"You're a dog returning to its vomit."
I don't recall having 'vomited' in the first place - I'd been a JW since before I was born! What does this even mean?
Confusing, stupid AND crazy. Nice one mum.
bring back the memories.
"You're a dog returning to its vomit."
I don't recall having 'vomited' in the first place - I'd been a JW since before I was born! What does this even mean?
Confusing, stupid AND crazy. Nice one mum.
what's two cities in the stream of human history?.
Heh, great video, Dinah!
i fail to see why people such as alice in wonderland, bane and others, are regularly singled out as tolls.
demands are repeatedly made that they are shunned and thrown off the forum; while people like perry, who rant on with pages of controversial drivel, are considered acceptable?.
i personaly don't view any of them as trolls, just people who feel a need to stand up for what they believe.
What I wonder is, whether we are handling them in the most appropriate way?
... I don't think it is actually the responsibility of anybody here to 'handle them'. I have grown out of the compulsion to convert anybody to what I think, and I think that everybody has the right to believe whatever stupid thing they want. I do, however, think that they'd be better off on a discussion board that responds positively to what they think, and that they know that themselves, and that they're here because they like to push buttons.
i still go to a few meetings a month just to keep members of my family happy.. the witnesses seemed to be getting all worked up about how close the end.
it sorta feels like the 1975 era only 35 years later.
the brother who gave.
Yeah sure, we should be SO grateful! For every year that armadillo doesn't happen, Jehovah has to kill another 134 million babies when it finally does. SO worth it to get a few more thousand JW's through to the new world...
i've got one of those forever single friend.. he tries to be friends with every kind of "spiritual" sister out there.
they use him for gifts, rides, and paying their diner meals when the friends go out.. he's in his late 40's and has himself been used by 5 sisters in a 15 years span.. he says he's found a good one, but she goes to meetings and is studying the "troof".
his elders and nosybody acquantences have told him to lay off of her until she's baptized and then some (2-3 years for prooving herself in the lord) or else loose his priviliges.. i tried to nonchalantly telling him that was hogwash, but the pharasees have a grip on him.
Priviliges! LOL!
i realize i'm a bit quiet here, and most if not all won't remember my story, so here is a brief synopsis.
i recently decided that i'd rather pursue life rather than a future life promised but not realized.
i was fortunate enough that my husband agreed in that he didn't want any man telling him what he had to do, or how to live, and so left with me.
That's an amazing story. So sorry that you're going through this! The pick up and move, if it's as doable as you say, has to be the best option.
It gets better. It takes years though - so live your life in the meantime while it happens.
i've just watched all 3 parts of francis ford coppola's epic godfather once again.
it is a superb achievement on many levels.
each viewing reveals something new and fresh.. i recall, as a good jw at the time, not seeing it when released as it was not certified as 'suitable' given the content for jws.
I have a hundred favourite movies. Today I'm picking American Beauty and Fight Club, because of how startling they both were.
just heard sister g______ is very ill and not looking good at all.
shes in her 40's and looks like an old lady!
very tired she can barely manage to work a day or two because she has to...i myself crashed with glanduar fever and was tired for 4 years...still others have developed "pioneer syndrome" tired, always ill with no cure, increased need for sleep.
----What has the AWAKE had to say in the past few years? My ex-wife is/was a pioneer and she, along with 20% of the sisters in the cong self diagnosed themselves with chronic fatigue, lupos, and fibromialgia (spelling?) after it was mentioned in the awake mag around the mid 90's.---
Out At Last! - Welcome to the forum. You make an interesting point. Watchtower articles are contagious. I have known countless JWs with Chronic Fatigue but never met a nonJW with it. Before CF everyone second JW seemed to think they had Candida. A few years ago almost all the pioneer sisters caught glandular fever.
My theory is the false, failed expectation of a never arriving new system (along with the resultant cognitive dissonance) puts JWs into a form of stress and depression. Rather than admint their lethargy and sorrow being due to the religion, they look for the latest fad illness as the justification.
... That's my mum, all the way to her crazy fake doctor, with all of the sisters she has convinced to do the same!
just heard sister g______ is very ill and not looking good at all.
shes in her 40's and looks like an old lady!
very tired she can barely manage to work a day or two because she has to...i myself crashed with glanduar fever and was tired for 4 years...still others have developed "pioneer syndrome" tired, always ill with no cure, increased need for sleep.
Depression manifests itself with these physical symptoms very often (exhaustion, diet problems... ) I pioneered, and it happened to me. God was going to solve all my problems, and he kept not doing so. Every few years it was worse, not better.
has anyone read this book?.
i figured i had to comment because everyone was telling me oh tim, youre going to love this book.
she went to the same assemblies as you, she was raised in a similar household, she did poetry slams as well.
You two people; Rachel, Tuesday - you're the same person, aren't you?