Sounds like fun! It would bring back the warm fuzzies I got when I dumped all my bound volumes at the recycling center. I would have burned them if I had the resources, but I also felt an environmental responsibility to recycle in hopes that the recycled paper was used to make something useful!
JoinedPosts by caligirl
UN-field service game
by jws inafter finding an awake in a hospital waiting room, it got me to thinking of a game for ex-jws to play - possibly as an apostafest activity.. get an un-field-service carload together and go around to laundromats, waiting rooms, etc and try to find publications to remove: watchtowers, awakes, and even the occasional book.. maybe even replace them with an anti-jw info to prep the laundry washers next time the jws come around.
or surprise the jws about the rampant apostate activity in their area.. don't forget to take frequent coffee breaks.
in this game, it's ok to keep your time going no matter how long you stay.. might even be funny to send in an anonymous recap to your local congregation explaining what you did, how much time each of you put in and how many books and magazines you disposed of.. what do you do with the magazines afterwards?
Elders Children
by ballistic inlet me know if this was just a local / uk thing.. the elder's children in our area weren't the youngest to get baptised.
there were, in fact, many baptisms much younger than what you would expect, however, there was talk amoung elder's children of "making sure you are ready" and "making sure you are old enough".
now these i call children are 18, 19 even 21. there were ordinary children being baptised at 13, 14 and ocasionally 10.. did these elders and their children know something we didn't.
It made no difference in the hall I grew up in, elders child or not ( and I was an elder's child), the average age for baptism was 12-15 to take the dip. I was 14.
I do think it is certainly a possibility that some elders who discouraged their children from being baptized possibly knew something about their children's personalities that might come back to threaten their position of power at a later date, so it is better to have your children not be baptized than to suffer the humiliation as an elder of having your children DF'd/reproved.
Feb1,2003 Question from readers
by hannibal in"why does the bible say that a person should scream if theatened with rape".
has anyone posted this yet?
its rather unbeleivable.
Read Diane Wilson's book - She goes into detail about the repeated flip-flop on the society's "policy" regarding what the woman should do. I hope you can scan this page you are talking about - I am sure it will make me nauseous to read, but it will be interesting to see what it says.
What is the best thing .............
by freedom96 inwhat is the best thing that has happened to you, from being on this or other ex-jw sites?.
mine is meeting my wonderful bride.
it was another site, and i was just looking around.
Meeting my husband of course! I could not ask for a more wonderful person to spend the rest of my life with. I was not looking either, but it became very clear, very quickly that I would be a TOTAL idiot to let him get away! I think the key is that neither of us were actively looking to find anyone, so it allowed total and complete honesty- no need to pretend to be someone else.
By the way, congratulations Katie & Craig! We are so happy for you both! You are going to Vegas right?
Ever been to a "quick-build"?
by WingCommander in" for anyone not that familiar with jw lingo, it is when everyone in the congregation gets together to raise a new kingdom hall in about a week, or a weekend.
kind of like the amish do when they have "barn raisings.
" lol.
I went to quite a few in the 80's. Even had my own hard-hat( isn't that just such a special priviledge?) One I remember because I was alowed to stay up all night with some friends that I met there, and that was the only time I ever got to do anything besides clean the portable toilets! people willing to stay up all night are scarce, so we got to do a little sheetrock sanding. When they first started, they just wanted the labor and would take anyone - then they got all picky and you had to answer 20 questions to do anything besides serve food or clean - if you wanted to paint, you had to be a "professional" -painting your own home did not count. I had an in, sort of, because my Dad headed up one of the departments so he was at almost all of them. It wasn't too long after they got all picky that they started making you fill out an "application" and have it approved by the elders before you were allowed to go.
where do we go from here (disullusioned ) with man
by nightwarrior innow that i have shaken of the stupor of being a cloned wittness, of 20 yearsi find it very hard to decide what do i do now.. i know that man has a built inherent motivation to worship i havenot been active for the past four years but i still beleive in a creator ,of sorts loving caring compasionate ,with a host of other qualitys,as seen, am i alone in the woods with my thoughts,.
