Aluminium? evil?
What next? Pavement?
the jw have prohibited:
as of 1944, jw can?t take blood transfusions cause it is against the teaching and stuff (gen 9:4 => not eating blood)
with this one, why don?t the jw?s look at leviticus 3:17, which says, ?you must not eat any fat or any blood at all?
Aluminium? evil?
What next? Pavement?
the jw have prohibited:
as of 1944, jw can?t take blood transfusions cause it is against the teaching and stuff (gen 9:4 => not eating blood)
with this one, why don?t the jw?s look at leviticus 3:17, which says, ?you must not eat any fat or any blood at all?
Maybe i'll go trick or treating around the neibourhood as a vampire!
Or i'll volanteer for red cross calling and go into the kingdom hall and ask for donations!
Ma ha ha ha ha ha ha ha ha!!!
the jw have prohibited:
as of 1944, jw can?t take blood transfusions cause it is against the teaching and stuff (gen 9:4 => not eating blood)
with this one, why don?t the jw?s look at leviticus 3:17, which says, ?you must not eat any fat or any blood at all?
Jw's dont allow thinking
Hello what is our brains there for?
Jw's also ban "bad music"
EVANESCENCE MUSIC!!!!! How dare they call evanescence bad music!
I evanescence!
(wake me up)
Wake me up inside
(I can't wake up)
Wake me up inside
(save me!)
Call my name and save me from the dark
(wake me up)
Bid my blood to run
(I can't wake up)
Before I come undone
(save me)
Save me from the nothing i've become!
I'll to walk into the kh one day with my guitar and all my band mates and perform evanescence! ma ha ha ha ha ha ha ha ha ha ha ha ha!!!!
or stairway to heaven or highway to hell! anything that'll piss them off! they'll pay for calling evanescence bad! Or maybe I'll live next door to the k.h and have jam sessions with my mates with my 130watt amp in my 400watt speaker!
Ma ha ha ha ha ha ha ha ha ha ha ha!!!!
Rock on! From Evanescence
the society has condemned just about everyone to second death, especially those who have been jusged in the past by jehovah [adam, sodom, flood victims, etc.
what do you friends say, does the society have an argument?
are those judged in the past to stay judged and dead?.
If the wts society condemn ppl to second death and believe the "worldly" people are condemned to second death, than I don't see Gods home being a kingdom! it would be more like the village of god not the kingdom of god!
Its not up to the wts to judge anyway! Its up to god/jehovah to judge!
From Evanescence
did the watchtower society ban jw's from owning handguns for self defence?.
if they did, when did they issue the ban?.
didn't some of jesus's apostles carry a sword when the group traveled, to protect agains wild animals and human thieves?
I guess the wts is afraid that one day a jw will drive in with a tank!
then in that case the elders will be to scared to disfellowship ya!
I live in Australia and guns are banned anyways thats why there are less murders in australia!
If the wts doesn't allow weapons then take up karate or kung fu! (your body isn't counted as a weapon is it?)
From Evanescence
the jws don't believe hell, as in the place where evil people are tortured for eternity, exists.
they reason that a loving god would not send his own creation to be tormented for eternity.. yet on the flipside, the jws preach that in 1914 (yeah, you all know this arguement.
) there was a big war in heaven, and satan and all his creatures were cast down to earth.
If hell is real then....
When the jw's die they are in for a pleasent surprise!
(the expression on their face would be priseless)
From Evanescence
(if hell isn't real then how would god/jehovah punish those who rebelled against him?)
does god have a true church on the earth today?yes,and i will reveal is the free will baptist church,which is true in every sense.they preach jesus,they study god's word correctly and rightly divide the word of truth.they are not led by a distant leader,they are led by their local leader chosen by god.if the sign out front doesn't say free will baptist then you are in the wrong church.look for that sign,and then you've found the right church.
Sorry Danielweatherlee
but thats what happens when you try to have a debate with the people on this site!
they are all a bunch of smart asses! Ive tried having a debate with them but BOY did it turn ugly,
the debate started off with "prove to me there is a god" business, but it ended up....
"Prove to me there is a toothfairy"
They ask whats the difference with the belief of god and the belief of the tooth fairy!
Its funny though how things turn out, so take my word of advice, don't try to preach to their faces they don't like it!
From Evanescence
does god have a true church on the earth today?yes,and i will reveal is the free will baptist church,which is true in every sense.they preach jesus,they study god's word correctly and rightly divide the word of truth.they are not led by a distant leader,they are led by their local leader chosen by god.if the sign out front doesn't say free will baptist then you are in the wrong church.look for that sign,and then you've found the right church.
Lol satanus your jokes are mean but funny!
My quote for this whole religious debate is "When arguing with someone you know is wrong, remember they will be doing the same thing"
From Evanescence
today i read "doubtfully your's" comment on wiccans and i was shocked.
i wanted to reply immediately about tolerance and to respect another religion.
then i thought about him having a sister, smoking pot and presenting herself as pagan giving him some bad impression (prejudice?
I think that we all have a right to religion.
We should respect eachothers rights.
So I don't agree with people bagging religions or bullying people from a certain religion. (which happens quite often as schools)
I don't think that religions should get descriminated against.
We all have our opinions but its best kept to ourselves. (but we all like to make a joke every now and then with our mates )
Really I think don't give others are hard time about their religion we should accept eachothers beliefs. and no converting business either, I hate it when jw's try to convert me when i am happily a catholic!
But then again they have a right to try and convert me as long as they understand the meaning of the word "No"
Gee living on his planet is like living in a religious war!
From Evanescence
Jesus is the son of god.
The trinity is a great mystery and I know jws don't believe in it.
God jesus and the holy spirit are one but they are also individuals!
The funny thing is a jw lives accross the road from my school (catholic school!)
The lady wrote one on side of her driveway bad thing and on the other good things.
it went like this
Sheep Goats
Jehovah Trinity
Jesus lies
Holy spirit.
That table looks pritty funny from a catholics point of veiw though!
Because the catholics believe in the trinity.
The lady but god, jesus, holy spirit on one side and trinity on the other.
it really defeats the purpose of putting trinity on the bad side if god, jesus and the h.s is on the good side!
same opposite!
I look at the trinity as god cloning himself!
but in different forms!
From evanescence