I find that ex jw's and jw's do not like to call it a cult. Everybody I know who is nonjw/never been a jw (atheist, agnostic, Christian, etc...) all say the same thing if you bring up jw's; "yes, I have heard a bit about them, they are a cult". Without exception that has been my experience.
Walks like a duck...... might be a duck.
If there is no graceful way to leave your group/organization/church, you might be in a cult.
If you change the way you dress, makeup and hair to 'fit' in, you might be in a cult.
If your leaders can have control of what you do in the bedroom with your lawful spouse, you might be in a cult.
If you change jobs or don't take certain jobs because someone might be 'stumbled' or find you 'less than' spiritually for doing said job; you might be in a cult.
When you quit celebrating the life and holidays you have always enjoyed with your loved ones because your leaders told you to; you might be in a cult.
If you are happy and willing to shun someone without even knowing their so called 'sin'; you might be in a cult.
If you are willing to throw your own children out like the trash and are not allowed to show natural affections; you might be in a cult.
When you actually do everything the 'wordly' people are doing on a certain date but have to keep walking around saying, "we are not celebrating Thanksgiving even though we are gathering here together eating turkey and all the fixings with our loved ones and friends (for example); you might be in a cult.
When you are willing to give up your very life and that of your minor children (blood) because your leaders told you to; you might be in a cult.
When you are willing to hide/look the other way when a child is raped and molested because your group might get a bad reputation if people found out; you might be in a cult.
If you can no longer make a decision on what to watch or read without consulting your group/org/leaders and getting their permission; you might be in a cult.
If you are gleeful when reading about other groups/organizations/churches downfalls/pedo problems/natural disasters etc...; you might be in a cult.
If you are looking forward to the demise of 99% of the rest of the world at your fictional end time scenario; you might be in a cult.
When your fearless leaders refer to innocent children as "enemies of God"; you might be in a cult.
When finding joy outside of your group/organization/church finds you with severe guilt; you might be in a cult.
This list could go on and on.