Welcome feelingfree-- I have suffered from depression since I was a toddler before I was a JW. My whole family suffers from depression and my mother was very mentally ill-- possibly schizophrenic undiagnosed, not sure, my father was an extremely angry & bitter man, and my siblings are all extremely whacked. I suffer from bipolar, was diagnosed a few years ago and am currently doing well on medication and in therapy. It does run in families & it can be hereditary.
The JW religion practically made me suicidal because my sister and I became JWs (no other family members), and when you suffer from depression, become a teenager, and then become a JW--- BAD mixture! I got baptised at 13, and am surprised I did not off myself in high school because I felt so terrible, so lost & so alone and NOT GOOD ENOUGH JW.
Now, life is good and I am a better person-- try not to judge others or be so hard on myself like when I was a JW.