I know this is long and drawn out but some info about Bill from the mid 80s few people know
i followed dawg's post to limbaugh's site and got a kick out of this:.
I know this is long and drawn out but some info about Bill from the mid 80s few people know
i followed dawg's post to limbaugh's site and got a kick out of this:.
I found this article interesting, especially in light of the company they keep within the Counsil on Foreign Relations and The Bilderberg group.
it's the magellan roadmate one.
my husband got it.
the company is only open during business hours... wondering if there's a way to plug in the p/n number and find out where it is when somebody goes to use it....
Some models like my Garmin has a lock/security feature, which prevents the unit from performing any functions until you enter a user-defined four-digit PIN or take it to a predetermined location for it to come on. Next one you get make sure you have some sort of features like that. Sorry to hear about yours getting stolen. Good news is that they are coming down in price.
ah yes, music fans , the " king of reggae " as he was so aptly called.
my wife and i really like him a lot.
so what are your favorite songs from him ?
Oh my favorite CD by him is Legend The Best of Bob Marley and the Wailers
ah yes, music fans , the " king of reggae " as he was so aptly called.
my wife and i really like him a lot.
so what are your favorite songs from him ?
I LOVE Bob Marley!! - I spent most of last year listening to them in my car on my ipod - some of my favs are
Stir It Up
No Woman No Cry
one of my favorite songs to drive to by him is Jamaica Rum
i needed a new vacuum cleaner..so i did a bit of research and decided the "dyson" was the one for me..it is specially designed never to lose suction.it performs at 100% until you need to empty it..it uses no bags and never needs new filters...............it has a nice long hose on it for doing stairs..i used it to grab the dog`s ass..he liked it!..he thinks he has a new girl friend now and won`t leave the vacuum alone..so i put it in the closet..lol!
!...............it looks more like a hummer truck than a vacuum cleaner..and..it`s purple!..imagine that,a vacuum cleaner that sucks till it`s purple!..lol!
Even though this is an old thread I thought I would post on it. I just got a new Dyson just yesterday after seeing some on sale. I got the Dyson Slim since In live in a small apartment and I love it!!!
Mine's yellow and not purple, but oh well. It's still pretty
I couldn't believe the stuff it got out of my area rug. These are incredible machines. I can't believe Im posting about a vacuum cleaner... LOL!!!!
is there anything worse than this?
sometimes it is ok, other times it sucks.
Oh brother! Lord have mercy! You might as well dust your feet off and keep strutting cause I'll never believe that.
YOU GO GURL!!!!!!!!
is there anything worse than this?
sometimes it is ok, other times it sucks.
I don't know what to tell you. You are going to see and do what you want; you can try and juggle being gay and being on the fringes of JWism and before you know it a decade or two will have gone by and you will not have moved forward mentally or spiritually. I was a walk away believer when I left and I had some doubts but not enough to completely give up on the org being "the truth". I didn't leave the organization because I necessarily wanted sexual freedom; I left because I didnt wanted to be judged and held in contempt as if I was a dispicable person for something I have no control or choice over if I was to come out or be outted to any in my family or congregation. Finding out the truth about the truth came later, so I guess in my case being gay is what saved me out of that mind controlling organization.
in fact, if what you are has 'people' after it, no matter what it is, i like you.
you don't have to club baby seals to be my friend.. myeah..
came across this article - .
the case goes to court today i think.. you will notice that the org + the local elders are only interested in protecting confidentiality and are refusing to testify.. the rights of the victims are lower on the priority scale.. makes me shudder.
The journalist's name, phone number and email address is at the bottom of the article. Im sure she, as well as others, would be interested in what Blondie has posted on this site what the WTS has printed in their literature concerning a clergy class.