We had a real one for our first tree last year, and will be going with that again this year. We had a 7 foot Fraser Fir, and it was gorgeous. Sure, we had to vacuum every day to clean up the needles, and remember to water it, but it looked so beautiful and smelled so good!
JoinedPosts by caligirl
Ho Ho Ho!!
by happy2b inare we all ready for christmas?!!
so, who here buys 'real' trees and who has the fake?
this will be our 4th christmas.
Quite obviously, a teenager that would do this is apparently still in need of very close adult supervision and definitely in need of a psych eval! He is obviously a few french fries short of a happy meal. My 6 year old comprehends that burns hurt! Good God! For the kid or the parents to blame a movie is ridiculous. I agree that the movies are released based on what people will watch and that there is no accounting for taste on occasion, but for the average person with half a braincell, they can recognize the difference between reality and a movie and are smart enough not to try it! I do not think a movie should be pulled because a few people are not smart enough to leave what they see where it belongs - as entertainment for a couple of hours and leave knowing that most people are not dumb enough to do what they did in the movie. But if someone is a moron, taking that one movie out of theaters isn't going to make it better. The responsibility belongs to individuals to make intelligent decisions.
Why I don't Have Children
by teenyuck ini just read luckylucy's thread and wanted to tell my story.
i also want to ask a question: why are women who have children viewed more favorably than women who don't?
especially if the choice is to not have children.
I do not think that there is anything wrong at all with not having children. I do not think you are selfish for not wanting a child. There is no law anywhere that there is something wrong with you if you do not have children. I am sorry that some people have obviously made you feel that there is something wrong with not having children. Having children is not like deciding to buy a new couch. There is no turning back from a commitment to have a child, and not everyone wants to make that commitment. It does not make you a child hater, or selfish. I say that it makes you wise to be able to recognize that you are not ready for that commitment. Fortunately, we live in a time where we can make that choice. So ignore all the biddys who tell you that you are lacking because you do not have children. We are all individuals and are free to make our own choices - what matters is how you feel about your life, not what someone else thinks you and your husband need to make your life complete.
Whose a Cohabitant w/ another poster here?
by BadJerry inok, who shares the same domicile with another poster here?
i'm with...maybe i'd better let her reveal that.
or should we make it a game and try to guess who??????????????
I blissfully cohabitate with freedom96.
Quriky Fluff Stuff
by Crystal in.
what do you like that most people don't?i like loud thunder storms and eating lemon slices ..peeling included.
edited to keep it clean!edited by - crystal on 13 november 2002 17:40:43.
My turn for fluff
by shera in.
whats your favorite t.v show(s).
heheh mine is buffy the vampire slayer and angel..lol yep i'm 32. in contrast i like touched by an angel as well.oh...aaaand i like watching the learning channel anything on science
Don't have just one favorite - Charmed, Sex in the City, CSI, Friends, Buffy, Just about anything on FoodTv (except Martha Stewart)
? re door to door JWs
by truthsetsfree ini am not a witness or ex-witness but rather a 35 year old mom engaging in a dialogue with witnesses who are coming to my door.
(i may not change their minds but i'd like to plant seeds of doubt!
) i am trying to figure out what is behind a strategy (?
I think they are looking for the appropriate troops. The statement that you made about always enjoying talking to others about your belief probably scared the younger less "experienced" girls, so they are sending "older ones" who have more experience with overcoming objections. Never lose sight of the fact that the purpose of their visit is to make you question YOUR faith - they already beleive that you are in the wrong, and their mission is to convince you of that. Odds are that once they realize that you are not conversion material, you won't see any of them again. Good luck with planting seeds of doubt in them, and we'd love to hear progress reports!
Best Sex within Marriage?
by ThiChi inbest sex within marriage?.
women enjoy best sex within marriage .
tue nov 12, 9:10 am et .
Best sex within marriage? Most definitely!
I would like to add a comment on that article though. To blame a TV show for causing one to cheat is to deny responsibility for ones own actions. Either you have it in you to cheat, or you don't. It is not the fault of a FICTIONAL TV program! I am not saying that no one lives like the girls on that show, but I definitely do not accept their behavior as normal or something to emulate! Don't get me wrong, I love the show and watch it all the time, but never once have I said "Hmm.. It must be ok to cheat because I saw it on the show."
Gone for good?
by JH inwhat would make you come back to the organisation?
after the 9-11 events, many were scared of what would happen next, and returned to the meetings.
now that the dust has fallen, in more ways than one, what event in your life would make you reconsider and go back this time for good.. .
Absolutely positively NOTHING could ever induce me to go back.
The mother of all gripes
by kenpodragon ini personally feel that the single biggest problem in modern society, is the lack of taking personal responsibility for our own actions.
i think that as a culture we have allowed people the room to make excuse after excuse, and accept these as something that should be legit.
well w e see kids raised in families that love them, feed them, take care of them to the best of their means.
You are so right! I also think that a huge contributing factor to all these ridiculous lawsuits is lack of common sense. The legal system would not be so bogged down and would have more time to deal with legitmate issues if people used their brains in the first place. It would also help if the courts would tell these people who file these suits to get lost, rather than awarding them millions. Justice is not at issue here - it is not justice to award someone money for stupidity - in fact in my opinion, it is the opposite. It blows me away that people watch tv stunts and try to immitate it are somehow are not capable of recognizing that they are likely to be injured in the process! The idiot suing MTV should be laughed out of the courtroom and told that no one should have to pay him for his own stupidity!
IMO, part of the problem is that the courts will hear the cases in the first place! Awarding morons money for lacking common sense only encourages more idiots to file stupid lawsuits because they see it as a way to get money for nothing. There are certainly ligitimate cases of personal injury , but setting yourself on fire because you saw it on tv, or putting a hot beverage between your legs while driving and laying the blame on the people that made it when you get burned are examples of supreme idiocy, and should not be rewarded with financial compensation.
Unfortunately, I think all we can do about this is do our best to teach our own children to be responsibile and accountable for their decisions and hope others who posess the gift of common sense will do the same.