Hello Noni, I don't know quite what to say about your mom. I do send my condolences and also so very sorry that this damn cult has brought so many to the same feelings you have now at what should be a time of grief. If it hits you one day anyway, I send my wishes for you to find peace.
Posts by carla
My mom died.
by noni1974 init's been years since i posted here.
my jw mother died july 5th.
it was quite honestly not that emotional for me.
Slim, what about-
Romans 13:1-2
Every person is to be in subjection to the governing authorities. For there is no authority except from God, and those which exist are established by God. Therefore whoever resists authority has opposed the ordinance of God; and they who have opposed will receive condemnation upon themselves.
1 Peter 2:13
Submit yourselves for the Lord’s sake to every human institution, whether to a king as the one in authority,
Also, considering jw's think of the rest of the world and in particular leaders, kings, etc... as controlled by satan then they would be their 'enemy' correct? Doesn't Jesus tell people to pray for their 'enemies'. When jw's refuse to pray for leaders, kings, etc... as well as for apostates then clearly they are going against Jesus Himself, no?
Is This New?
by Lost in the fog init is a very long time since i was an elder and the elders textbooks have changed multiple times since then.
going back to when i was an elder, to the best of my knowledge the only way a spouse could divorce from his/her partner was porneia, if that person had sexual relations with a man, woman, child, or beast.
but it had to be proven and that's the dubious 2 witness rule.. in fact, if it was not proven and the innocent party divorced and married someone else, then they could be hauled up in front of a judicial committee and be charged with committing adultery and disfellowshipped!
As a non jw I just have to say if my jw spent the night with someone it sure would be divorce court (if he lived that long, just kidding). On the other hand, the elders told my jw that he would be justified to separate from me & kids because I was an 'opposer'. That would be putting it mildly, I was an an outright lunatic about the whole damn mess and 'apostate' clearly did not cover my feelings, beliefs or intentions towards jw's as a whole.
In the end so to speak, there is enough of his authentic self and our much longer love than than the jw cult can take away. I imagine someday when we are both losing our marbles he will still remember me to some degree and can only hope he will forget jw's altogether like some stories I hear about here and other ex jw boards.
I remember some story of an older person who got dementia or Alzheimer's and forgot they were ever a jw and started going to the church service (mainstream non jw) at the nursing home and the child of said person wanted to know if they should be disfellowshiped for doing so. Can you imagine?! wanting your mom to be df-d because she lost her marbles and reverted back to her pre jw days in old age? Luckily the elders decided nothing should be done.
Does Jesus Live Inside JW's ?
by Sea Breeze inexamine yourselves, whether ye be in the faith; prove your own selves.
know ye not your own selves, how that jesus christ is in you, except ye be reprobates?
- 2 cor.
"Christianity is not behavior modification. It is not about trying harder, running faster, or jumping through hoops. Jesus does it all for the believer.... from the inside."-
Does Jesus Live Inside JW's ?
by Sea Breeze inexamine yourselves, whether ye be in the faith; prove your own selves.
know ye not your own selves, how that jesus christ is in you, except ye be reprobates?
- 2 cor.
I live with a jw, I know full well they are NOT Christians. I am well acquainted with their current doctrines, flip flops, flashing light (new & old light and back again) and ungodly history of this insidious cult. Not to mention their pedophile cover up and everything else they sweep under the carpet so they can appear to be 'clean' when in reality they are nothing but white washed tombs.
Does Jesus Live Inside JW's ?
by Sea Breeze inexamine yourselves, whether ye be in the faith; prove your own selves.
know ye not your own selves, how that jesus christ is in you, except ye be reprobates?
- 2 cor.
I don't know any mainstream Christians who believe jw's are 'Christian' in any sense of the word. The only ones that lump jw's in with Christianity are jw's themselves, proclaiming they are Christian and those who know nothing about jw current beliefs. (which can change on dime at the whim of a few men in NY)
Apostates apparently have their own terminology
by Vanderhoven7 ina dyed in the wool witness actually posted this as if non-witnesses invented unheard of terminology,.
"those who devote their life to criticize jehovah’s witnesses use a lot of very specific expressions and ideas common only to them:.
“8 old men in new york”,.
Cult survivors of many flavors can use many of those "unheard of" terminology. Kangaroo court is hardly unheard of and can apply in many situations besides the dubs.
Pursue Peace Assembly 2022 .. Joseph shares stories about his Bible days
by RULES & REGULATIONS inpursue peace assembly 2022 shows a resurrected, newly shaven joseph, the son of jacob and rachel, having a nice dinner at a beautiful restaurant in the new system.
the survivors of armageddon all want to know if joseph can share stories about his life.. ''can you tell us what egypt was like?
what was pharaoh like?''.
Are they eating by candle light or lamps because they have no electricity?
Never thought I would see this in my family circle
by Captain Schmideo2 inso, my 17 year old niece reveals to me that for the past few years, her father (my sister's husband) has been physically and verbally abusive to her.enough so that it finally came to a breaking point, and she reported it to the police.
she told me that she had wished she had told me sooner, but she was trying to wait til she was 18 so that she could leave.i knew that she and her parents had been locking horns for the past couple of years, but i chalked it up to teen puberty and general growing pains.
but on their last, most recent visit, i could tell that something was really eating at her.apparently, what set off this latest incident was that he discovered that she had been seeing/involved with a non-witness boy about her age, and got so violent with her that it left marks.ironically, she went and got help from her boyfriend's father, a paramedic, who documented the injuries and encouraged her to report it.so, yeah, he spent a night in jail.she is now staying at the parents of her boyfriend, while still trying to have some aspects of her old life (work, school, etc.
Sorry to hear this, sounds like she is in a great home right now. You may not have to say a word about the jw stuff seeing as she is in a home with a youth minister!
This is the description in the 'about' section of the Blue Envelope youtube guy for those of you who don't want to actually go there-
Welcome! I was one of Jehovah's Witnesses for 30 years, before eventually leaving. I was a second generation Witness, ministerial servant, regular pioneer, and spent the final part of my JW career in a foreign language congregation (Spanish). On this channel, I talk about a variety of topics having to do with the religion. I named the channel The Blue Envelope because we talk about things which aren't always common knowledge. Special blue envelopes were used by congregations to send reports of judicial committees to Watchtower headquarters. The distinct color ensured that women working in Bethel mailrooms wouldn't open the correspondence. Service Department eyes only! ~Phil