Thanks guys! Much appreciated!
JoinedPosts by caligirl
Can anyone help me find....
by caligirl inany concrete quote that says that it is the responsible thing to do to shun people who have left?
i am pretty sure it exists, but quite frankly i am emotionally exhausted, wrung out and on the verge of a total nervous breakdown and can't stand the thought of wading through the cd rom right now to find it because i just might snap all together.
so any help anyone with a strongre stomach that might be willing to assist in finding references would be a big help.
Can anyone help me find....
by caligirl inany concrete quote that says that it is the responsible thing to do to shun people who have left?
i am pretty sure it exists, but quite frankly i am emotionally exhausted, wrung out and on the verge of a total nervous breakdown and can't stand the thought of wading through the cd rom right now to find it because i just might snap all together.
so any help anyone with a strongre stomach that might be willing to assist in finding references would be a big help.
Any concrete quote that says that it is the responsible thing to do to shun people who have left? I am pretty sure it exists, but quite frankly I am emotionally exhausted, wrung out and on the verge of a total nervous breakdown and can't stand the thought of wading through the CD rom right now to find it because I just might snap all together. So any help anyone with a strongre stomach that might be willing to assist in finding references would be a big help.
We have court coming up and if the need presents itself, we may need to point out that though the ex is claiming to be pure and always encouraging of contact between son and father, we would like to have some ready quotes to have her read out loud to the judge that shows what the teachings really are. We have been effectively shunned since son turned 18, but that hasn't stopped them from wanting the almighty $$, which is what this court stuff is all about.
I think they after me now!!!
by flag in2 days ago i received a phone call from an elder that recently moved to the cong i was in.. this elder is the type that feels that he is a big shot!
he gives parts in dc and ca's.. he asked me if he can come to visit, i told him that my husband had to be present and he had to call in advance to make an appointment.. this elder is so obnoxious and treat women as a 2nd class citizens.
any suggestions?.
Tell them in advance that you you will both audio and videotape any meeting you have with them and if they are not ok with that then there is no point in meeting.
Need to vent
by caligirl ini am so pissed at the family court system.
did you know that there is a state which shall remain nameless at this point that by law requires child support to continue to the age of 21, or as long as the "child' is attending school (and they have to attend only part time, which at community college is usually 2 classes or about 6 credits) it is bad enough that the majority of teenagers today have an "entitlement mentality", but now there is a law that backs them up!!!
kids don't even have to say thank you because they are "entitled" by the nature of the socialist crappy laws to do it!!
Thanks lovely and rw for your replies. I appreciate the kind thoughts. Hopefully after the end of the month, this will all be behind us and we can get on with our lives. It feels like we are in limbo.
Need to vent
by caligirl ini am so pissed at the family court system.
did you know that there is a state which shall remain nameless at this point that by law requires child support to continue to the age of 21, or as long as the "child' is attending school (and they have to attend only part time, which at community college is usually 2 classes or about 6 credits) it is bad enough that the majority of teenagers today have an "entitlement mentality", but now there is a law that backs them up!!!
kids don't even have to say thank you because they are "entitled" by the nature of the socialist crappy laws to do it!!
Special Field Service Campaign at DA
by limbogirl ini have this memory of going to a da back in the mid to late seventies -- i was about 8 years old -- and there was a special field service campaign.
seems to me that one of the assembly days was shortened and everyone was given a service kit -- some tracts in a plastic bag -- and everyone was to go out and preach for the remainder of the afternoon.
i remember going with my dad to get in line to pick up the bag of tracts and then going into the neighborhood around the stadium to witness.
I remember that! We were in Montreal at the "international assembly" and I distinctly remember having a bag of magazines or whatever it was in French.
Need to vent
by caligirl ini am so pissed at the family court system.
did you know that there is a state which shall remain nameless at this point that by law requires child support to continue to the age of 21, or as long as the "child' is attending school (and they have to attend only part time, which at community college is usually 2 classes or about 6 credits) it is bad enough that the majority of teenagers today have an "entitlement mentality", but now there is a law that backs them up!!!
kids don't even have to say thank you because they are "entitled" by the nature of the socialist crappy laws to do it!!
