I marvel how the wts says things and makes it seem like the rest of the world didnt know these things until they told them. I will use the case of a short commercial the wts aired on tv after 9/11. http://www.jw-media.org/edu_videos/psa_02hi.htm. The setting is a young boy who cant sleep and his mother comforts him. Towards the end they flash a bible verse from Titus on the screen. "Love your children". Wow!!! Arent we so fortunate to have the wts telling us for the first time, or reminding those who have obviously forgotten, to love your children!! And for those who might say "where in the bible does it say I have to love my children?", they even quote a bible verse to prove it. How fortunate we are! Imagine what a horrible place the world would be if the wts wasnt informing us or reminding us to love our children! What fine spiritual food!
JoinedPosts by gringojj
Telling people what they already know
by gringojj ini marvel how the wts says things and makes it seem like the rest of the world didnt know these things until they told them.
i will use the case of a short commercial the wts aired on tv after 9/11.
"Jehovah God" wording
by carla indo jw's even realize that to 'outsiders' the wording of "jehovah god" makes it sound like they are trying to distinguish between 'other gods' and 'jehovah god'?
sorry, if i'm not clear enough.
jw's i've talked to cannot seem to understand the question.
I just asked my wife about this. I said it doesnt sound right. Jehovah is his name, God is his title. Jeff is my name, dad is my title. You wouldnt call me jeff dad. She said it makes sense to her. I said please give me an analogy. She said its like rice and beans it goes together. She said it makes sense because the wts says it does. Sometimes I dont think she will ever see the light, my dear Jennifer wife.
Just got home from the assembly!!!!! How fortunate I am!!!!
by gringojj inokay i just returned from the assembly in historic amherst, mass.
i justlove the old houses in that town very nice.
anyways to recap the good parts, first off obedience.
Sorry I didnt pay attention to names, most of the speakers were from conn. congs though. My sis-in-law lives in the forest park area so she is close to your old cong, but shes dfed and still a believer. The civic center is being redone last time i was in spfld. The assembly is at the Mullen center in Amherst. Very uncomfortable seats. Theres a nice hall in Natick with comfy seats.
Just got home from the assembly!!!!! How fortunate I am!!!!
by gringojj inokay i just returned from the assembly in historic amherst, mass.
i justlove the old houses in that town very nice.
anyways to recap the good parts, first off obedience.
Btw I am not putting myself through another day at the assembly. One day was torturous enough. I really would have liked to see the drama, but it would be too much. I would also like to add that the wts do not make it easy for people with kids. I mean we have a 2 year old and she had to sit on our lap the whole time. It was so boring for her but she did very well. She onloy started crying once. But the lunch break was the worst. It was almost 2 hours and you have to eat in the stadium seats. So I have a 2 year old on my lap in a dress, I have all nice clothes on, im trying to feed her without making too much of a mess. Its just very hard. I did notice the reserved seating. Notebooks and cooler packs were strewn all over the seats. I was kind of upset because I had reserved a seat for my sis-in-law by putting a childs sweater over it, and when I returned a man had moved it one seat over. I guess you could say he theocratically appointed himself a seat. And why do jws always brag about how they clean the stadium? Um...isnt that what people are supposed to do? And if the place is messy after the assembly, wasnt it jws who left the mess there? Cant figure that one out.
Just got home from the assembly!!!!! How fortunate I am!!!!
by gringojj inokay i just returned from the assembly in historic amherst, mass.
i justlove the old houses in that town very nice.
anyways to recap the good parts, first off obedience.
Ahhh yes the slutty dress discussion. I was thinking of including it in my report but I left it out for some reason. In any case, the mother and daughter come home with a slutty dress and show dad. First of all, if your wife and daughter buy a slutty dress for church and dont see that its not appropriate, then you should hire someone to be with them 24/7 because they are retarded, and I wouldnt let them behind the wheel because they have proven to lack any sense of judgement. So then dad admits there are no words in the bible that directly address slutty dresses. So we need to listen to the fds as to what is appropriate. Now, does the wts think that all the rank and file are so dumb that they couldnt possibly discern for themsleves what is ok and what is not? We know that some people wear slutty dresses we see it all the time. The thing is that the majority of people wear a slutty dress and they know it looks slutty. I dont think they wear them to church. There is a time and a place for everything.
Just got home from the assembly!!!!! How fortunate I am!!!!
by gringojj inokay i just returned from the assembly in historic amherst, mass.
i justlove the old houses in that town very nice.
anyways to recap the good parts, first off obedience.
Okay I just returned from the assembly in historic Amherst, Mass. I justlove the old houses in that town very nice. Anyways to recap the good parts, first off obedience. I must say, wow. They were really pushing this theme. I wish I would have had a tally going each time they either said obey, obedience, or obedient. There were times when I think it was like every 10th word they said. So the theme had been established in the first 10 minutes.
Now they run down the order of theocratic appointment, and how we need to obey the setup as we do jehovah. As we were walking in, a parking lot boy was waving a minivan to park. As he stood in front and waved the van to come forward, it crashed into the cement beam in front of it, and made a small commotion. I could only think did jehovah make the van crash through his theocratic appointment?
