even though people like ignore / shun me b/c im on reproof- I get asked to help EVERY FREAKING BODY who moves. Why?? I don't know. It's fun though- I get to laugh at all the elders who are weak as sh!t....
a small group of us who grew up together try and get together every few months.
we went to this mexican restaurant and there was a group of witnesses there.. the tension was so thick.
one of the guys there saw 2 elders who served on his jc.
OOO. Kinda like when the good witnesses go see a movie and the bad witnesses go to the same theatre and then see you there and call their elder dads about it.... And Constantine wasn't even that good...
the may 2005 km (us branch version) is a bunch of tripe.. in the first article, jehovah's day is near, the writers are feeding the r&f more gloom-and-doom-the-end-is-near.
the 3rd family article is family schedule-family field service.
the 4th family article is family schedule-the family study.
Will they schedule a time for the bathroom?
I was recently at bethel- and when you tour bethel- you can get advance copies of magazines... Watch for an upcoming issue of the Awake in june that has a "suggested" schedule for housecleaning. No shit... it tells you what to do daily, weekly, and semiannually. WTBTS has some definite control issues...
so i dont have to go to meetings anymore and they arent going to control my life.
but freedom comes at a price.
ill have to pay my bills which come out to be $440 per month until july, after july it will be $500 a month not including college.
Congratulations Brother!
Enjoy your freedom... It has been well earned. Go make money, come home in 20 years... and dangle it in all the window washers, car detailors, and janitors faces! You'll show them.
you know friends, as we struggle to stay strong in the truth it is with great pleasure that we present to you:.
not trying to steal jh's position as the master of photshop, but i got some tricks up my sleeve too.
I forgot the picture from the release at the last convention!
the may 2005 km (us branch version) is a bunch of tripe.. in the first article, jehovah's day is near, the writers are feeding the r&f more gloom-and-doom-the-end-is-near.
the 3rd family article is family schedule-family field service.
the 4th family article is family schedule-the family study.
I wonder just what a j-dub family considers recreation
well try this on for size: