Posts by carla
Bible study
by GregT ini used to attend the meetings and was baptized about 30 years ago but i haven't gone to the meetings or associated with any one i new from the congregation for around 15 - 20 years.
i want to get back to studying but i am not ready to go to any meetings.
other than the watchtower and awake what book is used these days for people just starting to study with jehovah's witnesses?.
Dates and times
by jhine inlast night at my bible study group we looked at 1thessalonians ch 5 .
we have been working through the whole letter.
verses 1-11 start with .
Jan, check this out it may help you to understand and a refresher course for those who might have forgotten.
1975 Watchtower Quotes
The idea that 1975 would culminate in the end of the world was introduced in 1966.
"The published timetable resulting from this independent study gives the date of man's creation as 4026 B.C.E. According to this trustworthy Bible chronology six thousand years from man's creation will end in 1975, and the seventh period of a thousand years of human history will begin in the fall of 1975 C.E. So six thousand years of man's existence on earth will soon be up, yes, within this generation. So in not many years within our own generation we are reaching what Jehovah God could view as the seventh day of man's existence. How appropriate it would be for Jehovah God to make of this coming seventh period of a thousand years a sabbath period of rest and release, a great Jubilee sabbath for the proclaiming of liberty throughout the earth to all its inhabitants! This would be most timely for mankind. It would also be most fitting on God's part, for, remember, mankind has yet ahead of it what the last book of the Holy Bible speaks of as the reign of Jesus Christ over earth for a thousand years, the millennial reign of Christ. It would not be by mere chance or accident but would be according to the loving purpose of Jehovah God for the reign of Jesus Christ, the 'Lord of the Sabbath,' to run parallel with the seventh millennium of man's existence." Life Everlasting in Freedom of the Sons of God 1966 pp.26-30
Dates and times
by jhine inlast night at my bible study group we looked at 1thessalonians ch 5 .
we have been working through the whole letter.
verses 1-11 start with .
Also Matthew 24:44 - New International Version
So you also must be ready, because the Son of Man will come at an hour when you do not expect him.Years ago I asked my jw- if the jw's are always expecting the end to come, are they actually stalling the end because they are expecting it all the time? If one believes the Bible then it must come only when it is least expected, right?
He said he would get back to me on that. I think that was about 20 years ago and apparently they have no answer or maybe the answer keeps changing so much he can't keep up either?
Is there a 'for dummies' on Robert Hendriks thread?
by carla incan anyone give me a rundown or send me to a thread on the robert hendriks thing?
he was recently 'dismissed' from bethel and was pid (public information department?
) i'm not even sure i have this right..... thanks much.
Can anyone give me a rundown or send me to a thread on the Robert Hendriks thing? He was recently 'dismissed' from Bethel and was PID (public information department?) I'm not even sure I have this right..... thanks much.
The Reason Behind Recent Watchtower Changes
by Vanderhoven7 ineric wilson's video is worth a view..
thanks for posting this
JW Chrisians in name only-what do you think
by enoughisenough injw claim they are the true religion and they mention the love they have among themselves as proof.
i have been watching a youtube creator who had some thoughts on the subject, bringing out jw were not really christian, based upon their actions.
he made a pretty good case.
"Carla, you don't understand what JWs believe about Jesus." - I guess neither do you and neither do any current jw's until they check their televangelists, err, I mean website to see what they believe today, at this moment in time considering jw's can change doctrine and beliefs at the drop of hat.
Why you may not be taken seriously may be due the fact that if you truly 'studied' the Bible with jw's you would not be on this board as all jw's know they are not supposed to be hanging out with apostates as many here are. Furthermore, everyone here knows jw's do not and have never studied the Bible, they study jw literature/videos/tv written/produced my men.
There is much unity between different denominations where I live. Many churches come together to feed the poor, clothes for those in need, fellowship meals and prayer, helping and combining efforts during natural catastrophes, helping families in the community who have suffered some sort of horrible catastrophe and the list could go on. Even friendly baseball games and other entertainment. Where are the jw's in all of the above? cruising obituary columns and graveyards in attempt to indoctrinate the vulnerable.
Serious sin? like what? a beard? oh wait that was only a sin a few months ago it no longer is.
Rock music? oh my tut, tut. I know my God wouldn't have a problem with any type of music that the person/persons is using to worship God. I even know someone who likes rap Christian music! I didn't even know it was a thing, not my cup of tea but they like it .
So you can forgive us for not taking you very seriously as you are woefully ignorant of all things jw.
