You mean they contradict themselves in only 5 pages of the same wt? is something missing here (besides the obvious)
Posts by carla
JW "new light" immediately reversed/contradicted
by BoogerMan inseptember 2022 study watchtower - par.
14 p. 18 - "after all, no one will be allowed to practice vile things in the new world.
the unrighteous must have practiced these vile things before their death.
ANTI-DEPRESSANT medication for the last 60 years now proved to be based on poorly supported false theory
by Terry in"the chemical imbalance theory of depression is still put forward by professionals, and the serotonin theory, in particular, has formed the basis of a considerable research effort over the last few decades.
the general public widely believes that depression has been convincingly demonstrated to be the result of serotonin or other chemical abnormalities, and this belief shapes how people understand their moods, leading to a pessimistic outlook on the outcome of depression and negative expectancies about the possibility of self-regulation of mood""read:
There are many, many ways of treating depression without pharma drugs. Pharma drugs should be an absolute last resort. Unfortunately most people want a pill to 'fix' things quickly which often causes all sort of side issues then one must take yet another drug to deal with side effects and then a 'booster' drug of sorts because the original drug isn't working as well as it should. The fact that we are drugging our children so easily should scare everybody. They are even giving Prozac to infants (just one article, google for yourself)
People are fast to hand over their health care to those in white coats. I know people who were given high dose and dangerous pharma drugs in an appointment that lasted less than 10 minutes and that included the time it took for the MA to 'room' you. The MA takes your blood pressure, weighs you, etc...
Alternative treatments abound, exercise, diet, supplements, therapy, meditation, placebos, and the list goes on. Many are not traditional but highly effective and far less stressing on the body and mind.
There are times when traditional pharma drugs may be necessary but those should be far and few between. Again, they should be a last resort.
I agree that masking the symptoms does nothing to the solve the actual cause and understanding of the cause and taking action to 'fix' the actual causes. But that is the case with so many pharma drugs.
I suggest reading something way outside your wheelhouse, read how drugs come to market, the history of 'modern medicine', where drugs come from in the first place (hint-nature), placebo & noceba (sp?) effects, etc.. etc... It is a real eye opener and dare I say even more astounding and eye opening than one becoming aware and awake to the 'truth about the truth'. It would rock your world if you knew. Take the red pill or the blue? which do you choose?
Hang out with the other sex
by Renee86 incan we hang out with someone of the other sex even if the other has a boy- or girlfriend or is married?.
or girlfriend or is married?- no, have you no scruples at all?
Renee, it seems you have not researched this site or elsewhere regarding your current crush on a jw guy. In previous posts you seemed to indicate the person could already be married or have a girlfriend. If you have no moral issue with that I don't know what to tell you.
I will give you the short of being married to a jw and yes, there are many jw's married to non jw's and it causes all sorts of problems that you can't even imagine.
If you marry a jw are you willing to let the men in NY (the governing body -gb) and elders control the following in your life?
your sex life, what is and is not allowed in the marriage bed
no holidays
allow your children and loved ones to die from lack of blood
turn any children into school weirdo's- no flag salute, no sports, no band, no theater, no friends (they are worldly and bad associates) no extra curricular activities
your clothing choices (and yes that dress you want to wear above the knee is out of the question) by the way, if you wear thong underwear make sure nobody would even guess or you could be called into the back room for it. I have no idea why people in a church setting would be looking at your backside while they are supposed be thinking and learning about God but there you are, it has happened to some in the past.
your shoe choices as well (gotta watch out for toe cleavage)
be ready to change your beliefs about God & Bible at the drop of hat (new light or even blinking light)
are you willing to devote about 4 hours each and every Saturday & Sunday and 3-4 hours one week a night? as well as home study? (if you are a studying add another week night of about 3-4 hours as well until baptism)
are you ready to give up your non jw friends? you may keep some but you will become so damn judgmental that you will look at them differently and begin to spend less time with them. This goes for your non jw family as well.
If you are currently a pretty upbeat person are you ready to become a debbie downer instead? Life is not filled with love and joy, people are not generally good, the world is going to end soon anyway and good riddance is the general thought of every jw and you had better tow the line.
If you are a woman are you prepared to become a second class person within this so called religion? not only will you become a second class citizen within the religion but you will have to find the pecking order of the women already there, you may find yourself low woman on that totem pole
are you ready to lie to others for the sake of getting people to join this insidious cult?
don't forget the gb/elders also tell you what movies, books and other entertainment you can partake in. Don't like that idea, tough luck then you are a bad associate and weak spiritually.
