Guilt will do funny things to people. But if you still believe that this is the "truth" than it may be the truth for you. Everyone has to do soul searching and figure out just what kind of life that they want. No one can tell you that you are right or wrong for feeling the way you do and it may just be the way you feel right now at this moment. But feelings change and most or all of the people here are extremely hurt from the WT organization. If you are not ready to completely leave than it may be that you need more time. I know with my own experiences that I had to be kicked out and treated very badly before I finally got what everyone here was saying. I think that we all would hope you would leave so that you don't have to experience the hurt and pain of this religion but rather learn from our experiences.
Nothing is wrong with you. Back when you were a teen ager I am sure you were just trying to find out who you were. But you need to really see the full picture of you from when you were a baby until you are an old man. If you make a mistake then you will lose all of your "friends/family". Maybe it's unrealistic for a human to follow all of the rules that they put on you. But if you, your family, and all of your friends can reach perfection, than rest assured you will never have to suffer like we have. Good Luck!!!