Could Jesus's transfiguration be any help?
He transformed when he was on top of the mountain BEFORE he died.
"and he said to them, "why are you troubled?
and why doubts arise in your hearts?
behold my hands and my feet, that it is i myself.
Could Jesus's transfiguration be any help?
He transformed when he was on top of the mountain BEFORE he died.
does anyone have any idea why the cross is such a stumbling block to the wtbs and the jehovah's witnesses?
1 corinthians 1:18 describes their belief system to a "t".
Sorry couldn't help myself!
on a few threads now we have had the discussion of how to take out a local kh..
the consensus seemed to be that it would require a two pronged approach.. 1. help the newly df, da through loving support and association so they don't go back.. 2. help the new bible studies and return visits with a good inocculation from the "jw are god's org" disease.. let's not talk about how to do that just yet.
just a bug-bear i had when i was a witness that bothered me in the extreme.
i love music but got critsised about the type of music i listened to.
now ive never really been into the big 'bad' two (rap and heavy metal) but i was into alternative british rock music like oasis, blur and radiohead.
Honesly! What are jw's allowed to listen to?
Does the song need to be like this?
Verse 1.
Oh praise almighty jehovah, the rightous judge.
Who will cast out all the worldly people but spare his faithful slaves.
Praise the watchtower for leading us to the truth.
Oh we have found new light, jehovah's light.
Praise almighty jehovah
Praise almighty jehovah
Praise almighty jehovah
The true god who will judge all.
Verse 2,
Prepare us, prepare us for the end oh almighty jehovah.
We want to live eternity on earth.
Oh almighty jehovah.
Oh jehovah listen to us your faithful slaves, hear our prayers
Our organisation is clean and perfect, we shall remain clean and cast out demons
Oh almighty jehovah
Need my trusty bucket
Oh god there is no way youll catch me listening to a song like that!
I'd rather listen to REAL music
Gee I can't believe that the organistaion would tell you what music to listen to!
(i made up that song on the spot, must be one of the crappiest songs ive ever written!)
Hi Jw83! so you live in australia cool! I live in Australia too!
I havn't written any poems about the jws but I have written songs though.
Mustn?t it hurt to forsake those you love?
When your faith tells you to.
Then you get discriminated for following your heart.
From people watching you from a tower.
Heart bleeds as you separate yourself from the real world.
Your Soul cries for you to return to the ones you love.
Listen to the inner voice for it is the guardian spirit.
Don?t let your heart bleed anymore
Is this act of ignorance such a right thing?
Should you run away from those you love?
People bleed and scream for you, yet you continue to ignore them.
Can?t you hear your loved ones cry your name?
Why won?t you turn and look at their broken eyes?
Turn back now and bandage up those hearts that bleed
Including your own.
Ignoring those you love is not just, so don?t do it to justify you.
Let the people be alone in the tower, for they misjudged everything.
what do you do that shows your talent?
share it here.. here are three of my music compositions.
three different styles for your delectation..
I'm thinking of being a singer/songwriter/giutarist when i'm older.
what do you do that shows your talent?
share it here.. here are three of my music compositions.
three different styles for your delectation..
My talents are singing, guitar, songwriting, poetry, story writing, debating, public speaking, music, drama and art!
I also play a bit of piano, can anyone here play evanescence music? I can play my immortal, a bit of hello and a bit of bring e to life on piano and on guitar I can play Bring me to life (the whole song I performed the song for my music assignment!) And bits and bats of other songs going under, tourniquet, solitude etc.
As you can see I'm more on the creative side,
Im also interested in making movies, and making cartoons using macromedia programs.
I suck at maths and science
What do u think of this song I wrote,
Guardian Angel
Verse 1
Don?t try to hide it from me
I know that you are upset
I can hear you cry
And I can feel your pain
Now come to me, I will heal your soul
I promise that I?ll put you back on your feet.
Don?t cry for you?re not alone.
Don?t be afraid cause you can trust me.
No need to be apprehensive, because I?ll be your security.
I am your guide, I am your wings
You can believe in me, don?t be afraid of me,
for I?m your guardian angel.
I was sent from light to save you from the dark
Don?t lose faith in me.
I?ll never leave you
I?m your guardian angel.
Verse 2
I?ll guard your soul; no harm will come to you.
Don?t weep life is full of trials,
I?ll be with you through every single one.
Trust me; I?ll never leave you,
I?ll never leave you, I?ll never leave you.
You can yell and scream at me.
You can try to ignore me, you can abuse me.
You can throw things at me.
No matter what you do, I?ll never leave you.
Verse 3
Things can come true trust me they do
Don?t ever give in, don?t tremble and don?t fall before your fears,
If you do I?ll lift you up again, and defend you.
If you ever forsake the light, I?ll lead you back.
Now feel safe you?re not alone, you are chained, in my chains of protection.
There is no escaping me.
For I?m your guardian angel, I?ll follow you where ever you go.
Don?t cry, I?m here and I?ll never forsake you.
Chorus +2
I?m your guardian angel
I?m your guardian angel
I?m your guardian angel
why the hell did this crap make me like i am?
all the years of abuse going on.
i'm angry and very confused.
G'day Angry,
Im not really a Jehovah's witness but i like to help the ex-jws through their times of struggle and just plain chit-chat on forum sites.
I am against childrens rights being abused and it sounds like well I've gathered that your rights as a child have been abused by the org.
Ive heard stories of parents 'disiplining' their children and calling it "godly love" did something like that happen to you?
I don't know whether you still have faith in god or not but this scripture might help...
"For my father and my mother have forsaken me, but the LORD will take me up." Psalms 27:10 Here are a few options to recovery, firstly if you want to talk to a counsellor which I think is important if you are suicidal then go to Secondly some people use jokes to help recover so maybe try looking at this site here, Thirdly you can try talking to people from other christian religions and look at their veiw on god, the jw religion is very different from other christian religions try this forum site, you will find a lot of understanding on this site for most of the people here have been through similar situations so welcome angry i'm sure you'll fit in quite fine here! :) Evanescence
i just saw a few of my old jw buddies as i was driving home from the gym.
i started honking my horn manically and swerved towards them.. they all kinda jumped.
then i waved and gave em a big smile as i zoomed past.
You didn't run over them so I guess thats the main thing..........
i often think of how as jw's we missed life now!
not to say that i will ever suscribe to the 'live it up for tommorrow we might die' ideas - but i sense that i was so busy looking for the new world that i missed the one i was already in - so i am counting the blessings i see every day - and there is so much to be thankful for.
as i write this my grandson [whom we are raising due to unfortunate situation] is sitting and playing with his toys, smiling, giggling, and loving the sight and touch of new things.
Helping me through my depression...
True friends, living in a peaceful country, food, shelter etc.