jwfacts: I absolutely agree that these friends are worth fighting for - the problem is, they don't appear to feel the same way!
JoinedPosts by Nellie
How many of you still have friends in the org?
by Nellie ina good friend of mine moved away 10 years ago.
needless to say, we lost touch over the years, but our family always spoke of them warmly and with with great affection.. last week, their daughter looked my son up on my-space and we reconnected.
they've left the organization, basically got fed up with the hypocrasy of the membership.
How many of you still have friends in the org?
by Nellie ina good friend of mine moved away 10 years ago.
needless to say, we lost touch over the years, but our family always spoke of them warmly and with with great affection.. last week, their daughter looked my son up on my-space and we reconnected.
they've left the organization, basically got fed up with the hypocrasy of the membership.
It's enough to really piss me off, but I refuse to give them the power to disrupt the life I'm creating without them!
How many of you still have friends in the org?
by Nellie ina good friend of mine moved away 10 years ago.
needless to say, we lost touch over the years, but our family always spoke of them warmly and with with great affection.. last week, their daughter looked my son up on my-space and we reconnected.
they've left the organization, basically got fed up with the hypocrasy of the membership.
That's hysterical. I reconnected with a HS friend - a brother - we were both witnesses in HS. We reconnected and he spent the first few months telling me how sorry he was he never made a move on me in HS. How hot I was, etc., then he went on to tell me how he had cheated on his wife and she had forgiven him . . . three times! After listening to his BS for those months, I asked him what was he still doing in the org when his heart obviously wasn't in it? I told him I no longer believed it was the truth although I appreciated the good principles they taught. His response? He called me an apostate and hasn't spoken to me since. We're having a HS reunion in a few months - I wonder what that'll be like! Personally, I don't think he has the balls to show up! LOL
How many of you still have friends in the org?
by Nellie ina good friend of mine moved away 10 years ago.
needless to say, we lost touch over the years, but our family always spoke of them warmly and with with great affection.. last week, their daughter looked my son up on my-space and we reconnected.
they've left the organization, basically got fed up with the hypocrasy of the membership.
Warlock - LOL This friend of yours from HS - is it a witness?
How many of you still have friends in the org?
by Nellie ina good friend of mine moved away 10 years ago.
needless to say, we lost touch over the years, but our family always spoke of them warmly and with with great affection.. last week, their daughter looked my son up on my-space and we reconnected.
they've left the organization, basically got fed up with the hypocrasy of the membership.
Wow! I guess I shouldn't be complaining much then. I just expected so much more from some that I was especially close to. One girl I'd called my BF since we were 17 - now she doesn't call or anything. Another asked and was present at the birth of my child. She's afraid to talk to me. Mind you, I'm not DF'd or DA'd.
How many of you still have friends in the org?
by Nellie ina good friend of mine moved away 10 years ago.
needless to say, we lost touch over the years, but our family always spoke of them warmly and with with great affection.. last week, their daughter looked my son up on my-space and we reconnected.
they've left the organization, basically got fed up with the hypocrasy of the membership.
A good friend of mine moved away 10 years ago. Needless to say, we lost touch over the years, but our family always spoke of them warmly and with with great affection.
Last week, their daughter looked my son up on My-Space and we reconnected. They've left the organization, basically got fed up with the hypocrasy of the membership. She said she stopped calling because I didn't return a call she made to me 6 years ago and thought I was making a stand for the org. (Not that we had talked about fading or anything - but you know the witness hotline - she thought I'd heard something.) ... six wasted years ... actually I'd just lost her number and didn't know how to get it. But all is well now
So I've been thinking a lot about friendship (I'm on that chapter in Search for Christian Freedom) and I've come to the realization that I probably only have two friends in the org left. Two friends who I've shared my true feelings with and they still accept me as me and our relationships hasn't changed one bit. TWO FRIENDS OUT OF A LIFETIME AND 35 YEARS OF ASSOCIATION! How about you - any friends left?
At a crossroads, need advice
by doinmypart inover the last few years i have been trying unsucessfully to get my wife out of the org.
we've had a lot of ups & downs, arguments, and miserable times.
well, my wife has finally told me that she will respect my decision to no longer be a jw, and i can also do what i feel is best for our children in this respect.
Continue showing your wife that you love her and want the family to stay intact. When I saw my husband pulling away from the org, I remember thinking, "Does this mean he's going to be leaving me too?"
It's so hard to separate the organization from your "LIFE" - she needs reassurance. Your kids should still see you in the role of father, provider, husband...
Encourage your kids to make friends, in the neighborhood, at school and through activities. You'll find it easy to make friends with the parents. Relax and let the rest happen naturally.
Should you try and call an old dub friend? What if you did?
by gumby inok, sunnygal inspired this one.. today i wondered what would happen if i called an old dub friend.
he's an elder.
i met him in jr. high as he was in my metalshop class and i mentioned i was a witness.
I hate to admit that I agree with LT - they've stacked the deck against all of us pretty well. Just remember how you would've reacted when you were "in." Actually, I never reacted as strongly as some - I guess that's why I was able to beat the odds.
Should you try and call an old dub friend? What if you did?
by gumby inok, sunnygal inspired this one.. today i wondered what would happen if i called an old dub friend.
he's an elder.
i met him in jr. high as he was in my metalshop class and i mentioned i was a witness.
Funny, I called an old friend 2-3 weeks ago. To make a long story short, I read him the riot act about not being in touch, etc. He told me he had "heard things." I told him that he shouldn't be relying on "hearing things" that our relationship dated far enough back and was sooo close that he should have been verifying any concerns he and his wife had.
Advance to end: He apologized, told me I was right - said "we will always be friends" - acknowledged that he hadn't been acting like a friend - and promised to call back. He also said he would have his wife call me. You guessed it, I haven't heard from either one of them.
So - it's worth the effort - but go into it with your eyes open, not expecting much - just so you're not too disappointed.
I'm sinking into depression and I can't seem to shake it
by Nellie inyesterday was my birthday - sunday is father's day.
we went out to dinner (my first celebration in over 30 years), my husband gave me a beautiful gift, my kids were great, my sister (who's baptized, but on shaky ground herself) sent me flowers and joined us .
i'm filled with sadness for all the missed years .
Since I stopped doubling my medicine on Friday, the depression has lifted and while I can't say that all my medical issues have cleared up - at least I'm once again dealing from a "normal" emotional state. I'm sure my family would debate that last statement - but WHATEVER!
At least I'm no longer looking for the corner! Yeah!