Desperado...The Eagles
Thunder Road...Springsteen
Dust In The Wind...Kansas
Iron Hand...Dire Straits
Crash Into Me...DMB
Father And Son...Cat Stevens
Like A Rolling Stone...Dylan
And my all-time favorite: Rocky Raccoon...the Beatles
Posts by Sith
What songs stand the test of time?
by JV inseeing as i'm dowloading songs so i can blast them at the neighbour kids, i was thinking, what songs stand the test of time?
what songs do you listen to over and over again and never get tired of.
here's my list.. if you tolerate this - manic street preachers.
What Temperature Do You Have Your A/C Set At?
by the_classicist in.
me, 25 degrees celsius.
but usually around 24.
It's 109 here today. We've cooled down some since last week. My thermostat is always set at 78. Anything lower than that, I'd have to wear a sweater in the house.
CF, after about 20 tries, I made 89 feet...or is it meters?
Terrorist backlash - and so it starts
by katiekitten inmy mum lives next door to a little newsagents shop run by an asian family.
i used to live there, and i had the phone number of mr badat because sometimes people used to try and break in.
mr badat died last year and a younger moslem family took over.
The real tragedy is that when Saddam Husain was murdering and raping tens of thousands of Iraqis, nobody gave a damn or lifted a finger to stop him.
Terrorist backlash - and so it starts
by katiekitten inmy mum lives next door to a little newsagents shop run by an asian family.
i used to live there, and i had the phone number of mr badat because sometimes people used to try and break in.
mr badat died last year and a younger moslem family took over.
Afew weeks ago in Iraq, a terrorist drove a car into a group of US soldiers who were handing out candy and toys to Iraqi children and detonated a bomb. Up to 27 people were killed. The blast killed only one American soldier. At least 70 people were injured, a newborn and three U.S. soldiers among them.
Twelve of the dead were 13 or younger and six were between 14 and 17.
The terrorists don't care what happens to "their own people". -
I wouldn't say I hate them, I just like them better shaved
Would you go to a funeral at the Kingdom Hall?
by Dustin inso my brother and i have been having talks about what will happen when our dad passes away eventually.
most of his brothers and sisters have died in their 50's or early 60's.
i flat out refuse to attend any part of the service that would be done at the kingdom hall.
Dustin, my mother passed away at the end of March. She had been very sick for quite some time, and I knew that eventually I would be faced with the same decision you are. I have been out of the Borg since 1991, while my mother remained "faithful". We had a strained relationship for years. However, I knew it was her wish to have a Witness funeral at the Kingdom Hall. I also knew that most of the people who would attend were people I have known since I was 12 years old. So, I struggled with what I should do and how I should react when the time came. When the time did come, I went through with her wishes and put my best face on. I figured that staying away wouldn't make a point or any kind of impact. It wouldn't change a thing. The only one who would regret my absence would be me.
Right before she died, I sat with my mother in her hospital room for three days after she slipped into a coma. Witness well-wishes came and went and were polite but not comforting or friendly. At her memorial service, I sat up in front at the Hall with my younger (unbelieving but never baptized) sister and my kids. For the hour I was at the Hall, not one Witness said a word to me. After the service, my younger sister had everyone over to her house. Everyone ignored me there also. I didn't care. I shunned them as much as they shunned me. I was there for my mother. After 48 years of being my mother, it was the very least I could do.
Sometimes you have to swallow your pride and do the right thing. -
More fun and games....Reasons not to hire a JW.....
by riotgirlpeeps inso i have seen many anti experience threads etc.
my father (a jw elder) has had several businesses for a number of years.
(thanks dad i'll follow your example really well and become an excellent business person.
A reason not to hire a JW?
It sucks if they draw you as your Secret Santa at the annual Christmas Party -
One more Gilead goodie...pick out your post-Armageddon home now!
by sir82 inand one more nice little snippet from our current gilead student, unaware of what a star he has become.... 2 chron 20 jehoshaphat represents jesus, moab the big business .
elements, ammon the political elements, and edom or seir is christendom.
in verses 22 - 26 we have a prophetic drama with the political elements .
I know I'm supposed to be shocked and/or amused by these entries. Under different circumstances, I probably would be.
Does the originator of these emails know they are being put on display here for entertainment purposes? -
One more Gilead goodie...pick out your post-Armageddon home now!
by sir82 inand one more nice little snippet from our current gilead student, unaware of what a star he has become.... 2 chron 20 jehoshaphat represents jesus, moab the big business .
elements, ammon the political elements, and edom or seir is christendom.
in verses 22 - 26 we have a prophetic drama with the political elements .
I haven't thoroughly read them through, but I'm assuming you are posting a JW's emails?