Ihave to re state it I have never had a Witness tell me beside Defd that my blood letter was wrong. Defd just plain stated I was wrong and then refused to read the letter. I have had over and over Elders and CO go to bat and loose because they had to admit the letter sates the truth from the bible about blood. I challenge you to debate blood right here with me on the board if you have faith enough to do this. Russel said once that the truth is the truth even if Satan the devil hemself says a truth it is the truth. SO YOU can't loose can you because you have the truth or do you in regards to blood.
Posts by skyman
ok why havent we got the truth?
by PMJ inok as you have gathered im a wittness and i for one beleave we have the truth.not saying every thing is or has all ways been right because we live in a imperfect world with imperfect people.but as far as jehovah being god and jesus being his son.and the coming war of arrmegeddon.i would say we have the truth.i no about all the mistakes and misunderstandings we have had in the past.but i feel that is past and we have moved on.and abandoned i no what you all say about the year 607 being wrong but that date all deapends on it desolation was 70 years or not.so im just trying to understand how some of you say you lernt you was being lied to?
The LETTER Posted at all Kingdom Halls
by Apostate Kate in.
i know someone here must know about the letter and there is a thread somewhere.
can someone link me to that thread either in pm or here on the new letter posted in all the kingdom halls about them admitting they are not inspired etc ... thank you!
Please do not PM it to her but post it here for all of us to see
ok why havent we got the truth?
by PMJ inok as you have gathered im a wittness and i for one beleave we have the truth.not saying every thing is or has all ways been right because we live in a imperfect world with imperfect people.but as far as jehovah being god and jesus being his son.and the coming war of arrmegeddon.i would say we have the truth.i no about all the mistakes and misunderstandings we have had in the past.but i feel that is past and we have moved on.and abandoned i no what you all say about the year 607 being wrong but that date all deapends on it desolation was 70 years or not.so im just trying to understand how some of you say you lernt you was being lied to?
I am sending you by way of PM what I call my blood letter. I ussually post that five elders and two co have looked at this and agree with what the bible reslly say's. But as of the week the Co is here and I have to add to that list now Six Elders and Three CO has said I am correct about waht the bible says. it is long but if you really want to know what the bible says read it. The information is only from the Bible and the Society's publications. If anyone else reading this wants a personal copy just PM me.
How many actually watched or owned adult material when they were Witnesses?
by free2beme ini was at a book study when i was in my teens and went to use the bathroom, and the family who owned the home said to use the one in their bedroom, as someone was already in the other one.
so i did and as i was in there i noticed a magazine on the counter that was only partly covered.
i could not help myself, and looked to see what it was and it was a penthouse.
Who are we to preach just look at the Kings of old their dirty mags just walked up and stripped in front of them nothing wrong the bible say they were concubines. So if you are rich you can look at all the nudies you wanted.
ok why havent we got the truth?
by PMJ inok as you have gathered im a wittness and i for one beleave we have the truth.not saying every thing is or has all ways been right because we live in a imperfect world with imperfect people.but as far as jehovah being god and jesus being his son.and the coming war of arrmegeddon.i would say we have the truth.i no about all the mistakes and misunderstandings we have had in the past.but i feel that is past and we have moved on.and abandoned i no what you all say about the year 607 being wrong but that date all deapends on it desolation was 70 years or not.so im just trying to understand how some of you say you lernt you was being lied to?
Answer me this do you believe that we are not to have Blood transfusion? Tell me quick becasue I want to watch the Foot ball game
Aliens/UFO's...Do You Believe In Them?
by Legolas in.
after reading another thread it got me thinking...how many here believe in aliens?
have you ever seen a ufo?
There are either mass halucinations that are contagous so everyone see the same thing at the same time or the UFO's are real. Thats is UFO's either from earth or from another Planet.
Aliens/UFO's...Do You Believe In Them?
by Legolas in.
after reading another thread it got me thinking...how many here believe in aliens?
have you ever seen a ufo?
I'll tell a UFO story that is not mine but two witnesses saw and my cousin saw that changed their lives. They were hiking in the wilderness and in a very large valley floor, it was evening and the valley floor is about five miles wide. All three swear to their graves that a sliver dome silently came down from the stars and filled the entire valley making the UFO over four or five miles wide. I have to believe it was true I trust them totaly. Plus they desided not to tell anyone and I talked to each one at different times without the other ones knowing that I had talked to the other/ All the story's were the same. This happened right at 35 years ago.
How many actually watched or owned adult material when they were Witnesses?
by free2beme ini was at a book study when i was in my teens and went to use the bathroom, and the family who owned the home said to use the one in their bedroom, as someone was already in the other one.
so i did and as i was in there i noticed a magazine on the counter that was only partly covered.
i could not help myself, and looked to see what it was and it was a penthouse.
Elise!!!! it says plenty about you too.
Another stupid blunder by the WTBTS.
by gumby inmany times the wtbts are pretty good at changing poilicy without looking to obvious to the r&f as being sneaky and having a motive behind their changes.
normally they can even justify their change as scriptural to the unwary.
however, when they changed the baptismal questions, it was more obvious that there was "motive" behind the change and some exited the group because of the change.. this thread is for those who have never heard of the change before and were not aware of the current stance the wtbts has taken regarding baptism.
Thanks I never caught that before
For those not born into the JW religion, why/how did you join?
by JH ini had no family in the jw's, so no one forced me into it.. i had a worldly friend, whom i didn't know had a jw background, became a jw and gave me a bible study.
i was 27 at the time.
if it wasn't for him being a friend, i would have never joined this religion.
I would like to hear the responses to that question myself. I was born into it.