There are many, many ways of treating depression without pharma drugs. Pharma drugs should be an absolute last resort. Unfortunately most people want a pill to 'fix' things quickly which often causes all sort of side issues then one must take yet another drug to deal with side effects and then a 'booster' drug of sorts because the original drug isn't working as well as it should. The fact that we are drugging our children so easily should scare everybody. They are even giving Prozac to infants (just one article, google for yourself)
People are fast to hand over their health care to those in white coats. I know people who were given high dose and dangerous pharma drugs in an appointment that lasted less than 10 minutes and that included the time it took for the MA to 'room' you. The MA takes your blood pressure, weighs you, etc...
Alternative treatments abound, exercise, diet, supplements, therapy, meditation, placebos, and the list goes on. Many are not traditional but highly effective and far less stressing on the body and mind.
There are times when traditional pharma drugs may be necessary but those should be far and few between. Again, they should be a last resort.
I agree that masking the symptoms does nothing to the solve the actual cause and understanding of the cause and taking action to 'fix' the actual causes. But that is the case with so many pharma drugs.
I suggest reading something way outside your wheelhouse, read how drugs come to market, the history of 'modern medicine', where drugs come from in the first place (hint-nature), placebo & noceba (sp?) effects, etc.. etc... It is a real eye opener and dare I say even more astounding and eye opening than one becoming aware and awake to the 'truth about the truth'. It would rock your world if you knew. Take the red pill or the blue? which do you choose?