Buffy, Charmed, Friends, ER, Will & Grace, CSI, Bewitched, Iron Chef, Quantum Leap, Roseanne, Cheers to name a few.
JoinedPosts by caligirl
How do you do laundry?
by hannibal inmy wify has been gone for two weeks, and i,m running out of skivies.
i havnt done laundry in years, anybody!
hot/ cold/ colors/ whites- i'm lost.
Throw it all in the wash, use cold water and you should be fine with everything in one load, unless you have something new and red, in which case you will be sporting pink socks and BVD's.
(Caligirl is of the "mostly too busy to separate laundry" class)
Of course, your other option is to take yourself shopping for a few new packages of underoos and worry about the dirty ones later!
One for The Romantic
by kelpie inwell my man and i have been talking about getting engaged.
we have been looking at engagement rings and trying them on etc.
now i wont know when he has chosen the ring or is going to propose but he wants some suggestions as to how i would like to be proposed to.
My husband proposed to me on Coronado Island, with the San Diego night skyline as a beautiful background. He got down on one knee and vowed to spend the rest of his life making me as happy as I made him, asked me to be his wife and slipped the most gorgeous ring on my finger. He has certainly made me the happiest woman on earth!
Quite a contrast to my first husband: we walked into JCPenney, tried on a few rings, found one he could afford, I put it on my finger and we left.
PO's sons and daughters sign in here
by Beans inwe were the example of the congregation, we were to do no wrong!
the strickt life of being counselled everyday on everything!
but were we the worst, i did almost everything you were not suposed to do!
Not PO's daughter, but my dad has been an elder for most of my life. I remember the night he became an elder, another elder's wife told me " Now you'll have to be good" Yes folks, I was required to abstain from wearing dangly earings(no, I am NOT kidding!) because allegedly someone was offended by it. Turned out to be the senile PO's wife who never had any children that decided it was wrong (but it was only wrong for me, not any of the other umpteen young teenagers in the hall). My parents thought that it was stupid, but made me go with it anyways to "maintain peace"
Do you remember the "Marked Ones"
by johnathanseagull in.
do you remember the "marked ones" within your cong, i remember a couple who you could see were trying there damm bloody hardest to be accepted within the congregation, always sat at the back never "invited into the fold" fully and there was always the "hmmmm dont associate with them too much, they are spiritually weak etc etc" i remember feeling so sorry for them but i just had to adhere to jah and his organisational ways.............sheesh !!!
and i was told that was being christian.. j gull.
I was of the "unofficially marked" class that Blondie refers to. I just laughed it off, even at 13 because the friend's aunt, who told her that I was "marked" by the circuit had never even met me. I was 13 for God's sake! I thought the whole thing was ridiculous, considering I never really did anything worthy of "marking" (that is until they labeled me and I figured that I might as well earn it, even if it was after the fact!)
This is fun!!!!
by Aztec infunny test!
i love it!
have a great new year everyone!http://people.cornell.edu/pages/anb2/quiz.
When you left the Org............
by SillyPutty inwhat did you do with all those bound volumes, song books, bibles, study books and such?
mine are all packed away in the shed.
They went to the recycling center. I only wish that I had ripped them to shreds first. I hope that they ended up recycled into something useful.
Keep or dump
by Mercedes ini need some advice.
i have been dating this guy for 3 years.
of those 3 years, he has cheated on me many many times, but i can only prove some.
Mercedes -
I would say that your life would be much better without this man. He has cheated before, he will cheat again. Is the fact that the last 6 month may have been good compared to the previous 2 1/2 years worth the future risk of contracting an STD because of his careless and thoughtless behavior? Or worrying what you might do or say that he will react with physical violence towards? He has hit you before, odds are he will do it again. You deserve much better than this man who beats, cheats and causes you emotional trauma. There are good me out there- real men. Don't waste your life on someone who obviously does not value you or give you the consideration and respect you deserve. By staying with this man, you are making a conscious decision to let him continue to abuse you, lower your self esteem, and risking your health both physically and emotionally. I wish you the best of luck and hope you find a happy future.
I wonder if they are still a Jdubs
by William Penwell ini was doing research on another topic and came acroos this article taken form the 1971 kingdom ministry.
i was wondering how many of these good dubs are still selling this crap.
like the fellowin paragraph 6 that started to study and writes, "i am now selling my home and plan to move .
Well, my parents joined up in 73-74 and they are still there. Thankfully, they never did anything stupid like selling their house or buying or borrowing things on the premise of not having to pay them back, though I am aware of several who cashed in life insurance policies and squandered the money, ony to end up in desperate financial trouble. I am aware of very few in the congregation that I grew up in that have left from that "generation" Most of their losses over the years were the younger ones, who were very young in 75 (like me) or were born afterwards. I am still holding out hope that my parents will see it while they still have 20-30 years of life left to enjoy.
Blessings for Loyalty
by JH indid you believe that you would be blessed by god by doing more in the organization?
did you see a relationship between being blessed by god and being active in the organization?
Never.I recall no blessings ever befalling my family, and my parents are still at it after
almost 30 years... I never bought into earning salvation, since the bible clearly states it is
a gift. I never understood how they could say out of one side of their
mouth that it was a gift and out of the other say all those lovely "encouraging" things at all
the meetings that Roddy already recited about having to "prove" how grateful we were for this
"gift" with more service, more everything , etc or else the "gift" could be taken away.
Then I grew up and understood that the orface they were talking out of was on the other
end. Then it all became clear!