Thank you Sir,
Great job. What was your take on the UN thing? Was what you wrote all that was said about it?
Why do you think they brought it up?
It gets curiouser and curiouser.
i tried to edit part 6, but once again the system ate my notes.
so i will try here.. talk # 22: trust the faithful and discreet slave - brother sico .
synopsis: we can trust the faithful and discreet slave (fds).
Thank you Sir,
Great job. What was your take on the UN thing? Was what you wrote all that was said about it?
Why do you think they brought it up?
It gets curiouser and curiouser.
can anyone help me with the cheapest place to buy .
watchtower magazine reprints on cd.
Thank you for doing that for me Blondie, and so quickly. I could have, and should have done it myself,
but didn't think of it. You are a real treasure, for me and whole board.
Thank you again for that and your WT summaries and all you do
can anyone help me with the cheapest place to buy .
watchtower magazine reprints on cd.
Can anyone help me with the cheapest place to buy
Watchtower magazine reprints on CD.
what are your favorite notable bible passages, why and how does it affect your life?
i have a few such as; "for if anyone thinks he is something when he is nothing he is dececiving his own mind.
"also from presumptuous acts hold your servant back; do not let them dominate me.
I regret now I did not make the following my favoured scriptures before affiliating with the JWs in mid 40ties; it would have protected me from falling prey to the deception perpetrated by the “faithful and discreet slave.” ----
“Beloved ones, do not believe every inspired expression, but test the inspired expressions to see whether they originate with God, because many false prophets have gone forth into the world.” 1 John 4:1.
“Do not put YOUR trust in nobles, Nor in the son of earthling man, to whom no salvation belongs.” Ps. 146:3.
“But even if we, or an angel from heaven, were to be a preacher to you of good news other than that which we have given you, let there be a curse on him. As we have said before, so say I now again, if any man is a preacher to you of any good news other than that which has been given to you, let there be a curse on him.” (BBE) Gal. 1:8, 9.
what are your favorite notable bible passages, why and how does it affect your life?
i have a few such as; "for if anyone thinks he is something when he is nothing he is dececiving his own mind.
"also from presumptuous acts hold your servant back; do not let them dominate me.
Philip. 3:14, 15
“… But one thing I do: forgetting what is behind and reaching forward to what is ahead,
I pursue as my goal the prize promised by God's heavenly call in Christ Jesus.”
( The Holman Christian Standard Bible)
if the answer is "yes," please explain why.
(i don't think this question needs explaining - i think you all know what i'm talking about.
“Do you still “want” to believe”; yes and no.
I no longer believe many of the doctrines promoted by the Society. My faith is now stronger in God; am spiritually more alive since abandoning the thinking sponsored by the WBTS organization.
After examining both sides, it is possible to make an informed decision.
Subsequent to reading the two books: “Crisis of Conscience” & “In Search of
Christian Freedom”, written by former member of the governing Body, Ray Franz, I challenge anyone who would still “want to believe” the misinformation emanating from WBTS association. These publications are available at:
As one poster stated, I too: “…attempted to force myself to believe against my better judgement”, hoping that eventually the WBTS authorities would step off their lofty tower, stop going “beyond what is written”, discontinue persecuting the brothers who in all sincerity, on discovering discrepancies in the WBTS doctrines, question the meaning of such philosophies, only to find themselves facing judicial committees.
In our (so far successful) fade, my wife and I also struggle with how much to say to our family and friends. We have decided to divulge the truth about the “truth” in small increments. Shock treatment does not work always. The gentle approach is more successful in most instances, IMHO. The analogy of fruit picking is fitting; when fruit is ripe it will come off easily with only a gentle tug, if not, it is not ready to pick.
At least they might give obey, obedience, conform, act upon, observe, comply, abide by, submit, respect, follow the FDS to the death, a break.
Or maybe not. It will probably be as well as, not instead of.
it seems that some people are keen to use disfellowshipping as the measure of anything bad.
if someone is deleted from a forum for being obnoxious then that is akin to being disfellowshipped and is b-a-d. yada yada yada.. is it?.
is every disfellowshipping "bad" simply by virtue of being a disfellowshipping?.
Thank you Simon for keeping the finger on the pulse.
It is your board, your property, you set the rules and we must abide by them.
Anyone who is not happy with the guidelines is at liberty to start their own site. True, “Deleting someone from a forum is nothing like Disfellowshipping”. No one will be shunned or lose family or friends because of removal from the board.
Thank you Simon and all Forum Assistants.
thats how i feel at the mo!!!
why is it that no matter how hard you try life still sh**s on you!!!!!
Hi Tez.
My heart goes out to you. The pain and the disappointments, the heartbreaks you endured over the years were noticed by our God; He will give you a better outcome eventually.
To be acceptable to God, we do not need to subject ourselves to the dictates of the JW religion. Jesus encouraged us to go to Him. I know what you imply when you state: “spent years being made to feel guilty”. Our God and our Lord Jesus are not hard task masters, they are not after performance rather they want our heart. Do not torment yourself thinking that you have failed God because you could not live up to the unscriptural requirements imposed by the GB, who have mislead millions of people by imposing regulations which are unscriptural. They will have to answer for their actions. Gal. 1:8, 9.
My wife and I, (she also left the organization with me,) feel that is imperative to read the Bible regularly, particularly the New Testament, it helps us develop a receptive heart toward God’s Word and fosters contentment and happiness. In the Scriptures there are no heavy burdens or loads put on us we cannot carry, difficult they may be at times. To have our Lord’s approval we need to go to Him and not to an organization as taught erroneously by the JWs establishment and the self appointed “slave”. Our God has planted perpetuity in our hearts; he will not disappoint us but bless us with eternal life. Our Lord Jesus is kind, sympathetic shepherd; he bought us with the ultimate prize, and will not reject us because of our failings. .
May I suggest you read “What’s So Amazing About Grace?” by Philip Yancey. It may help you obtain a different perspective about God’s love for us imperfect, sinful and often troubled humans. He points out that:
“There is nothing we can do to make God love us more. There is nothing we can do to make God love us less.” It may raise your spirits.
Best wishes.
i need this advice before my spouse gets back from the meeting (1 hour tonight).. ok,.
here's the lowdown:.
if you've been following my story through various posts for about the last year you know that i've recently stepped aside as an elder and have been quietly fading.. i go to meetings sporadically.
Hi Listener
Not an easy problem to confront; but if you approach the issue prayerfully you will be successful.
Invite her to assist you in getting to the bottom of problems you have stumbled upon. It is imperative to assure her that you are not loosing faith in Jehovah God, or the Bible. It may help to point out that you take the instruction given in the Scriptures seriously, and that you do not want to invoke the consequences described in Gal. 1:8, 9; which clearly confirm that God’s curse will be upon those who go beyond what is written. Rev. 22:18, 19.
It could be helpful to point out, since you choose to “obey God as ruler rather than men”; you are currently experiencing some reservations about some doctrines. You may wish to suggest that some of the guidelines and predictions as expressed and enforced in the organization are not strictly Scriptural and therefore causing you some concern and stumbling; but that you are working through them. Confrontation will not succeed, unfortunately due to extensive indoctrination JW’s are often unable to appeal to reason, rather emotion dominates. Please proceed in small increments.
My wife and I were captives of the organization for 60 years; and yes I am grateful we both faded away from the theologies and systems of the WBTS yet remained strong in faith and in devotion to each other.
Best wishes.