My parents did not really shun me when I left but I am now breaking their hearts…
by sinboi inif they have shunned me and chase me out of the house when i leave the cult, i would not give a damn.
i can still feel their love and concern for me even now.. though i have moved out voluntarily when i joined the army, i am afraid that the life i am living now will break their hearts.
i am now a bartender in a bar and am cohabiting with a woman.
You do NOT deserve to be shunned especially by 2 people who are supposed to show natural affection and unconditional love to their child.
You have not broken their hearts; you are living your life; as it should be. Children are supposed to fly and leave the nest and do their OWN life even if mom & dad might disagree. I am sure they must do things that you don't agree with.
Honoring your parents does not mean you must listen to them as if you are child the rest of your life.
You went through boot camp and don't have the balls to tell them about your life? how is that possible? do you love the girl? doesn't she deserve to be acknowledged by mom & dad for good or bad? what about if you ever have kids? My advice would be that you are package deal and they don't get to play with kids unless they honor your new family (be it you & girl or you, girl & kids) and abide by your rules regarding your family.
I say this as a former military mom with great affection to you and thank you for your service.
Parents will always worry. I am glad you can feel their love and concern but do not confuse that with the maturity that you should have by now.
(I forget if the Army calls it 'bootcamp' my apologies if it is something else, I'm a Marine mom)
Did God know adam and eve would sin?
by gavindlt into all those on this forum, i would love to know what your take on this vital question is..
If your God didn't know in advance that Adam & Eve supposedly 'sinned' then you have a very small god.
JW Chrisians in name only-what do you think
by enoughisenough injw claim they are the true religion and they mention the love they have among themselves as proof.
i have been watching a youtube creator who had some thoughts on the subject, bringing out jw were not really christian, based upon their actions.
he made a pretty good case.
As a non/never been jw - my opinion and that of every 'Christian' I know- jw's are not Christian because they don't accept Christ as their savior. period. They pretty much have no use for Christ and make fun of people who look to Jesus as their personal (and that of the world) savior and mediator. In dubland the gb is above Christ or at least equal. Not only that but according to my jw Jesus could have been anybody, He could have been Bob,Tom, Dick or Harry down the street. Jesus was nobody special. Not so in Christian circles. Though to be fair, this whole thought could have changed over the years and I or he completely missed it? So it goes in dubland keep up or fall behind with new light and all. Isn't there a scripture about teaching false teachings? the jw's don't seem to mind this when they get 'new light'. If a convention hasn't taken place in Hobokon New Jersey yet then the old still stand there. Never mind about the new light that came in a convention in Buffalo, NY.
In my weird life with a jw (who joined later in life) and me (Christian viewpoint non church-ed at the moment grew up traditional protestant) he had tried to pull the 'head of the house' crap on me because he believed it was 'Christian' and I would go along, hilarious ensues. Nope. You are not Christian and you can't try and use that on me because you are not a Christian. Take your ungodly crap and ..... well you get the idea. Yes, not very "Christian" of me I know, but, if I could forgive someone for the same 'sin' then I'm sure the Lord can too because there is no way that I could have more compassion than God.
For those who say that believing Jesus lived and was a holy man of some sort are 'Christian' do not understand Christianity at all. Muslims, East Indians (Hindu, etc...) also believe Jesus lived, that does make them 'Christian' because they do not believe that Christ died for their personal sins and that of the world.
Over the years my opinion has changed re: jw's due to the fact that first one must define 'sin' and also one must define what a 'God' or if you prefer 'god' is. That is where jw's and Christians differ entirely. Don't even go to the Trinity at the moment, first define sin and what a god is and is capable of. I can't count the many conversations between my and my jw regarding the above. On one hand he would shake his head in total agreement only to then say NO, blah, blah, blah......... it was infuriating! to have him shake his head in agreement to one second later say the entire premise was wrong except for some goofy word or two that he could agree with. aggh, it tires me out just remembering it. My kids tried too, all to no avail obviously or I probably wouldn't need to be here anymore. sigh.
Are JWs forgetting Jesus altogether?
by KerryKing ina relative sent me yesterday's wt study article 46, how jehovah guarantees his promise of paradise.. it's been a long time since i read one of those articles but what really struck me about this one is that, considering it's discussing a fundamental jw belief, it only mentions jesus twice as an aside, and not at all as the central figure like the bible does.
it actually mentions satan far more in the same article!.
i don't remember this discrepancy from my time in the org 15 years ago.
I mentioned this to my jw years ago! in fact I could go on for hours about how the jw's have made Jesus basically a side note. I was too late, he was too far gone by then, sigh.