They will tell the JW's not to give this to those not coming to the meetings,
they will act like it is a privilege to get the study articles.
They did this with the Kingdom Ministries. I thought, at one time, that KMs were fairly plentiful and if you forgot yours at home it wasn't too much of a problem to get another copy. Then they became more scarce ...if you weren't attending meetings regularly or weren't in "good standing" you wouldn't get one. They no longer had extras on hand.
Once you get shunted to outsider status and are no longer deemed worthy to receive certain publications, it becomes hard to attend meetings. Even if you're sort of feeling like going to a meeting, why bother when you're made to feel like a leper who is not even allowed a copy of what they are studying.
Kind of cutting their own throats with this exclusivity bullshit. Good.