My jw has a go bag and brings it with him every time he goes out of town. He once suggested maybe he should leave it for me, just in case. Keep in mind we do not speak of anything jw related anymore. I asked why? He said in case I needed it, he was trying to be the loving husband I suppose. I pointed to my very well stocked pantry and asked where am I going when I have all of this? so he grabbed it and went on his merry way. While I agree having provisions due to storms etc.. is a very good idea in general, the jw way of thinking is just nuts.
To begin with his (jw approved?) go bag has some sort of brick type "food" that will last a whole 3 days, came with like 2 water bottles and few other things that if you truly knew how to survive would be gone within 24 hours. Just to be helpful I told him a number of other things that would be helpful when it arrived. Guess I was in a humorous mood that day. Not only that but I think they suggest that you would bunker down a few days and then go wherever the government (not the gb or the borg) tells you to go for further survival.
I remember telling him that if the 'bomb' dropped I hope I would be smack dab in the middle of it as I remember the movies from grade school about radiation poisoning. He thought I was nuts. For those that don't fear death I can tell you it would be preferable to be gone in an instant than watching those you love slowly die of radiation.
He at times will still say 'they are coming to get me!" in a semi joking manner when we hear police sirens. sad if he actually thinks that.