i will willingly share my experiencess for all to see ,but i refuse to get involved with any man made organization again, even the scriptures warn us not to put our trust in any man ,i took this to heart when first attending meetings, i decided that all my children should have a trade,to have a worthwhile type of employment not to go to bethel, as somemost familys want for there children ,and not to become a window cleaner as most of the lazy brothers i knew jumped on this bandwagon hence window cleaners lead to perverts, you know the scene peeping toms up the ladders and wammo,peering through bedroom windows ,therfore is this the first steps to being paedophilia in later life ,.
i beleive that the youngsters should be baptized around age of 30 years of age ,why do you dissagree with me can you see the trouble & problems faced by youngsters today,jesus was 30 years old when he got baptized so i beleive,why have the society gone against the scriptures & example of jesus,do we follow jesus example or do you worship the society.
I had a discussion with my pioneer mother when my stepson was baptized this past summer, and I expressed that there was not way he was ready to have done that- too young in my opinion and I was the same age as he is when I did it. I brought up exactly what you just said regarding Jesus being baptized at 30 and how a child cannot possibly appreciate dedicating a lifetime, and for that matter neither could a 9 year old or however young they are trying to dunk them now! Her reply was that she thinks kids are perfectly capable of making that decision, and that Jesus was fulfilling prophesy, which in her mind explains why he would wait so long to be baptized. I abandoned the conversation as useless- you just can't get through all the excuses.
But I am in total agreement with your opinion on baptismal age. For me, my son is 6 and the reason I finally got the courage to leave - no way was he going to grow up in that, so I will not have to worry about that issue.
Prophetic Poverty and Delicious Torture!
by LDH inwell, kids, it's that time of year again!!!
the time of the year when the rest of the western world slows down just a little, gives thanks for what they have and stops bitching about what they don't have, and thinks of lending a helping hand to their neighbors a little bit get the idea!
i wonder what those knuckleheads the jws will be doing?
We always got those little orange unicef boxes handed out to us at halloween when I was in elementary school and since we were not trick-or-treating to get them filled up, I used to find all the loose change in the house so that I did not take back an empty box. What I really hated was when someone would say that witnesses contribute to the community by witnessing. Right. That will feed a hungry family for sure.
Xmas xchange present(s) arrived safely........
by scootergirl ini have already gotten an email from someone stating that their gift arrived safely in the mail.
i thought it would be nice to start a thread where we can post what we got (for those nosey like me who want to know!
) and a thank you.. as for me, i haven't even begun yet!
Caligirl is here to join the
tap...tap...tap....tap...pass the hot chocolate while waiting by the mailbox class. Can I get x-tra whipped cream?
(Although with palm trees waving outside my mailbox, I can't complain about the cold!)
"cleanest Witness community the web has ev...
by the dog inyeah?
the dog.
as our community continues to grow, the jwotw is committed to provide a clean environment for jehovah's witnesses online to associate with one another.
Pardon me, but I think I am going to PUKE! I looked at just a few posts, and that is about all I can take! Bleecchh! Conclusion: Positively nauseating display of ignorance.
by hamptonite21 inthis is part of a email that my friend sent me, this is what happened at a witness wedding.
im lmfao because the couple is so self rightoues, it couldnt happen better to anybody else.
they say when"you spit it the wind it comes right back in your face".
Sheesh! Don't they know that a good little witness would NEVER serve alcohol at a large gathering so as to avoid "situations" such as this? After all, according to the way I understood it growing up, the bride & groom are the ones "responsible" because they did not "control the consumption" at their gathering.
Seriously though, I never did understand the idea of holding a host(ess) "scripturally" responsible for the actions of some idiot who doesn't know when to quit tipping the bottle. No one forced that guy to get plastered, and it certainly gave everyone a clear view of where his mind really is, and what his wife has to live with every day! Sort of cracks the facade of perfection! Actually, I think it would have been kind of funny to see it!