Think Jesus is your Savior? think again, Jesus is only for the anointed and if you claim to be one of the anointed you probably have mental issues. You will probably be a rank and file and your job after the Big A will be to help clean up dead bodies that look like "cooked hot dogs" (according to a gb) yep, you get to clean up our dead bodies for what about 1000 years? I might have that a bit fuzzy with new light and all.
are you ready to sweep the pedophile issue rampant within the organization under the carpet? simply ignore it? if you know someone who's child has been molested/raped and try to warn others about the abuse you too may be shunned for doing so and possibly disfellowshipped for doing so.
are you ready to shun people at the kingdom hall and not even know why you are doing so? simply because the elders require you to do so?
If all this sounds like a good deal then by all means, go after your already spoken for fantasy of a man. Don't say people didn't warn you.
Renee, it seems you have not researched this site or elsewhere regarding your current crush on a jw guy. In previous posts you seemed to indicate the person could already be married or have a girlfriend. If you have no moral issue with that I don't know what to tell you.
I will give you the short of being married to a jw and yes, there are many jw's married to non jw's and it causes all sorts of problems that you can't even imagine.
If you marry a jw are you willing to let the men in NY (the governing body -gb) and elders control the following in your life?
your sex life, what is and is not allowed in the marriage bed
no holidays
allow your children and loved ones to die from lack of blood
turn any children into school weirdo's- no flag salute, no sports, no band, no theater, no friends (they are worldly and bad associates) no extra curricular activities
your clothing choices (and yes that dress you want to wear above the knee is out of the question) by the way, if you wear thong underwear make sure nobody would even guess or you could be called into the back room for it. I have no idea why people in a church setting would be looking at your backside while they are supposed be thinking and learning about God but there you are, it has happened to some in the past.
your shoe choices as well (gotta watch out for toe cleavage)
be ready to change your beliefs about God & Bible at the drop of hat (new light or even blinking light)
are you willing to devote about 4 hours each and every Saturday & Sunday and 3-4 hours one week a night? as well as home study? (if you are a studying add another week night of about 3-4 hours as well until baptism)
are you ready to give up your non jw friends? you may keep some but you will become so damn judgmental that you will look at them differently and begin to spend less time with them. This goes for your non jw family as well.
If you are currently a pretty upbeat person are you ready to become a debbie downer instead? Life is not filled with love and joy, people are not generally good, the world is going to end soon anyway and good riddance is the general thought of every jw and you had better tow the line.
If you are a woman are you prepared to become a second class person within this so called religion? not only will you become a second class citizen within the religion but you will have to find the pecking order of the women already there, you may find yourself low woman on that totem pole
are you ready to lie to others for the sake of getting people to join this insidious cult?
don't forget the gb/elders also tell you what movies, books and other entertainment you can partake in. Don't like that idea, tough luck then you are a bad associate and weak spiritually.
Think Jesus is your Savior? think again, Jesus is only for the anointed and if you claim to be one of the anointed you probably have mental issues. You will probably be a rank and file and your job after the Big A will be to help clean up dead bodies that look like "cooked hot dogs" (according to a gb) yep, you get to clean up our dead bodies for what about 1000 years? I might have that a bit fuzzy with new light and all.
are you ready to sweep the pedophile issue rampant within the organization under the carpet? simply ignore it? if you know someone who's child has been molested/raped and try to warn others about the abuse you too may be shunned for doing so and possibly disfellowshipped for doing so.
are you ready to shun people at the kingdom hall and not even know why you are doing so? simply because the elders require you to do so?
If all this sounds like a good deal then by all means, go after your already spoken for fantasy of a man. Don't say people didn't warn you.
Lloyd has taken his video down: has anyone got a copy of it?
by raymond frantz inlloyd has taken his video down: has anyone got a copy of it?.
thanks, good to know!
Lloyd has taken his video down: has anyone got a copy of it?
by raymond frantz inlloyd has taken his video down: has anyone got a copy of it?.
can't you just use the 'Wayback Machine' app to get old stuff? not sure if it works as I don't use it myself, maybe some techy can tell us.
JW's everlasting life is only written in PENCIL!
by BoogerMan inseptember 2022 study watchtower p.16, par.7 .
