I wish I could share this thread with a friend of ours - unfortunately he's still on the inside and really hasn't accepted (correct that: chooses not to really recognize that we are totally OUT - That way he can continue talking with us) - anyway, he's 48 - raised in the truth - never been married - and has never made it past MS. He's been removed and reappointed in 4 different states. His single desire in life is to be appointed elder and he'll never get there. Although every decision he makes in his life is governed by his ministry (from what job he takes to what car he drives to where he lives), his personality grates on some - he's loud. He doesn't have a glass of the kool-aid, he's got and regularly drinks from a bucket of it. The WT is the law for him - there is no separation . . . but try as he does, he'll never get there. An it's an absolute source of frustration in his life!
JoinedPosts by Nellie
Just reviewing my years of non-appointment as an elder.
by AK - Jeff ini had 'reached out' to be an elder for a decade before i finally understood the reasons why i was not, nor would i ever be one.. each visit of the co, my name was on the list of discussion.
i know this because i was told by both co's and local elders.
the vote was always close, sometimes i missed the cut due to 'low hours' on the part of my wife or daughter, othertimes due to some variation in the way the wts was looking at particular 'requirements'.
It feels good not to be under that kind of control anymore
by troubled mind indid you feel guilty when you missed meetings for no good reason ?
did you feel you had to hide from other witnesses seing you ?
how did it make you feel if someone did see you , the next time you saw them did you make-up some excuse ?.
The WT spin on "tattling" is that you are showing your LOVE for your brother by helping to correct whatever the problem is. And there are guidelines: 1st you are to go to your brother and tell them your concern; if that doesn't fix the problem, you bring another "mature" one with you to assist in correcting them; then if that one still doesn't address the issue, you go to the elders.
So guys, you see it's not really tattling at all . . . it's love
Grieving not complete
by teela(2) inbumped into an old friend of my mothers.
her daughter died in a car crash over 30 years ago.
the truth is all she can talk about and seeing her daughter again.
It's hard to grasp just how much this belief affects the lives of the R&F. I have a friend who has been living a double life for 10+ years. She does this with her eyes open and yet won't consider the idea that the org is not the truth. She lost her mother last year and says that she can't live with the thouht she won't see her mother in the new system. (She doesn't quite grasp the fact that sleeping with her worldly boyfriend regularly might keep her out of that paradise . . . but that's her fantasy she's living in.) Anyway, I see that she just can't let go of that hope.
It's my Birthday!!!
by Nellie inokay, so thursday was my actual birthday - but i understand that i should be celebrating the whole week long .
see what i missed all those years!.
so, happy birthday to me !
Thanks all! I celebrated with a "spa day" - it was fabulous!!! Then the family went out to dinner and I got . . . gifts (horray). Then my hubbie surprised me yesterday by ordering an absolutely decadent cake (cheesecake, rum cake, chocolate mousse & fudge icing) and we invited our friends in the neighborhood over for cake a coffee. It was the perfect ending to the week.
So, now today's Father's Day and I get to return the pampering!
I guess he's earned a few brownie points this week!
It's my Birthday!!!
by Nellie inokay, so thursday was my actual birthday - but i understand that i should be celebrating the whole week long .
see what i missed all those years!.
so, happy birthday to me !
Okay, so Thursday was my actual birthday - but I understand that I should be celebrating the whole week long . . . see what I missed all those years!
So, Happy Birthday to ME !
WHAT would YOU do? Teen issues.....
by onlycurious inmy oldest daughter is a handful.
she has a mouth that just doesn't seem to stop and today we got into it .....again.. well, after a bunch of crap coming out of her mouth, i smacked her on the arm and told her to quit the talking to me that way.. then, it got worse when she kicked me.
geez, how would you have dealt with this kind of thing.. i told her i'm going to send her to a camp this summer where they put her on a giant kite (parasailing) and make her fly off a cliff.
Your comment leads me to believe that this was habitual with your mother and (at least in your opinion) unwarranted. If you were mature enough to actually get to a hotel and then convince management to let you book a room, I'm guessing you probably didn't deserve to be hit. I'm glad you were safe and survived.
