Would a diehard jw find this disturbing or would they say, "see, we have no problem reading other materials, we are allowed to". I know my jw will not read any non jw approved literature regarding anything biblical.
Posts by carla
Did Governing Body write Jan. 2024 Watchtower for themselves? Are they afraid?
by was a new boy infear !.
since they won't mention the name they're referencing, i will.. .
willem a. vangemeren (born 7 april 1943) is professor emeritus of old testament and semitic languages at trinity evangelical divinity school.
New meeting format
by ExBethelitenowPIMA injust watched november broadcast very different order to the leaked agm .
be good if someone did a deep dive on the difference and why the changes?
i didn’t time the items but it should be easy to see if edited?.
Blondie said, "PIMO friends tell me that their Cong just asked all Pubs to complete a written form that commits them to a monthly contribution."- Did Atlantis send a copy of this? or does anybody have one? thanks in advance
2023-10-17 and 2023-10-20 Letters!
by Atlantis in2023-10-17-legal seminar.
page 1. https://imgbox.com/cm4qip9v .
page 2. https://imgbox.com/rvnapwrq .
Why do they ask race? my jw likes to think they are all the same and it doesn't matter what race you are in dubland.
Oh my goodness! the box at the bottom where they actually grade people!
Alertness, appearance, poise, Attitude toward accepting hard work, Balance in judgment, Emotional stability, adjusting to people, and lastly the best one yet- Spirituality.
So when a jw says they don't judge each others 'spirituality' we have it in black and white they do.
Can you imagine grading adults with A, B, C, D for these things?! E (does not qualify) might as well as be an F for failure.
The Watchtower—Study Edition | December 2023 ...Are you marriage material?
by RULES & REGULATIONS inthe watchtower—study edition | december 2023. study article 52. young sisters—become mature christian women.
18 you may choose to get married.
the qualities and skills that we have discussed will help you to become a capable wife.
Years ago when my jw first joined up with the cult he tried the 'head of the house' routine on me too. I simply stated that anything about a man being head of the house and being able to correct his wife was originally meant for Christians and seeing as I don't consider jw's 'Christian' it doesn't apply to him and never will.
I apply "what's good for the goose is good for the gander" -Life Rules, chapter -All People are Equal 23:3
THIS is how Jehovah operates? Examining GB Jefffrey Winder's words
by Terry ingoverning body member jeffrey winder on jw dot org:“we are not embarrassed about ‘adjustments’ that are made; nor is an apology needed for not getting it ‘exactly right’ previously.
we understand: this is how jehovah operates.”
1952 no wt 6/1/52 p.338 1965 maybe they will be resurrected .
Thanks Terry!
With no reporting necessary do they still need a territory guy?
by carla innow that they no longer have to report hours do they still need a territory guy?
Thank you all for the answers! ah well, hope springs eternal and all that.....
With no reporting necessary do they still need a territory guy?
by carla innow that they no longer have to report hours do they still need a territory guy?
Now that they no longer have to report hours do they still need a territory guy? maps? etc...?
Cult or High Control Group?
by MillennialDawn ini see this phrase a lot: "the indication of a cult is what happens when you leave.
" i'm not sure where that originated, but it is a faulty categorization.
"cult" is almost always used in a derogatory way.
I find that ex jw's and jw's do not like to call it a cult. Everybody I know who is nonjw/never been a jw (atheist, agnostic, Christian, etc...) all say the same thing if you bring up jw's; "yes, I have heard a bit about them, they are a cult". Without exception that has been my experience.
Walks like a duck...... might be a duck.
If there is no graceful way to leave your group/organization/church, you might be in a cult.
If you change the way you dress, makeup and hair to 'fit' in, you might be in a cult.
If your leaders can have control of what you do in the bedroom with your lawful spouse, you might be in a cult.
If you change jobs or don't take certain jobs because someone might be 'stumbled' or find you 'less than' spiritually for doing said job; you might be in a cult.
When you quit celebrating the life and holidays you have always enjoyed with your loved ones because your leaders told you to; you might be in a cult.
If you are happy and willing to shun someone without even knowing their so called 'sin'; you might be in a cult.
If you are willing to throw your own children out like the trash and are not allowed to show natural affections; you might be in a cult.
When you actually do everything the 'wordly' people are doing on a certain date but have to keep walking around saying, "we are not celebrating Thanksgiving even though we are gathering here together eating turkey and all the fixings with our loved ones and friends (for example); you might be in a cult.
When you are willing to give up your very life and that of your minor children (blood) because your leaders told you to; you might be in a cult.
When you are willing to hide/look the other way when a child is raped and molested because your group might get a bad reputation if people found out; you might be in a cult.
If you can no longer make a decision on what to watch or read without consulting your group/org/leaders and getting their permission; you might be in a cult.
If you are gleeful when reading about other groups/organizations/churches downfalls/pedo problems/natural disasters etc...; you might be in a cult.
If you are looking forward to the demise of 99% of the rest of the world at your fictional end time scenario; you might be in a cult.
When your fearless leaders refer to innocent children as "enemies of God"; you might be in a cult.
When finding joy outside of your group/organization/church finds you with severe guilt; you might be in a cult.
This list could go on and on.
Whatever happened to JW paedo Michael Porter?
by LoveUniHateExams ini remember reading about this guy in a national newspaper in 2010 after he had had his trial for child sex abuse.
porter avoided prison, despite being guilty of some acts child abuse.. the local elders defended him and were on his side and didn't df him, from what i remember.
then after an outcry porter was was df'd, and i think sent to prison.. anyone up-to-date on this?.
Here is an article on him-
My goodness! Fourteen years since I began posting here...
by garyneal ini'm not sure if anyone remembers me since i do not post here much anymore.
i sometimes pop in around christmas time to see if anyone is interested in exchanging christmas cards like we used to back when i first posted on this site.
speaking of which, the holiday season will soon be upon us.. if you recall, i was married to a jehovah's witness and i had a daughter i spoke of a lot.
Hey Gary! Sorry things didn't work out with your wife.
I am a ubm (never jw) and I also loved the Christmas cards. Why anyone would think that a simple act of kindness is a bad thing is beyond me.
My kids have grown up, married and kids of their own and luckily no jw's in the bunch. They have become Christians with churches of their choosing and all are happy. We still have a chuckle about dad being jw and how he tries to juggle holidays so he can be there for grandchildren. We shall see how it continues as the kids grow.
I wish all the best going forward even if it will be a bit scary as change often is. You have been through a lot, hope you give yourself permission to move forward and keep the love of your family in your life.