Warm welcome to all newbies!!!
Has Jehovah ever played a part in it this organization? I think not. How can they claim to be "spirit directed"? Has Jehovah?s Holy Spirit made so many mistakes that it has been necessary to change thirty doctrines or teachings in the past fifty years? That is one every eighteen months or so. I feel that is an insult to God and our Lord Jesus.
I started pioneering mid 40ties and was deeply involved in the organization for many decades, including several years in Bethel. For quite some time I too struggled with issues I could not resolve: perhaps it is God?s organization, they are imperfect men, and God will eventually set everything right. I too tried to influence from within. In time that was relayed to HQ and my opportunities to help others inside were severely curtailed.
I had to face the appalling truth. Though there are many fine people in the rank and file, the head is spiritually bankrupt, and when I realized that, I could no longer support the system I felt was dishonouring God.
What helped my dear wife and me to make sure of all things, were the two publications by a former member of the governing body, Ray Franz, and to prove beyond any shade of doubt that they, the GB have never been "appointed", is the book published by Don Cameron: "Captives of a Concept". You may choose to order at:
www.CaptivesOfaConcept.comRays books "Crisis of Conscience" and "In Search of Christian Freedom" are available at: www.commentarypress.com
Best wishes to our new posters and guests.