Ok so now we have a father and son sitting at a table on the stage. Dad is asking his son how will he deal with peer pressure in school? His son says he will stay away from the bad kids and all ya-ya, but dad says but what about when your friends ask you to be in study groups, and organized sports? Dad goes on to explain why these things are bad. In the first part there was heavy emphasis on not mixing with worldy kids, they had a skit with 2 young boys which addressed this. The boy decided not to play with the other boy because if he didnt serve jehovah, then they really have nothing in common.
Then a man comes on stage and says his wife was baptised in 1973. He said he was baptised just in 2002. He said that her actions were witness to the truth, and thats why he finally got baptised. I highly suspect she was holding out on him for 30 years and he finally needed to get some, but thats just me. He also said that he forbid his wife to preach to his 2 daughters, but they became dubs anyway. He said later he found out when he was gone all day at work his wife was breaking out the bible studies with his daughters. So I guess the wts says it is ok to lie and disobey your husband only if it furthers thier cause. I guess it is encouraged now.
I noticed on a couple of occasions when speaking of divorce and bad associations the speaker admitted that these problems exist even within the org. How humble.
I dont know if this is new but there were several references to being "deep into the last days" and calling the new system "the real life".
There were 3 occasions when the speaker was introducing people on the stage and thier occupations, one owned a painting business, one owned a carpentry business, and one was an electrician by trade. You can see what that says.
Then the baptism. Interesting when they ask you if your yes means yes, they ask if you are ready to be dedicated to the org. I asked my wife where in the bible it says anything about being baptised into an org or publishing company. It doesnt. Of almost 6000 in attendance, I would say there were less that 25 baptised. 80% were ages 12-18 I would say, so again I am guessing they were raised in the religion. I watched the baptisms while eating a home-made roast beef sandwich that I brought in one of those insulated food packs. I fit in quite nicely, except that I kept yelling obey!! every time we started clapping. My wife was not amused.
They had a speaker talking about graphic violoence on tv and video games, and how evil it is. I recalled in my head the graphic pictures of bloody corpses laid out in the street in wts publications. I guess when jehovah slaughters billions of people it is love, but when you slice a video game guy in half with a sword, that is evil, and jehovah hates that. Maybe hes jealous because he wants all the killing fun for his own enjoyment. Then they talked about pornography for a while, such fitting food for a family event I tell you.
They talked about how the fds gives us our food at the proper time. To support this fact, they used an event in history. They said in 1939 the watchtower said people should have neutrality towards the war. According to them, this is proof that the fds gives us the food at the proper time in the watchtower. Thats all I can say about that.
Then at the end there was a speaker talking about how everyone should obey the elders and all. The elders give us the proper guidance. They had an older gentlemen get on stage to tell them how its not easy, but obeying the elders works out for the best. His example was that one time the elders decided he should have parking lot duty. He was scared, for never before had he attempted such a daunting task of parking attendant, and he was unsure if he would be able to handle the assignment. After many sleepless nights(he didnt really say that part but I added it) he decided that if jehovah felt he was ready to handle the job, then by golly he was ready! So he went that day and he handled his parking lot duty like a pro! So this proves beyond a shadow of a doubt that the elders know whats best for you,and to always obey them!
So to sum it up, the obedience theme almost made me vomit after the first half hour, the wts uses lame examples, and just because people almost have a convulsion when the new book is revealed, it doesnt make it true. It was truly a painful day, because the seats had no padding, just hard plastic.
If a J.W. went to a Catholic Hospital......?
by hubert inhad to go to a catholic hospital ie: st. mary's, st. stanislaus, etc.say, in an emergency, but was admitted and stayed there for a few days, would he/she get reproved or disfellowshipped?.
would there be an hlc there to make sure that person didn't receive blood?
can the hlc gain access to the j.w.
In a 1987 Watchtower
“A Time to Speak”—When?
MARY works as a medical assistant at a hospital. One requirement she has to abide by in her work is confidentiality. She must keep documents and information pertaining to her work from going to unauthorized persons. Law codes in her state also regulate the disclosure of confidential information on patients.
One day Mary faced a dilemma. In processing medical records, she came upon information indicating that a patient, a fellow Christian, had submitted to an abortion. Did she have a Scriptural responsibility to expose this information to elders in the congregation, even though it might lead to her losing her job, to her being sued, or to her employer’s having legal problems? ..................
Mary was somewhat apprehensive about the legal aspects but felt that in this situation Bible principles should carry more weight than the requirement that she protect the privacy of the medical records. Surely the sister would not want to become resentful and try to retaliate by making trouble for her, she reasoned. So when Mary analyzed all the facts available to her, she decided conscientiously that this was a time to “speak,” not to “keep quiet.” -
I now have an avatar!!!!!!!!!!! How fortunate I am!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!
Do not misjudge this bird!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!
Its misjudged!!!!!!!!!! A misjudged bird!!!!!!!!!!! If i said it was resplendent, I would be misjudging it!!!!!!!! I describe things not how I see them, but the way the fds contained only in the watchtower bible and tract society of brooklyn(trademark) tells me to see them!!!!!!! How fortunate we are!!!!!!!!!!!!