To say which was my most spriritual experience would be tough, but what i can say is the most spiritual experiences i have had are when i am studying privately and have the time to ponder and think about the magnitude of god.
These moments seem to becoming more rare as i get older and family and other commitments seem to fill my time, but just today i was able to have an hour to myself to think and study, it was great.
JoinedPosts by louieb78
What has been your most spiritual experience?
by Qcmbr inok highly loaded question but i'd like to know!
i come from the viewpoint that we are spiritual beings having mortal experiences ergo we are having constant spiritual experience that maybe makes it seem commonplace..i'd be interested if anyone else has noticed spiritual events happening?
i'll shoot first: .
I'm searching for answers....
by nedryerson ini have been studying your faith and i understand that you believe in the bible?
1. in revelation 1:8, it says, ?
?i am the alpha and the omega,?
Melmac, i hardly think that fair this is the beliefs and doctrine section :S
I'm searching for answers....
by nedryerson ini have been studying your faith and i understand that you believe in the bible?
1. in revelation 1:8, it says, ?
?i am the alpha and the omega,?
Ned, I have to agree with the others here, it does appear that you are looking for a "discussion". However I feel u are preaching to the already converted. The majority of those here dont feel that the WTS teaches the correct doctrine of god. A careful reading of the the first passage selected and a quick cross reference between the NWT and KJV shows that these verses not only are now confusing in the NWT but also change the person who is actually speaking from Jesus christ to God the father. Interesting but like i already said, your preaching to the already converted. There are thousands of these examples through out the NWT but arguing over and debating these is not worth the time or energy, it can be better spent in more spirit enhancing activities. thanks. LB
Ok so you left the idea of God - what would it take to come back?
by Qcmbr inone point that has played many times on my mind (and is fairly central to my world view) is that if god exists its up to him to prove it.
what would it take for you to accept god?
starters for ten: .
well i could say your french and i'm english so we will never agree which planet, However i was speaking about Mars, why?
Ok so you left the idea of God - what would it take to come back?
by Qcmbr inone point that has played many times on my mind (and is fairly central to my world view) is that if god exists its up to him to prove it.
what would it take for you to accept god?
starters for ten: .
hmmmm, communication. This always seems to be the problem in life, weather its in companies, families or relationships. The overall effect of poor communication is always destructive. It also is usual proved to be down to misinterpretation of communication which is actually taking place, this can be in the form of failure to recognise communication, a lack of understanding or mixed messages.
I believe that this is also the case with god, As our creator i can hardly believe he would just ignore the millions of attempts at communication people of all faiths make every second through prayer. I believe it is our inability to recognise communication or a lack of understanding which causes our poor communication with god.
To answer Qcmbr's nicely put question, just because a person leaves one faith/organised religion, doesn't automatically infer they stop believing in god. 95% of the planet Believes in god in one form or another, but not everyone attends a building to worship, or takes anytime at all to even think about god or how to worship him. I once spent a considerable time with an Disfellowshipped JW who although the though of stepping foot inside KH ever again would have probably resulted in either a sick bucket or a fight, my friend still had a deep belief in god and desire the example of Jesus christ.
I guess for me the question i would like to pose and fits nicely into this post is what would it take for any of you to join another faith?
A lightning bolt in the head is a valid answer :) -
I agree with Doubtfully Yours.
HMMMM, On the subject of recovering. I heard those LDS meetings last forever, like 3hrs. I think id be asleep. My last JW meeting was only 1hr.
Qcmbr - whats with the everlasting church services, why cant they be spread over the week like the JW's. ? -
What religion have you changed to now that no longer a witness?
by AK - Jeff ini know many have rejected the idea of organized religion.
i teeter on that myself.
but i have toyed with hooking to a little country church with some friendly people to associate with.
What religion have you changed to now that no longer a witness? I feel that the only real way is to study it out in your mind and do as the Bible states: James 1:5 ---- If any of you lack wisdom ask god! At the end of the day if he does exsist surely he would want us to attend the church and may, just may have a preference as to which one.