Topics Started by Carmel
Great Feedback!
by Carmel inyears ago while living in israel i ordered crisis of conscious as i had been on the old h20 site prior to coming to jwd.
after reading it i met a young man from las angeles who was from a jw family.
he had left, gone to college and was a volunteer at the baha'i center where i was also serving.
Happy New Years!
by Carmel init's now sundown march 20th!
happy naw ruz (baha'i new years) to you all!
may the next year bring you freedom, prosperity and peace!
World turned upside down...
by Carmel inthings were going swimingly today until i got home with the fancy chocolate peanut butter pie i had specially made for mrs. carmel.
got it into the house without arousing any suspicions and was putting it into the frig for a later valentines day surprise when it slid out of my hand and landed upside down on the kitchen floor...... .
Yeah for New Light!
by Carmel infinally!
we have power again in astoria, oregon.
it's been off for four days.
Tax Phobia?
by Carmel inanyone afraid of doing their taxes?
i just helped out a lady that is scared to death to do her taxes.
she won't use an accountant (doesn't really need to) and won't try to do her own so i sat down with her and showed her how to use turbo tax on line.
Shipping out!
by Carmel inthe time clock is ticking, only four days to go before i get on the big iron bird and head for the other side of the planet.
wifey and i will depart for israel on sunday and have three great weeks in haifa.
hopefully i can get on line at my son's flat and see what's cooking!
The World is Flat
by Carmel in
wonder how the dubbies would spin this?.
Personal Relationship?
by Carmel ini don't mean to be trite or argumentative, but i keep hearing all the time about having a "personal relationship with jesus" as the solution to leaving the witlesses.
for the life of me, i really don't know what this term means.
i can only compare it to its literal counterpart, i.e.
Question about sin!
by Carmel ini admit i haven't kept up with "christianspeak" or jw changing doctrins, so bare with me.
in another thread (probably several) one or more "christians" use the phrase "jesus paid for your sins" or "jesus covers up for the sinner".
what the heck does that mean?
JWs Encouraged to Excel In Secular Education
by Carmel incan you imagine a jw conference with speakers and subjects like this one?