Maybe the reason the majority of marriages in this country are failing, or have failed, is because the modern American marriage is TOO much of a partnership.
Posts by Sith
Head of the house? Who?
by upside/down ini have read in different threads, comments to the effect of married dub males as being despotic, tyrannical lords of their domain.
and i'm sure in many istances this is true.
i had never heard of men (family heads) referred to in such terms before i became a dub.
What are some good non satanic metal groups/albums?
by Leander ini created a post like this awhile back but i thought i would start with a fresh one for 2005. i'm still somewhat of a newb to the metal world but i'm a more familiar with the music now than i was a year or two ago.. first off i love almost everything metallica does, i even liked most of the songs from st anger.
i really dig songs with crushing riffs and hard hitting melodies, but what i'm discovering is that a lot of bands love throwing occult themes and references into their music.
i'm not quite that hardcore just yet, in fact i bought a few albums without realizing some of the content.
What? Are you kidding me? They're ALL satanic, just as Elvis and The Beatles were before them.
Witnesses and alcoholism
by Grace inmy jw husband has made me promise to let him die rather than approve a blood transfusion because of bible doctrine; however, the same bible speaks against alcoholism and drunkeness and yet he continues to drink and sometimes gets absolutely smashed.. last night we were at a non-jw staff party for my place of employment, and he lost any shred of dignity through his heavy drinking.
we got home at 3 a.m. and he jumped out of bed at 8:20 and said, "i have to get to book study; i'm reading today.
(it behooves me how he can do this time and again without even taking so much as an asparin!).
I have known for years that I was an alcoholic. I grew up the The Big Lie, and my JW buddies and I partied hard for many years. I drank with JWs during my teens and all through my adult years. I was PRed for it once, and DFed for it another time. Never, in all the years that I struggled with alcohol, did any "brother" or "elder" offer any help or counseling beyond, "Trust in Jehovah", as if I could pray my addiction away. A few years after I was DFed for the 3rd and final time, I went to my first AA meeting. The talk of God and spirituality turned my stomach and I couldn't stay. I continued my life of self-destruction. Almost three years ago, I went back. I was finally ready to accept, once again, a "Higher Power" in my life. I have been sober now for 2 years, 3 months and 10 days.
Here's the kicker. The Kingdom Hall that I attended for the first 10 years of my JW life was sold a while back. The local AA fellowship bought and remodeled it. It's where I attend most of my meetings. Sometimes as I drive up to the building, I thank my Higher Power that He was able to evict that deadbeat, Joe Hoba. -
Head of the house? Who?
by upside/down ini have read in different threads, comments to the effect of married dub males as being despotic, tyrannical lords of their domain.
and i'm sure in many istances this is true.
i had never heard of men (family heads) referred to in such terms before i became a dub.
Carla, according to your line of reasoning, Hazel was the head of the Baxter household, and Alice was in charge of the Bradys
Am I wrong to feel this way
by stillajwexelder ini am supposed to love being with the brothers at the kh.
i can not wait to post on this board.
i prefer the intellectual emotional stimulation of the people on this board.
Am I ok? What's wrong with me? Does anyone like me? Am I wrong? Am I right? Who the hell am I? Validate me, please. Someone?
Something I've wondered about for many a year.......
by TadSexington ino.k..... i've been out of "the truth" for about 10 yrs now.... .
so when i was in i was still a child, and someting just didn't sit right with my child like mind..... whats the deal with not having any women elders....?.
did i miss that watchtower article somwhere....?.
The WTBTS viewpoint of women is very severe, but not without merit. The Bible says that the man is in charge and responsible for the behavior of those under his care. This holds true in the family as well as in the congregation. Women don't hold positions of authority because that is the job of men. Sorry ladies, but that is the biblical viewpoint. God is a pig
5/23/05 KM Article "Jehovah's Day is Near"
by TheListener into be covered during service meetings week of 5/23/05.. q&a.
1. christians ardently desire the coming of jehovah's day, through which he will destroy the present system of things and usher in a new world of righteousness.
(2 peter 3:12,13, ftn.
I like point #1. I wonder how many JW parents ardently desire the coming of Jehovah's day, through which He will destroy their non-JW children and usher in a new world of righteousness.
When you watched Star Wars did you feel like me?
by skyman ini could not help but think when the jw's watch star wars that anakin skywalker darth vader types in their minds are the apostates on the dark side selling their souls to the devil.
i think some jw's will feel a self in powering zeal that testifies to their soul how misguided the all of us are.
i know that when my brother (self righteous elder) watches this movie he will liken anakin skywalker to his poor misguided apostate brother.
My ex-JW wife told me, when I began losing interest in the cult, that it was like watching Anakin turn to the Dark Side. What's why I chose this particular screen name. When I think back on it now, it feels like a compliment
What does your Avatar say about you?
by jt stumbler inthis question has most likely been asked before but i must've missed it.
any hoo, just wondering.
as for mine, it shows that i am a good for nothing smurf who loves boobies i guess...
That I've never learned how to properly apply make-up
Do you hate the religion of Jehovah's Witnesses?
by logansrun in.
a simple question: do you hate the religion of jehovah's witnesses?
feel free to elaborate on your answer.. b.
Annie, regarding your earlier, I wasn't refering to you. And yeah, f*ck these people who think they have some point of reference. Kick their ass, Annie