Muslims believe that Jesus was a real person that lived, does that make them 'Christians'?
jw's are not Christian in any sense of the word.Yes, they give lip service every now an again. Simply using the word 'Jesus' at the end of prayer does not make one Christ like.
Many people today like to 'identify' themselves as one thing or another. There is even a person who believes she is a cat and wants to be identified as such, doesn't make it so.
I live with a jw, while he is a very good man and helps many, it is certainly not due to being a jw! it is from his non jw upbringing, a leftover if you will, that he helps non jw family and friends. Funny, it drives him crazy on one hand that non jw's are so 'sinful' yet he helps them. Must be hard to live judging others all the time yet feeling compelled due to his Christian upbringing that he can't help himself. His whole family is like that, all non jw, they help everybody. Be it sinful, gay, black, white, purple or polk-a-dot, they are just wired that way. In fact, if the local cong knew just how much he helped us sinful people he would probably be df'd or at the very least have his 'privileges' taken away. Always nice to have a nuclear option in my back pocket though I have never used it and wouldn't because he needs to see the cult for what it is on his own to truly let go of this ungodly disgusting 'religion'.
I can't think of a more hypocritical organization than the jw's! They always ask what they themselves are not willing to do themselves. One prime example is at the door, they ask you to examine your religion while they will run for the hills if you ask them the same of their own so called 'religion'.
jw's shouldn't even be used in the same sentence as Jewish folk.