Not totally, however it appears that it is more accurate then the NWT.
I wonder why they wont reveal who there scholars are ? It seems like
they are again trying to cover something up. Could it be because there
scholars were freemasons instead of scholars of the Greek. Why did they intentionally omit scriptures the make reference to Jesus and the
Holy Spirit ?? Eygytians didnt embrace the God of Moses right ? so it
makes since why so many of the "rendered" scriptures leave out anything to do with that out. e.i Acts 8:37 Matt 23:14 18:11 17: 21 Mark 7:16 John 5:4 they just took them out completely to name a few. Rev 22 : 18-19 you arent suppose to add or take away from the Word right ?
I am currently researching the scholars for the KJV as well. At least
I can get the names and creditals on those scholars unlike the NWT
who hide every thing like its some sort of big secret.
Let me ask you, if you would let a doctor do brain or heart surgery
on you if he would allow you know where he went to school and what
he was degree'd in would you ? Then why trust ANYONE who cant or wont
allow there followers to do proper research on there organization ?
After all they have thousands of believers trusting in THERE WORD and
putting there faith in men. Instead of policing there followers lifestyles maybe the should be more concerned with the TRUTH about
there own organization after all they are talking about there souls and eteranl life ?.