Topics Started by Lois
Current disfellowshipping practices- please help.
by amarantha inhi, my name is amarantha.
i'm new to the board.
can anyone please tell me what the current disfellowshipping standards are?
Graduation is okay?
by Oxnard Hamster inas you all know, jws avoid celebrating all major holidays because they are "worldly" and "worldly" things displease jehovah.
however, i remember some jws talking about celebrating certain kids' high school graduations.
so it's not okay to celebrate christmas, thanksgiving, easter, birthdays, etc, but it is okay to celebrate someone's graduation?
Is it better to just LEAVE or FIGHT?
by ljwtiamb inalthough, i have not been victim to the same level of damage from the wts as many of you on this site, i have noticed that it is very difficult to fight such a large entity with deep pockets and passionate (though misled) supporters.. .
since i am still in the very early stages of leaving/fading, i wonder:.
i have already spent the vast majority of my life sacrificially serving the interests of this org.
WTBTS and the Cross
by Honesty in.
does anyone have any idea why the cross is such a stumbling block to the wtbs and the jehovah's witnesses?
1 corinthians 1:18 describes their belief system to a "t".
Witness parents choose to tranfuse baby to save life
by Ticker injust wanted to share some exciting info on a recent experience of a witness couple.
their young baby very unfortunatly was struck with leukiemia and requiered a blood transfusion to save its life.
fortunatly the parents had enough sence and logical reasoning to save their babys life by listening to the medical staff and proceeded with the transfusions.
Everyone deserves a funeral....surely!!!!
by Gill ini haven't posted much recently on the site but wanted to tell you about something bad that has happened.. some of you will remember me posting about my husbands very elderly grandfather.
we wanted to take him in to live with us when he was diagnosed with mild dementia but my husbands parents insisted that he go into a care home and conned him into signing an epa.
there reason for not allowing this lovely old man to live out his days with us was that their responsibility was to consider his 'spiritual needs' and since we no longer went to meetings we could never look after him they stuck him, against his will, into the home.
Would the W.T. be open for massive lawsuits if they changed blood policy?
by hubert ini was just thinking of this, because of my last post topic.
if the watchtower changed their no blood policy to accepting whole blood, would and could that .
open the flood gates for law suits from jdubs that sacrificed their children for the tower, or would .
A letter to the Parents
by SixofNine ina friend gave me permission to post this.
i think it's a good letter, it might help others formulate their thoughts; she understands it may not be read or considered deeply, but things can't get much worse with her family at this point anyway.
no contact is not that much different than contact once per year or less, and sometimes it's just really important to have the people who should know you, at least know you a little.
Open Letter To Jehovah's Witnesses
by Outaservice inyou may not remember, but i know you very well.
i met you a long time ago when you came to my house with your smiling faces, your neat clothes, and your soft voices, and a bible tucked neatly under your arm.
you told me many beautiful stories of a "paradise earth," and a "righteous new system" which would be established shortly.