WHAT would YOU do? Teen issues.....
by onlycurious inmy oldest daughter is a handful.
she has a mouth that just doesn't seem to stop and today we got into it .....again.. well, after a bunch of crap coming out of her mouth, i smacked her on the arm and told her to quit the talking to me that way.. then, it got worse when she kicked me.
geez, how would you have dealt with this kind of thing.. i told her i'm going to send her to a camp this summer where they put her on a giant kite (parasailing) and make her fly off a cliff.
Biscous - Maybe I need to clarify for you my stand. I don't endorse boxing matches with children - but I would not stand there and let anyone hit me - especially my child. The rules are simple:
- You cannot disrespect me - EVER. You will be called on this each and every time you do. Eventually, repeated breaking of this rule will affect our relationship - and you want me as a friend.
- You cannot hit me - EVER. If you hit me - I will beat you down! Plain and simple. This goes beyond disrepect - will never be tolerated and I will hurt you.
My 12 year old had developed the habit of saying "Oh my God" whenever he was told no about something. After months of correcting him on this and "reasoning" with him - he did it again - in front of my peers (and the straw broke the camel's back). I was sitting behind the wheel of my car - he got in the front seat and . . . WHACK! I backhanded him right in the kisser! One hit - one time - guess what - problem ended - he got the message - DISRESPECTING ME COMES WITH CONSEQUENCES!!! Now, when his little sister starts whining when I tell her something - he says to her "Don't do that. Go do what Mom said." The shame is he didn't heed his older brother's warnings!
It's been a month now and he's good. I'm fairly confident that it'll be a while before he'll need another reminder. By the way, I can't remember the last time I hit him (for anything). These lessons tend to last a while!
Which WT doctrines or belief is correct???
by vitty inconsidering that most if not all of the wt beliefs are bs......................do you think any of them are right?.
i myself dont believe in hell fire, but foreverything else, the trinity imortality of the soul, the great apostacy or armageddon im still not 100 % sure.
so which ones do you think the wt are spot on with ?.
The root of society is the family. And when cared for properly (that mean's including God), there's no stronger bond.
WHAT would YOU do? Teen issues.....
by onlycurious inmy oldest daughter is a handful.
she has a mouth that just doesn't seem to stop and today we got into it .....again.. well, after a bunch of crap coming out of her mouth, i smacked her on the arm and told her to quit the talking to me that way.. then, it got worse when she kicked me.
geez, how would you have dealt with this kind of thing.. i told her i'm going to send her to a camp this summer where they put her on a giant kite (parasailing) and make her fly off a cliff.
Sorry folks - I would have beat her ass!
I know it's not the politically correct thing to do. But yes, we really do handle things differently in black households. For all the mouth my children may have (and I suspect it's not as bad as most), my kids have enough respect (read FEAR) of me that they would never hit me - even though being male and weightlifters, they could all hurt me if they did.
I understand the whole girl-thing isn't quite the same - but if she's old enough to hit, she's old enough to get hit back! She's crossed a line that's not invisible. She's 17 years old and she knew what she was doing the moment she raised her hand. We would have been having the rest of the conversation with her looking up from the floor!
It's been a while
by Nellie insince i visited (or posted) and i thought i'd pop in and see what was going on in the world of jwd.. have i missed any new scandals in my absence?
any exciting updates?.
Hey All - Thanks for the welcome backs!
Sassy - You're right we did chat a while back
Delilah - Thanks for remembering me . . . (don't I sound like Eeyore?)
What's new? Nothing much. Still trying to adjust to LAW (life after Witnesses) . . . lately, I've been thinking about an old friend who has "marked" me I guess and doesn't call/come by. I should be angry (especially since she still talks to her disfellowshipped mother), but there's still a large part of me that wants to hang with her. We became friends at 17 and I guess she's just a hard habit to break. Well, for me I guess - not so hard for her! I do have wonderful woman friends in my life - but I haven't found one to fill her spot. I'm putting this off on hormones - God, I can't wait for this to pass . . .