I think the letter was written by an apostate.
Posts by carla
Shocking Letter Reveals Jehovah's Witnesses True Beliefs! - YouTube 'xjw curious'
by Mace.Bean inyoutube's 'xjw curious,' pete corbeil, reads proselytizing letter written by a pimo jw who simply shares current watchtower teachings like no other jw.
use google drive link below to print your own copies of this letter.
(114) shocking letter reveals jehovah's witnesses true beliefs!
What is the harm or downside of being PIMO?
by PimoElder inwhat is the harm or downside of being pimo?.
i get all the good things about being in the cong, good social life lots of invites to bbqs and meals out.
lots of interesting gossip 🤣🤣🤣🤣.
PimoElder, you are morally bankrupt in my opinion. Along with all the pedo's running around in dubland people like you are another reason I am glad I never allowed my kids anywhere near a kh!
You seem unable to understand the 'screw everybody' else comments, can't you see that you are nothing but a user? you use the people at the kh for your own pleasure (doing odd jobs, gossip as you mentioned earlier, social activities, etc...) knowing full well ALL of that would go away if they knew how you really felt.
What are the signs of sociopathy?
There’s no standard list of sociopath signs, but the signs and symptoms of ASPD include a persistent pattern of disregard for others. For example:
- ignoring social norms and laws, or breaking rules at school or work, overstepping social boundaries, stealing, stalking and harassing others, and destroying property- You are ignoring the social norms set out by the wt and break the rules set by the gb, you steal peoples time, love and money if they are taking time out of their life to help you when they could be working and/or being paid.
- dishonesty and deceit, including using false identities and manipulating others for personal gain- Obviously you are being dishonest and deceitful while manipulating others for your own personal gain be it emotional, financial, friendship, I would add that you are unfaithful to your spouse as well, etc...
- difficulty controlling impulses and planning for the future, or acting without considering the consequences- You are acting without considering the consequences of when people who come to you with real problems find out you are just a bullshitter so you can get your goodies in life.
- aggressive or aggravated behavior, including frequent fights or physical conflict with others
- disregard for personal safety, or the safety of others- How about the blood issue? spousal abuse? molestation/rape? you are disregarding the safety of the cong and the public at large.
- difficulty managing responsibilities, including showing up at work, handling tasks, or paying rent and bills
- little to no guilt or remorse, or a tendency to justify actions that negatively affect others- You don't appear to have any guilt about using people for your own gains and justify it.
People with ASPD generally show little emotion or interest in the lives of others. They might:
- come across as arrogant or superior, with firmly fixed opinions-Your an elder enough said.
- use humor, intelligence, and charisma to manipulate-You are clearly manipulating everybody in your life.
- seem charming at first, until their self-interest becomes clear-Self interest seems you M.O.
People with ASPD generally find it challenging to maintain friendships, relationships, and other mutually fulfilling connections. This difficulty may stem from traits, like:
- low empathy and emotional intelligence- you clearly do not seem to care about your spouse, kids or friends and how all of this will affect them.
- difficulty learning from mistakes- You see the mistakes of the wt yet you have not learned anything other
- than how you can continue with your status in the cong and how that status helps you get what you want.
- lack of concern for the safety of others- again, the blood issue, df-ing, judicial meetings, pedophiles, getting unsuspecting people into the org, etc....
- a tendency to intimidate and threaten in order to maintain control- you are an elder we all know how that goes.
What is the harm or downside of being PIMO?
by PimoElder inwhat is the harm or downside of being pimo?.
i get all the good things about being in the cong, good social life lots of invites to bbqs and meals out.
lots of interesting gossip 🤣🤣🤣🤣.
From a never a jw point of view- I can't imagine having to keep both worlds straight all the time. If you have non jw friends and can be completely honest with them but then have all the jw family/friends and making sure you don't slip up would be a difficult life.
Aside from the personal mental issues it would inflict upon you, how do you knowingly go to strangers and those you claim to love and tell them they must live the jw life? that their very life (soul if jw's believed in one the way non jw's do) depends upon getting on the ark of the jw's? how do you live with yourself? how do you look at yourself in the mirror everyday? Not trying to judge you, I really want to know how one would be able to do it?
I suppose people who cheat on their spouse, commit crimes, politicians, etc... do it everyday so I shouldn't find it so disturbing.
I guess you get what you want out of it so it makes it ok?
You are an elder? you have power over true believers who may go to you for help? will you help them get out? Will you turn in known pedophiles to the authorities? or will that put a damper on your bbq invites?
The more I think about your post you sound like a selfish sob. In most churches what you are doing would be considered sinful and hypocritical.
This is worth pondering
by Truth-and-Justice into my friends on the board,.
i had troubles trying to find my password to log in, and because of that i had to come up with a new password.
i use to be truth and justice, so now its the same with the hyphens between the words.. i had read of certain ones here, getting an invite to the memorial.
I can't even begin to tell you how different Christians see Easter vs how jw's 'celebrate' the reject Jesus memorial. It's like different planets.
Are You Concerned About Inflation?
by Simon ini saw a statistic the other day that something like 25% of all the debt that the us has incurred since 1776 was created in the last 12 months.
that's because they have printed so much currency and instead of letting that stop them, they are going to continue printing more to go on a spending spree on crazy green-new-deal schemes and union handouts.. does anyone think that this can be anything other than inflationary?
they are effectively stealing the wealth of everyone to then hand money out to people.
I have seen some items going up by say, about 3.00 in a week! not to mention meat and dairy prices. One item literally went up 3.00 in one week, kicked myself for not getting it earlier.
That being said, time to get the garden going! spring has finally sprung, won't be long now.
Apparently they took out 'whosever' or 'whoever' or 'all'? John 3:16, 1 Timothy 2;6
The Watchtower—Study Edition | February 2022 Trust in Jehovah ...We really meant ''the Governing Body''
by RULES & REGULATIONS inthe watchtower—study edition | february 2022. study article 6. do you trust in jehovah’s way of doing things?.
15 as the end of this system of things draws near, we need to trust in jehovah’s way of doing things as never before.
during the great tribulation, we may receive instructions that seem strange, impractical, or illogical.
Scary shit in my opinion.
I'm Back--Blondie
by blondie inyes, i am posting again.
i could not for awhile technologically and it is now fixed thanks to simon.
thanks, simon!
Hey! Glad to see you back.
Back to the Meetings------Back to Covid.
by pistolpete ina lot of pimos are reporting that returning to the meetings is backfiring in that covid is spreading among the members returning.. post;.
so last saturday was my first meeting back in person and well it completely backfired.
last night i got a text from my group overseer saying that someone in the hall tested positive for covid and that we need to get tested(great 🎉).. honestly i kinda expected this.
blah, yep, back to meetings in full attire
Does this mean back to fs too? even with gas prices as they are? knocking on doors while people are still wary of covid? I have seen conflicting reports on fs, anybody know for sure?
New Discovery at Mt. Ebal: the earliest historical instance of the name of God
by Terry in.
I'm with jhine on this one. Besides you still could put any vowels you wanted in there, the jw's would have no real reason to celebrate. You still have the problem of jehovah, jahuvoh, etc...