My sincere and profound sympathy to those of you that actually had to sit through that drivel! When I think having to sit through all that ...... shudder.....
JoinedPosts by caligirl
Tonight's service meeting
by sspo inwhat a load of crap- 10 min.
asking for more contributions in order to build more kh and reminded everyone not only to give cash but don't forget about leaving something for them in your will.. 25 min.
on the proper use of blood which is also a joke.. the km mentioned you cannot take the four components of blood individually in your body but every component was broken into smaller fractions which is up to you to make a decision to accept or reject.. the common jw does not know their left from their right in making decisions about the dozens of fractions of blood but they will obey blindly and not ask a question because that would be considered apostasy.. .
What should I do? (stay or go?)
by Anony-Mouse inas you may (doubtfully) or may not (more likely) know, there's a certain girl at the kh i'm interested in.
very interested in.
the more i talk to her, the more i think she likes me back (i've always been a good judge of character, knock on wood :p ) .
I know it is such a cliche and the last thing you want to hear, but you are so young!! (And yes, I hated to hear that when I was your age,too.) I'll tell you what I told my stepson when he was 16 and crushing on a 14 year old in his hall. (By the way, now that he is 18, he has changed in what he wants already and is no longer interested in this girl, even though he was in his mind planning the wedding when he was 16)
What I told him was this. What you need and want in a woman (and I emphasize woman because a woman is ready to marry, a girl is not) WILL change drastically by the time you are 25. That is inevitable because you will still be growing and changing and figuring out who you are and deciding where you want to go, what you want to do with your life, career and free time, what you NEED and want in a mate. And when you set your sights and pour your future into one person at your age, you are depriving yourself of the time needed to mature as an individual.
I speak from experinece, in the position of the girl who was 14 when I set my sights on a guy I grew up with, 15 when we made ourselves a couple, 16 when we got engaged, 18 when we married and 27 when we divorced. 13 years of my life. Had we waited until I was older and he was older, we likely never would have married. I thought I was all grown up at 18. In hindsight, I know that I was still a girl when I married, not a woman. And don't think that LOTS of people didn't try to tell me not to get married, but I was too proud and stubborn to listen to anyone. I "knew" (ha) what I wanted and no one was going to come between me and the vision I had for my life. How wrong I was, and how much pain I could have saved myself, and the son born of that marriage, who did not ask for the situation he is now in but has to suffer through the consequences of those mistakes just the same, if I had treated that first relationship as the beginning of my journey to adulthood instead of the end!
I'm sorry for droning on. I guess I just want to pass on a little of my hard and painfully won "wisdom" , if I can even call it that. I am certainly not saying that your fate would be the same as mine turned out to be, and this is certainly the seriously abridged version of that story, but the younger you marry, the greater your chances of becoming a divorce statistic when you grow to find out that what interested you at 16 or 18 makes you miserable at 25.
I wish you the best.
Be Safe
by purplesofa inwatching the weather across the us.
be safe, it looks treacherous in many areas.. where i am, we are supposed to get it tonight.. take care and let us know how you are doing so.
we don't worry.. purps.
Nothing but COLD here, at least cold for San Diego! It is 49 right now and I might even have to turn on the heat! Sorry for anyone getting snowed on!
Post a picture of your Christmas tree!
by restrangled in.
here is a picture of our tree and my darling dobes!
please send a picture of your tree and any darlings you want to include!.
restrangled -
thank you . I admit that Chrismas decorations are one of my greatest joys and I am slowly building my collection. I feel like I am about 14 years behind in collecting decorations, so I am adding what I can every year.
fi yuo cna raed tihs, yuo hvae a sgtrane mnid, too.
by AK - Jeff infi yuo cna raed tihs, yuo hvae a sgtrane mnid, too.
cna yuo raed tihs?
olny 55 plepoe tuo fo 100 anc.
I hvae no porlebm rineadg taht.
Post a picture of your Christmas tree!
by restrangled in.
here is a picture of our tree and my darling dobes!
please send a picture of your tree and any darlings you want to include!.
fibromyalgia or chronic fatigue syndrome
by reneeisorym ini remember when i was in the dubs, there were tons of sisters all with the same set of mild depression and fibromyalgia/chronic fatigue syndrom symptoms.
i wonder if this was related to the hell jws put you through or if it was just something one woman had to have because the other did.
i haven't heard of hardly anyone having it outside of the dubs but in the congregation about 75% of the women had it!
Both my sister and I have been diagnosed with fibromyalgia. For me, it was earlier this year. There are good days and bad days - some days, I don't feel like I have the energy to do anything. Other times, I feel just fine. Lots of joint pain. Miserable crap, and I can't blame it on witnesses because I have been out for 10 years now.
Post a picture of your Christmas tree!
by restrangled in.
here is a picture of our tree and my darling dobes!
please send a picture of your tree and any darlings you want to include!.
Can someone tell me how to post my picture full size on this post? I have it on photobucket, but I'm too dumb to know how to link it to my post.
by Mary ini think most of us were probably trained to believe that money can't buy happiness, but is that really true?
i know i'd be a hell of a lot happier with more money....what about you?
of course, there are the big examples we all know of---people who had lots of money, fame, but they weren't happy.
I wouldn't say that it buys happiness, but it certainly can relieve an amazing amount of stress! THink about what it would be like never having to worry about how your bills will be paid each month, to go out to dinner if you don't want to cook. To have enough money to care for your necessities and even some wants, and still be able to help others who are not as financially blessed is a great feeling. Money can buy peace of mind, but the happiness part is up to the individual, not the income.
If you want a Christmas Card
by mouthy infrom me send me a address on my pm .
mother/granny/mouthy always send cards to her loved ones seems no one has started a christmas exchange gift this year & i am not going to start it either
I still have more room on my list (only at 21 so far) if anyone still wants to get onto it. ( I noticed Mouthy has closed her list and after that many cards, I would too!). Also, if anyone wants a copy of my list, please PM me with your address to add to the list and an email address to send the list to.