I am so pissed at the family court system. Did you know that there is a state which shall remain nameless at this point that by law requires child support to continue to the age of 21, or as long as the "child' is attending school (and they have to attend only part time, which at community college is usually 2 classes or about 6 credits) It is bad enough that the majority of teenagers today have an "entitlement mentality", but now there is a law that backs them up!!!
Kids don't even have to say thank you because they are "entitled" by the nature of the socialist crappy laws to do it!! It is their RIGHT to collect a free ride! By the way, kids of in tact families do not have the right to garnish their parents pay check for college money. They are S.O.O.L and have to do it the old fashioned way, either apply for loans or hope Mom & Dad pony up as a gift. My 2 children will not have the right to force me to pay for their college. They will likely get it as a gift, but they won't be able to use the court. The law in the state that my oldest childs support case resides forbids forcing parents to pay for college- it must be by mutual agreement and any amount given is after the child applies for any grants, loans or scholarships. My youngest will have an intact family come hell or high water. It is hugely unconstitutional to afford one class of people (children of divorce) the right to force their parents to pay for school when other children are not extended that right. And of course the child is not required to continue visitation, oh no, that would trample on their personal rights!!
Anything done for a child after the age of 18 should be completely voluntary, not forced by the court system.
Add the witness crap to the mix and I am hopping boiling mad. Not only are we being sued for a hugely disproportionate amount of money in comparison to the cost of the community college that the now adult child in question has alleged plans to attend (which we had already said we would voluntarily pay the cost of 100%) but he is going for a certificate program, not a diploma that will actually be useful, but a 2 year certificate!! To go with the huge attorney bill and the cost of traveling to argue this in court, we have the added blessing of being shunned now that the little pioneer angel is of the age of majority and has a responsibility to reject us! I find myself hoping that he gets accepted to bethel when he is 19 just so the support will end. If he is not talking to us anyways, why should he have the right to a huge chunk of his father's paycheck for the next 3 years?
All I want to know is when does the karma come back to bite the ex wife? Why does it seem that she can dish out bucket load after bucket load of crap and in return, she goes on all kinds of vacations, works a 40 hour work week while my husband works 2 jobs and 90 hours a week?? When is all that she dished out going to come back to her?? Why am I the one not sleeping? Why are we being rejected when she is the the wrist slashing psychotic mental case (bi-polar, BPD, OCD, you name it, she's got it? Why does going to the meetings qualify her for sainthood? We bent over backwards, financially and otherwise to give that child everything we possibly could, even when we couldn't afford it and now the most vile letters are being signed by both of them, claiming all kinds of crap and demanding his due as "first born" in the form of a large life insurance policy . Why does this stuff happen?
HOLY SHYTE!!!!!!!!!!!!! HOLY SHYTE!!!!!!!!!!! ATTN LOST FANS!
by kittyeatzjdubs indude!.
did you just see tonights episode??
?...i just finished watching.... that was fuuuuuuuuuuuuuuuuuuuc&%^$#d up!!!!!!!!!!
I don't watch the show much, but freedom96 does. I watch bits and pieces of it when I am in and out of the room, and I noticed exactly what Balsam said - it seems that one way or another, each person on the island at one time or another crossed paths with at least one other passenger.
A new "saying" that is driving me crazy! "MY BAD." I don't get it!
by whyizit ini've heard this on a couple of different tv shows and thought at first that it was a slip of the lips.
but as much as i've been hearing it, it must be a new "cool-thing-to-say".
does anyone know who, how, when, or why this has become a popular thing to say?.
I had not heard that phrase until I moved to California 5 years ago. Drives my husband batty.
When and What was your "Spiritual" height?
by Dune inthe highest i ever got was my being considered for a ministerial servant back in fall'ish 2004. .
of course, i also started college that semester, and was given an ultimatum and now i'm here .
but anyway, when and what was your pinnacle height in the organization?
One month when I was about 13, I managed 30 hours in "service" ! of course it was more like 15 when you count that I achieved that with my best friend and worked our way into the rural territory and coffee break car groups. That was the first and last time that I went over 10 hours in a month. What a waste of a nice July!