I'm 5'9'' with big hips.. is being an "amazon" bad?
Amazon is great. I have bought a lot of stuff from you over the years.
she is an amazon...i'm guessing 5' 11" with big hips.
her speech was ok, but she says "um" a lot.
our table was very close, which translates into we paid $500.00, instead of $200.00, per plate for our cold chicken salad.
I'm 5'9'' with big hips.. is being an "amazon" bad?
Amazon is great. I have bought a lot of stuff from you over the years.
i am not a jw, but know several, and i am curious as to why adults get involved with the jws.
any one have an answer from personal experience?
My ex-wife was a backslidden JW, as she called it, and a few months after we were dating she started studying with someone and I went along. At 23 yrs old, I had no idea what questions to raise in regards to their history and they did seem to have an answer for just about everything. After we were married I began attending meetings and within a year I was baptized. If would be another two years or so before the honeymoon with the Society began to fade and I starting having issues with some their teachings.
By that time I had a son and a daughter and just walking away from the religion seemed like the wrong thing at the time. I went through an spiritual roller coaster over the next four years as I tried to convince myself this was "the truth." In 1988 at the summer "Divine Justice" conventions, the resolution to abhor Christendoms adultery was announced via a speech live from New York City. At one point the speaker asked if we agreed that the destruction of Christendom and her followers would be a great event, then give him an "Aye" and the whole Tarrant County Convention Center yelled "Aye" Many stuck their fist in the air as they yelled and it gave me a very creepy feeling as it was so remenicient of the Nazi salute.
We, who since 1914 have been living in "the Lord’s day" and at this time of divine judgment, rejoice in the grandest of all privileges, that of serving the Sovereign Lord Jehovah under his King of kings, Jesus Christ. (Revelation 1:10) As JEHOVAH’S WITNESSES, we testify that:
(1) WE ABHOR the reproach that Babylon the Great, and Christendom in particular, has cast upon the name of the one true and living God, Jehovah. For our part, WE AFFIRM wholeheartedly, in the words of Revelation 4:11: "You are worthy, Jehovah, even our God, to receive the glory and the honor and the power."
(2) WE ABHOR Christendom’s adherence to Babylonish teachings, notably those of a triune god, the human soul’s immortality, eternal torment in hell, a fiery purgatory, and worship of images—such as the Madonna and the cross. In line with Revelation 22:18, 19, WE FIRMLY ABIDE by God’s written Word and all that it contains.
(3) WE ABHOR anti-God philosophies and practices, so common in Christendom, such as evolution, blood transfusions, abortions, lying, greed, and dishonesty. In our worship and way of life, WE WILL HONOR our Creator, Jehovah God, the Almighty, whose ways are described at Revelation 15:3 as "righteous and true."
(4) WE ABHOR Christendom’s failure to heed Jesus’ messages to the seven congregations at Revelation chapters 2 and 3 in such matters as sectarianism, idolatry, fornication, the Jezebel influence, lukewarmness, and lack of watchfulness. For our part, WE WILL HEAR AND OBEY what "the spirit says to the congregations."
(5) WE ABHOR the immorality and permissiveness in Christendom and among its clergy, and we welcome Jehovah’s clear judgment stated at Revelation 21:8 that those who continue in their filth—fornicators, liars, and suchlike—will be utterly destroyed. WE WHOLEHEARTEDLY SUPPORT Bible standards on sex, marriage, and family life.
(6) WE ABHOR the centuries-long spiritual prostitution of the clergy of Babylon the Great in conniving with worldly rulers to gain power, wealth, and oppressive dominance over the common people. WE ARE RESOLVED to help honesthearted ones to obey the angel’s call at Revelation 18:4: "Get out of her, my people."
(7) WE ABHOR the massive bloodguilt resulting from over 100 million lives sacrificed in war in this century alone, largely attributable to the great harlot’s fornication with the political powers. WE REJOICE that the appointed time is near for God to execute judicial punishment on Babylon the Great, as clearly stated at Revelation 18:21-24.
