I'm so sorry... have fun with your girlfriends, and remember that a broken engagement beats a messy divorce and potentially bringing kids into an unhappy situation any day, no matter how painful it seems right now. You did the right thing for both of you.
JoinedPosts by caligirl
Broken Engagement
by looking_glass inwell, it is offical.
i called off the engagement and broke up w/ long time bf.
although it was my decision, it was still a hard thing to do.
Too Dang HOT!!
by caligirl ini just stepped out into my back yard and thought i was going to melt.
i was going to fill up the inflatable pool for my son, but by the time it gets filled up, the water will be about 90 and not worth the bother.
i'm sure that other california people can relate to this.
Ok Gumby, you win - it is only supposed to hit 105 here in North County, and only because we are somewhat close to the ocean. If we had a pool, I'd be in it - maybe.... it would have to be really good to get me to leave the air conditioning. I've decided that there is nothing I need to do today that will require me to step outside before sundown.
My heart goes out to those of you without air conditioning. I'd be happy to share mine if anyone is close enough...
Too Dang HOT!!
by caligirl ini just stepped out into my back yard and thought i was going to melt.
i was going to fill up the inflatable pool for my son, but by the time it gets filled up, the water will be about 90 and not worth the bother.
i'm sure that other california people can relate to this.
I just stepped out into my back yard and thought I was going to melt. I was going to fill up the inflatable pool for my son, but by the time it gets filled up, the water will be about 90 and not worth the bother.
I'm sure that other California people can relate to this. It is not supposed to be like this! THis is southern California, home of ocean breezes and NO HUMIDITY!! This weather feels like summer in New England!
End Rant
Dear Kotex....
by Scully in(i get the distinct impression that our dear friend mary is responsible for this rant....) .
dear kotex.
i recently noticed that the peel-off strip of my pantiliner had a bunch of kotex tips for life" on it.
Too funny, and so true. The worst is getting the teenage boy doing the check out at the grocery store and throwing boxes of tampons and pads on the conveyer. It doesn't bother me as much as it probably does him. I always watch to see if they will blush.
When I had my c-section, I asked my doctor to go ahead and remove all the plumbing, but she wouldn't do it.
Announcement at Alaskan District Assembly
by Gary1914 inthere was an announcement at the alaskan district assembly last week that the alaskan branch will now be integrated into the us branch.
prior to this alaska's number were always counted separately.
i wonder what this means?
Isn't there a thread somewhere about a private plane that the Borg owns and something about a fishing lodge in Alaska? If they disolve the branch then they lose their claim that all those trips to Alaska are business realated because they won't have "legitimate" business anymore. Or are they just absorbing the numbers and keeping the branch?
Night Owl or Early Bird?
by damselfly ini can't sleep, i'm usually up until 2 (or later) every night.......then the alarm goes off at 6:30 and i'm up to start my day.
i find that i'm more alert and productive in the night time, however i am sooo tired of not being able to sleep.
so how about you, night owl or early bird?
Night Owl, but not always by choice! Major insomniac here.
past lives
by BlackSwan of Memphis inoops lets try again.
i've been wanting to ask people this for awhile.
what would your best guess be as to who you might have been in a past life?
Ok Frozen one, I took that little test, and the first time with my nickname, it said I was a consevative exicutioner, and the second time with my real first name it says I was a mean lunatic. I don't get the feeling that either of those are accurate.
I do know that I am VERY uncomfortable having my back to a door, so maybe I was shot in the back in a former life in the wild west.
Favorite Band as a teenager........
by whyamihere inas a teenager, what was your favorite band?
this band can be a local, main stream etc..... my favorite local band was little blue crunchy things, they were from milwaukee, wi.
(even hung out with them)!
Bon Jovi has to top the list for me.
Duran Duran
Deaf Leopard
Billy Joel
I'm much better at lyrics than I am at remembering the name of the bands. Unless I own or owned the CD (or in my early teens, the tape), I'm mostly lost on who sings what.
last time in field service
by darth frosty inanother poster had the topic about your last meeting, but what really stands out for me is my last time in service.
it was a nice day and i was trying to keep up appearances.
i offered the rags a one door and the householder took them (i didn't bother with the donation spiel.
All I remember is that I went only because I didn't know how to say no to that person that had decided I was her personal project, and I didn't even like the woman. I do remember that I didn't bother to go to the hall because it was so far away. I told her she could pick me up after the meeting, because it meant that I had an extra hour to sleep, and that I would only have to go out for an hour or so before it was time to drop me off so they could go back and meet for the afternoon.
Maybe fluff, but not really, HOW BIG WAS YOUR POWER BILL THIS MONTH?
by restrangled ini am furious, i have a 1700 square foot house with all new appliances including a new air conditioning system by trane.
what was my bill for june?
($400.00) this is beyond belief.
I've been afraid to look, but for the sake of this thread, I'll log in and look at it right now....
$230 for 2000 sq ft. for June. (up $100 from May) We ran the air a lot more than normal last month, and this month we have run it even more because it has been beastly hot & humid for this area. I normally don't turn it on until later in the afternoon, and I have been having it on by 9 in the morning. Usually it doesn't get this warm until September. Guess we are in for a few months of big electric bills.