Is there anything worse than this? Sometimes it is ok, other times it sucks.
Torn between being Gay and the Truth.........
by ScoobySnax 98 Replies latest jw friends
no pun intended!!
I've made myself laugh now. can't be all bad......
don't you think that just the relief of not having to live a double life is enough motivation to just come out, in every sense of the expression.
And therein lies your problem Scooby
It is NOT the truth.
It is merely a set of teachings based on the myths of the nomadic Israelites. A tribe that desperately tried to make every day life more bearable with stories.
You dont have to live with those stories now.
Time to move on Scooby and be true to yourself.
yep. I guess.
but....and there always is one.......what if it really is the Truth. I still subscribe to that, after how many years?!!!! It's crazy. And my mind is tired with it all.
Bumble Bee
Anglise had it right Scooby - it is NOT the truth!
Live your life, be happy, you will NOT be happy going back.
What do you mean by "the Truth" ? Maybe being gay IS the truth. Maybe you just don't love 'hovah enough to quit being a nasty boy, not that there's anything wrong with that.
Scooby, even where there was supposedly closer Truth, there were so many gays already, that SOMBODY wrote laws against it...and it did not stop...there are many gay Jews can let it go...who wants just "OK sometimes"...or worse............oompa
you: Sometimes it is ok, other times it sucks.