Hooiray for you!!! Now we expect you to buy the next few rounds! My daughter, 21, is working at McDonald's. She hates it, but it's money.
i don't know how many of you knew this, but i've been looking for a job.
i submitted an app to a local burger joint, and one to a really good chicken place called zaxby's.
i had an interview yesterday at the burger place.
Hooiray for you!!! Now we expect you to buy the next few rounds! My daughter, 21, is working at McDonald's. She hates it, but it's money.
The elders in our congregation were pompous, pain-in-the-ass, controlling, manipulative, ASSHOLES. Their word was law. They were the judge, jury, and executioner. Their kids did no wrong! Yea right!! They were as bad as any of us. Sometimes worse.
The worse elder was short and bald. He was very cocky and a pompous jerk.One of the other elders had an affair with a teenager. And get this, it was with his wife's blessing. She started teaching Nancy how to cook his favorite foods, make his favorite drinks, and everything else that he liked. She did this so that if anything happened to her, there would be someone to fill her shoes. Isn't that just a little too weird!!??
The other elders were just jerks. They ruled the congregation. Their opinion was law. When I got in trouble at home, I was in trouble with the elders, too. I bet if I could go back and count, I'd have the record on JC meetings. They had to work for their titles.
Most of their kids got in some kind of trouble. When my mom and stepdad were having problems--she went to them. She got the usual "obey your husband and be submissive" crap.
Now, keep in mind while all this shit was going on, I was being molested by my stepdad, who was a MS.
The wifes were all better than anyone else. We were expected to dress like them. Do our hair and makeup like them. blah, blah, blah!!!
I've always dreamed of finding a way to get even with the short,bald, pompous asshole elder. Remember that song "short people"? Me and an accomplice taped a copy to his front door.
i did the fade two years ago and have found this board helpful.
just want to say thanks.. mil
Welcome guys to our family!! Tell us about yourself!!
so what's it gonna be?
who's gonna win out?
Let's get priorities straight! Guys in tightass pants running around, or dubs in their polyester threads with hideous ties???
i was concerned about my friend and worried as they hadn't returned my calls or emails, so i thought i would travel to see him, and find out if my bad feeling was nothing to worry about.. he had died and i will miss him, i knew, my insides knew and it hurts.. he was my secret and it seems to hurt more as i have no-one to share the grief with.
Sorry for your loss. Time for a group hug!!!!
jesus did away with the mosaic law.. .
on this basis jw's eat pork if they wish, do not have to maintain a beard, and do not observe the sabbath.. .
however the jw's seem to apply aspects of the mosaic law when it suits them - for instance they often quote it to support their postion on blood.
Now, the blood issue really gets me going. This is another way to maintain control, using some more scare tactics. If someone dies because of not accepting blood, it's suppose to look good. This person sacrificed his life for his beliefs, blah,blah,blah. Now, it's suppose to be an individual choice. BUT, pressure is still applied to abstain. They use the bible like they use anything else--however it suites them at the time.
If it works to their advantage, they twist and turn it till it fits them. They like to appear to be a victim.
can anyone tell me if there has ever been a case of jw relatives kidnapping another relative who wished to leave the cult.
even if the restraint only lasted a few hours.
i have an account of a rather stunned female jw who was put under what she described as " house arrest" until the judicial committee threw her out officially.
Can you tell us a little more? Did she live at home with parents? How did they make her stay? Did they actually force her to be held against her will?
I know when I lived at home I was always grounded before/during/after any of the JC meetings. I felt like I was being held captive...
watch it, I see smurfs running around......
i was driving in my brothers car with him about 5 years ago (hes now an elder), we were in the middle of a row when he turned to me and told me that when i die at armageddon that i dont need to worry because he said he will look after my kids, this upset me to the point that i made him stop the car and i got out.
a friend of mine (who is a jw) i spoke to about it told me that he was just trying to be cruel and then went on to tell me that any children who are a part of a witness family would die at armageddon.
i would like to know if anyone knows if this true ?
I totally agree with KLS, my blood is beginning to boil right now. When no other tactic works, the JWs resort to guilt. And where's the best place to do that, with our children, of course. I went thru this with my mom a couple weeks ago. When no other argument would work, she brings up I'm the reason my daughter and granddaughter will "die very soon". "How did that make me feel"?? An earlier post said it well, I'd rather bring my family up "normally", than as a Jehovah's Witness. Even if I THOUGHT the JWs were right!
BUT, we know they are far from right. What kind of God/religion would use fear and terrorize children? How do you think hearing that kind of trash makes them feel? I know that MY god would never use those tactics. He is a loving god and only wants the best for me and my family.
I had to finally tell my mom to have a nice life. I happen to like where I am with my beliefs today. So, she's limited with the contact she is allowed with my child. My child is 21, and pretty vocal about it.
We all have to die sometime. They've been saying the "A" will be here very soon. And it's 25 years later....and still the same babble.
if you could ask someone who is about to be baptized a question to make him think, what would you ask?
thanks, carla
I'd ask, are you ready to give up your life as you know it now? Your life no longer belongs to you. Blood family--say bye-bye. If you are a she--you are no longer a woman with individual rights. You are considered property. You are to be obedient and submissive. You no longer think for yourself. You now belong to an organization that hides pedophiles and ignores the children that they have harmed.
You are now a nobody!!!
What an ideal life! Why, where can I sign up???
(Someone please shoot me in the head.)