As Jehovah’s Witnesses, WE COUNT IT A JOY AND A PRIVILEGE to announce to the world that in 1914 "the kingdom of the world did become the kingdom of our Lord [Jehovah] and of his Christ." (Revelation 11:15) WE ARE RESOLVED to move forward fearlessly in making known Jehovah’s declared judgments on Babylon the Great and in warning of the imminence of God’s war of Armageddon. WE ARE DETERMINED to echo, in a loud voice and "to every nation and tribe and tongue and people," the glad tidings that "a new heaven and a new earth" are at hand for the blessing of obedient mankind. (Revelation 14:6; 21:1) WE REJOICE that as a result of this proclamation, a great crowd of more than three million from all nations is now united with us around the globe. Along with the angel flying in midheaven, all of us declare: "Fear God and give him glory, because the hour of the judgment by him has arrived, and so worship the One who made the heaven and the earth and sea and fountains of waters."—Revelation 14:7.
evolutionists are always called on to explain how a complicated organ like an eye could have come about "by chance" - as if any scientist ever claimed that's what happened.
but there are shelves of books in your library that will explain the process of natural selection, some are written so simply that a child can grasp the basic concept.
you don't have to accept it but at least an explanation is offered.
So there COULD potentially be a creator, like some master computer programmer somewhere that designed all of this madness.
Yes, and will all of the errors and viruses, it has all the markings of a Microsoft product.
by using the label "worldly" the wt shortchanges people.
the same people it quotes as authorities in its magazines can also be easily dismissed if their opinion disagrees with the wt viewpoint by simply stating that after all, those persons are "worldly".
but those who use this term also shortchange themselves.
Wasn't there a commercial not so long ago that proclaimed "So worldly, so welcome!"
can anybody help me i was brouhgt up a jw i pioneered went to bethel was a ms gave public talks but left because i knew they are false in every way god is good he loves us crhist saved us but these people want to see all killed except the "govering body " and the 1st and 2nd class witnessses the heaven bound and the earth bound i have stayed away from god and other faiths for yrs as felt should not but i have read some stuff about russell and rutherford and this has made me along with what i have found out about 1975 see that i need help from those who know what it is like being brouhgt up in this evil lie i hope that god will direct someone to help me god bless
For my two cents worth, I do not think there is a God, at least not one that is actively involved in human affairs. As I slowly shook off the shackles of the Watchtower, I was very careful not to dive into another religion. Other religions can be more believable, but equally untrue.
The more research I did, the more it pointed to no god or no active god. When I chose the God route, I had to accept just about any excuse as to why certain things happened to certain people at certain times. The God folks had an answer/excuse for just about any scenario. Example: A van with seven people in it is involved in terrible crash on Highway 152 and five were killed and two lived. The line you get is the it was " just their time" for the five and God was not ready for the other two.
Once I took God out of the picture, everything made much more sense and I did not have to come up with wacky reasons to explain confusing situations.
In my opinion, I think many cling to the notion of God because they want to hold on to the belief of an afterlife. I wish there was something after this, but logic and reason tells me the answer to the Societys book "Is this life all there is" is a resounding "Yes."
for me it was that god is killing billions of people just to prove a point.
what about you?
The selction of the Society as the "Faithful and Discreet Slave" in 1919 and the closing of heaven in 1935.
after loubelle's exercise thread, i thought it would be a fun idea to keep a log here and check in with everyone.. i walked 30 minutes yesterday plus after walked to the police station and the witch store about 3 miles away from the y.. food: .
breakfast: 2 pieces of toast: one with pb and the other with honey, coffee.
lunch: hardboiled egg, ham, cheese stick.
Staritng on March 24th, I began walking to work which is about 1.7 miles away. It takes me 30 minutes onew way from door to door (I hate that phrase). I also walk at lunch for an hour and I walk/jog when I get home. I am trying to keep the 80lbs I lost over 2006-2007 at bay.
... i was stuck sitting next to a witness on the plane.
i knew it was only a matter of time before it happens as i am on a flight every week for work.
well, where do i start.
You'd think those elders could wait for Hojovah to destroy the 6 billion people before they take over everything. Must be impatient.
Yeah if I remember correctly, aren't JW's supposed to get about two acres each once they are in the new order?
i have heard the revelation book is being studied for the 4th time since it's release in 1988. we studied it once before i left in 1992. is it the same edition or has it been revised a few times?
Anyone have a pic of the new cover?
i have heard the revelation book is being studied for the 4th time since it's release in 1988. we studied it once before i left in 1992. is it the same edition or has it been revised a few times?
I have heard the Revelation book is being studied for the 4th time since it's release in 1988. We studied it once before I left in 1992. Is it the same edition or has it been revised a few times?