If anyone (non jw ) doubts the veracity of a jw and general obnoxiousness you can always count on one like this one to make your point for you. I find it quite amusing when sending a Christian to a thread like this one to show them just how a jw truly acts. Though usually they can't believe the person is really a jw.
I ask jw's if they think they are making a case for their god or Jesus when they act like this and they go on to blame others for their behavior. Much like the abuser, "I wouldn't have to beat you if you just listened, believed and behaved like I wanted you to".
To some degree I can understand the jw thought about bringing reproach upon jah for the behavior in the cong, this one surely doesn't make one say, "wow, this guy is truly an enlightened holy guy! I want to join him so I can be just as much of a obnoxious ass as him".
At one time jw's used to be able to have actual discussions with people, sadly they know so little about jw doctrine, the Bible and history they don't know what to believe until their Lords in NY tell them what to believe.