"the second group consists of the great crowd of other sheep.
are their names now written in the book of life?
Dating vs courtship
by Renee86 incan someone explain the difference between dating and courtship?
how does it look like for a jw, is it always in groups?
is kissing allowed?.
Renee, it seems you have not researched this site or elsewhere regarding your current crush on a jw guy. In previous posts you seemed to indicate the person could already be married or have a girlfriend. If you have no moral issue with that I don't know what to tell you.
I will give you the short of being married to a jw and yes, there are many jw's married to non jw's and it causes all sorts of problems that you can't even imagine.
If you marry a jw are you willing to let the men in NY (the governing body -gb) and elders control the following in your life?
your sex life, what is and is not allowed in the marriage bed
no holidays
allow your children and loved ones to die from lack of blood
turn any children into school weirdo's- no flag salute, no sports, no band, no theater, no friends (they are worldly and bad associates) no extra curricular activities
your clothing choices (and yes that dress you want to wear above the knee is out of the question) by the way, if you wear thong underwear make sure nobody would even guess or you could be called into the back room for it. I have no idea why people in a church setting would be looking at your backside while they are supposed be thinking and learning about God but there you are, it has happened to some in the past.
your shoe choices as well (gotta watch out for toe cleavage)
be ready to change your beliefs about God & Bible at the drop of hat (new light or even blinking light)
are you willing to devote about 4 hours each and every Saturday & Sunday and 3-4 hours one week a night? as well as home study? (if you are a studying add another week night of about 3-4 hours as well until baptism)
are you ready to give up your non jw friends? you may keep some but you will become so damn judgmental that you will look at them differently and begin to spend less time with them. This goes for your non jw family as well.
If you are currently a pretty upbeat person are you ready to become a debbie downer instead? Life is not filled with love and joy, people are not generally good, the world is going to end soon anyway and good riddance is the general thought of every jw and you had better tow the line.
If you are a woman are you prepared to become a second class person within this so called religion? not only will you become a second class citizen within the religion but you will have to find the pecking order of the women already there, you may find yourself low woman on that totem pole
are you ready to lie to others for the sake of getting people to join this insidious cult?
don't forget the gb/elders also tell you what movies, books and other entertainment you can partake in. Don't like that idea, tough luck then you are a bad associate and weak spiritually.
Think Jesus is your Savior? think again, Jesus is only for the anointed and if you claim to be one of the anointed you probably have mental issues. You will probably be a rank and file and your job after the Big A will be to help clean up dead bodies that look like "cooked hot dogs" (according to a gb) yep, you get to clean up our dead bodies for what about 1000 years? I might have that a bit fuzzy with new light and all.
are you ready to sweep the pedophile issue rampant within the organization under the carpet? simply ignore it? if you know someone who's child has been molested/raped and try to warn others about the abuse you too may be shunned for doing so and possibly disfellowshipped for doing so.
are you ready to shun people at the kingdom hall and not even know why you are doing so? simply because the elders require you to do so?
If all this sounds like a good deal then by all means, go after your already spoken for fantasy of a man. Don't say people didn't warn you.
Should a Christian celebrate Christmas?
by Samsie inhello, i'm new here and have woken up to the real truth concerning the org.
i'm sort of fading away at the moment.... i need help with something, i used to as a child celebrate christmas and have always had amazing memories of it (my husband hasn't as he was born into the org) but i gave it up when i learnt the "truth".
my interest was only in pleasing god and still is.
I have heard that some jw's when hearing popular Christian music that they say things on the order of; "it's like they (the Christian) is in love with Jesus!" they have other less kind things to say as well but I will not repeat them here.
They seem to confuse romantic love with love of what should be, even for them, love of the Savior.
I would agree with Vanderhoven that they don't seem to know Jesus nor do they want to. If you point this out to them they will claim that "Jesus is our King!" or "He is our savior". Yet they are not allowed to talk to their 'king' or 'savior'. They use 'in Jesus name' simply to end a prayer like a tailsman or something. Yes, I know a tailsman is usually a physical object, hope you get my gist.
Should a Christian celebrate Christmas?
by Samsie inhello, i'm new here and have woken up to the real truth concerning the org.
i'm sort of fading away at the moment.... i need help with something, i used to as a child celebrate christmas and have always had amazing memories of it (my husband hasn't as he was born into the org) but i gave it up when i learnt the "truth".
my interest was only in pleasing god and still is.
sorry about double post!