"Why, are you scared of answering the door?"- Some people don't like pedophile protectors at their door especially if they have children. I don't answer my door to other salesmen why should I to someone selling a cult door to door?
If a jw was honest at the door they would say the following- would you like to join our organization that many consider a cult? you will be required to bring in as many people as you can and if they should ever choose to believe differently then you will be required to shun them even if it is your parents, children siblings, etc... if you don't then you will be considered spiritually weak and fellow jw's will probably shun you. We are not big on natural affections. Ignore any scriptures that clearly do not agree with us especially those about love in general and loving your neighbor, they are dead meat anyway at the big A. You will be required to dress as we see fit (subject to change), follow all doctrines (also subject to change at the whim of a few nutcases in NY) follow our bedroom rules with your spouse, feel superior to all other human beings at all times and at the same time feel like shit because you can never do enough for the org, turn in your time slip on a regular basis, attend all meetings, conventions, etc... never do any sort of research on your own, protect the organization even if means covering up for child abusers and lie on the stand if necessary, lie to those you love because we call it 'theocratic warfare', limit your free time and associations from non jw's, give up all holidays and family get togethers even though we still do Thanksgiving and other holidays but we distinctly tell everybody that we don't do holidays and lest I forget, be ready to kill your own children for lack of blood. How about it? ready to join?