I ask b/c I just got a popup from a dating website w/ one of Matt's screen names..........
Should I be worried?
luv, jojo
i ask b/c i just got a popup from a dating website w/ one of matt's screen names........... should i be worried?.
luv, jojo
I ask b/c I just got a popup from a dating website w/ one of Matt's screen names..........
Should I be worried?
luv, jojo
i have to say it is richie rich!!
At least I'm popular in my own little world.
luv, jojo
yesterday i was trying to find a place to park at the clinic.
and its not easy.
so i see a guy get in his car, so i put on my blinker and wait.
I have extreme road rage...I'm sure my blood pressure jumps a good 20 points as soon as I get in the car.
Memphis drivers are terrible and I hate every single one of them.
1. Rubber neckers...HATE YOU HATE YOU HATE YOU HATE YOU!!!!!!!! Trust me retard! If the wreck is bad enough for you to slam on your brakes to look at, you'll see it tonight on the news. SO DRIVE!
2. People who gun it to get in front of you while pulling out of a driveway or parking lot......then slow down till they're at least 20 below the speed limit.
3. People who go 50 miles on the effin' interstate.
4. People who sit there picking there nose, scratching their ass or whatever....AND THE LIGHT HAS BEEN GREEN FOR 15 SECONDS!!!!!
5. People who won't turn left unless they have an arrow. DO YOU SEE THE SIGN MORON??? LEFT TURN YIELD ON GREEN!!! IT MEANS YOU CAN GO!!!!
6. People who don't go right on red.
And my number one driving pet peeve of all time....**drumroll**
luv, jojo
name good excuses that should be good enough to miss a meeting but not good enough for the elders...
I have crabs.
luv, jojo
yesterday after school i had to go work on a project with friends.
mom said be home by 5, but there was a huge accident a mile from where i live, and i sat on the road for like 10 - 12 minutes, and was 5 minutes late getting home.
mom was there (didn't go to work- guess why) and she was pissed.
The more I hear about your parents reaction the more I am getting a glimpse into your upbringing. Your mom is obviously very abusive emotionally, and your dad doesn't tell her to knock it off (parental neglect is a form of abuse), or he is abusive as well.
I fully agree with CYP on this Richie. What your mom is doing, is exactly what my mother did to me for over 18 years. Even when I was 19 and a legal adult, she still went through all of my things and was constantly confiscating things. And it is abuse...both mental and emotional.
Starting Saturday, open a bank account, get direct deposit, save your money and get the duck outa' fodge!!!!
I luv you sweetie and I think about you everyday. You're a good kid.
luv, jojo
i heard about this on the hispanic channel the other night and looked it up just now and found this link.
they plan a one day boycott in which they will not spend one cent on that day.
Maybe because you lived in such a rough neighborhood, you are so prejudice against Hispanics. I bet you have a bunker full of canned goods and guns to defend yourself when "they" come and take your land.... freakin rednecks....
Daniel, I honestly enjoy your posts...honestly...but I also understand where U/D is coming from. As you can gather from my previous posts, I have the same views as U/D...illegal immigration is wrong no matter how you put it. I'm Mexican and I don't have a bunker full of canned goods and guns.
luv, jojo
i heard about this on the hispanic channel the other night and looked it up just now and found this link.
they plan a one day boycott in which they will not spend one cent on that day.
Jojo, they at least aren't getting things 100% tax free. They still have to pay taxes when they buy things.
Yeah...but I still have to give up $200 of my check to Uncle Sam. luv, jojo
i heard about this on the hispanic channel the other night and looked it up just now and found this link.
they plan a one day boycott in which they will not spend one cent on that day.
The one I found to be the hardest were the oranges as I had delivered my son less than a week before I went to work. I believe it was four days to be exact. I was young and stupid and didn't know that I souldn't start back to work so soon. I had to quit because I started to hemorrhage one day while working.I am no stranger to hard work and it pisses me off when people say that Americans are lazy since I know I am not and I am American. There are lazy people in every nationality. I've seen my share of lazy mexicans also. I've also worked with a few who would slow down just to make hours
I can't imagine....you poor thing...
You know...what pisses me off....is seeing these Mexicans who may or may not be illegal....I don't know...but I pass them on the way to work every morning and evening and they're building 3 extra lanes on our interstate. And I have to wonder...''How much of my taxes are going to them? And the don't pay SH*T on any of it!!!''
luv, jojo
i heard about this on the hispanic channel the other night and looked it up just now and found this link.
they plan a one day boycott in which they will not spend one cent on that day.
He had a $9 an hour restaurant dish washing job. He said what he made in one hour at the restaurantwas more than he would make in a whole day in Mexico. After working at the restaurant for a few years
he returned to Mexico with enough money to buy a new truck and some land. Now he is returning
to work illegally at the restaurant to save enough to build on the land he purchased.
He should legalize his citizenship and he'll make even more money.
luv, jojo
i heard about this on the hispanic channel the other night and looked it up just now and found this link.
they plan a one day boycott in which they will not spend one cent on that day.
I hear ya WH's...when you figure in the millions of illegal immigrants that are here...if they all paid taxes....***pssshhh***....don't even get me started.
I've picked fruit ie. Oranges, apples, cucumbers, and even primed tobacco. I've even worked in a chicken factory. If they wouldn't pay so little for such hard work I'd still do it.
I don't know where you grew up...but try picking cotton for 19 years in the Mississippi heat like my dad did. I can only imagine what ya'll went through. luv, jojoof the thank god i work in an air conditioned office class