Posts by Evanescence

  • Why Georgia

    So how do I do this & get it right?

    by Why Georgia in
    1. watchtower
    2. beliefs

    tomorrow i will be mailing my special do not call, come by, or mail our family anything letter to new york.

    i was told i should also send the same letter to all the local congregations we were once affiliated with.. i did this when we lived at our old address and the letter to the local kh came back returned for having no mailbox.. so how am i supposed to get the letters to them?.

    any idea's?.

    1. Evanescence
    2. Why Georgia
    3. Why Georgia
  • Evanescence

    You could put a sign in the window saying "Night shift worker asleep please do not desturb"

  • swiftbreeze

    Field Service is a Farce

    by swiftbreeze in
    1. watchtower
    2. beliefs

    i touch on this subject in another post but i felt the need to take it further...back in the day jw's went out in fs but i don't know about today.... i live in a big city....the territory my congregation has is small because there are so many cong.

    here.. our bookstudy only had maybe four blocks at the most to work.

    my ex husband and i would go to the meetings and hear talk about fs and all the wonderful and experiences and the joy oh joy in being out in the ministry.

    1. DaCheech
    2. DaCheech
    3. wiegel
  • Evanescence
    What became of the street work that we were encouraged to do at least so many times a year? What ever became of the wearing of placards and parading in front of churches with loudspeakers, yelling nasty slogans?

    There is a jw lady living across the road from my school (catholic school) she did street ministries.

    She would stand out the front of her house and start screaming out stuff about Jehovah. One time when I was walking to the office (the office was at the front of the school) she was yelling stuff like "Jehovah Blah blah blah blah Lake of fire blah blah blah blah jehovah blah blah blah and that is the truth!" I walked pass trying my absolute best to keep a straight face! while the other students just cracked up laughing.

    The lady approached me once after school and she told me that she does street ministries. She was doing the whole Goat and sheep speech and I just tuned out while she was standing there going blah blah blah blah then she left me alone after a while

    The freaky thing is she'd threaten students with a knife! and she also spayed one of my friends with a hose because she refused to buy a bible my poor friend entered the school soaking wet!

    The jw lady used to live near one of my friends.

    And you know what bright and early in the morning she'd wake up to the jw lady standing in her backyard yelling out about jehovah.

    One time when my friend was walking home from the milk bar with her brother the jw lady approached her and wouldn't leave her alone. My friends brother was able to escape and grab their older sister. Their older sister walked up to the jw and said "Look I believed dolphins created us!" woooooo the lady cracked it big time!!!! But they made a run for it though!

    street ministries with a nutty Jehovah's witness isn't a good mix!


  • Why Georgia

    So how do I do this & get it right?

    by Why Georgia in
    1. watchtower
    2. beliefs

    tomorrow i will be mailing my special do not call, come by, or mail our family anything letter to new york.

    i was told i should also send the same letter to all the local congregations we were once affiliated with.. i did this when we lived at our old address and the letter to the local kh came back returned for having no mailbox.. so how am i supposed to get the letters to them?.

    any idea's?.

    1. Evanescence
    2. Why Georgia
    3. Why Georgia
  • Evanescence

    You can try a restraining order

    or move houses and don't tell them where you live, find a jw free environment my neibourhood doesn't get jws! we're lucky!

    Or you can do what joy said be nice about it at first and if they persist then get firm with them

    When a jw comes to your door yell out to your husband "Name, get my gun!" That would freak them out!

    Or look at them in the eye and say "I like pointy objects" I don't know if that would scare them away or encourage them to annoy you.

    But you can either get a restraining order or be assertive and tell them to back off or try to freak them out and scare them away!

    Bacicly make it clear that your not interested they will leave you alone eventually. get some pit bull terria dogs on your property and train them to bark at the posty and the jehovahs witness!
