Hi Star,
Don't push your new found truth to your husband. I took it one day at a time and let him see the destructiveness of this cult.
He was serving as a MS when we abruptly stopped attending the meetings. He got tired of the constant nagging by the CO and elders to do more. This was when I just had my baby and our son was constantly sick at the time. And during those sick days, no one from the congregation even called except one elder who never failed to ask about our service hours every month.
The thing about my husband is that he questions everything and always incredulous at new spiritual things so its very easy to sway (haha) him.
I am like your husband--family in the truth, did all the right things like pioneering, serving at Bethel (some branch in Asia). I never questioned anything.
What got me was the generation change. And that started it all. I guess my husband was ripe at the time for the picking and the time was right when I questioned this change. And that paved the way for our departure.
Don't get me wrong--I am not fully out yet although inactive. I still have family and I want them out. I cannot accomplish this if I decided to make it formal. I'm plotting out a way for them.
Just be yourself and let him know that whatever path you take--you'll always love him unconditionally. Thats what I told hubby. And show that love. Pretty soon he'll be able to compare your brand of love from the JW's.
Good luck.