Consider if you have a highly polished mirror and you hold it in such a manner that you see the full glare of the noon-day sun in that piece of glass (silicone). You would be very correct in one sense saying as you point to the mirror "there is the sun". At the same time you would be equally correct in denouncing this as the "sun" but simply a very accurate reflection thereof. What you may or may not engage is that the invisible phenomena called "rays" and the unblemished nature of that mirror combine to give you the best understanding (visually) of the "real thing" without it being the literal fire ball in the sky.
My point is, Jesus, as that highly polished mirror, made of the same humane essense as you and I, through the effects of the "holy spirit" reflected perfectly to us the will of His Father as He came in the "station of the son". He was able to, as the anthropomorphic analogy would allow, more accurately reflect the will of the Father than anyone else at the time, even His announcer, John The Baptist.
So Jesus could be called the "lord" or whatever other appelation, without it meaning that He was literally "god".
just my $.25 which is worth one shekel