ok well whew alot has happened sonce my last reply my parents didnt kick me out ive been enjoying my new freedom but i havent done anything that conflicts with liek the witnesses anyway u guys told me to make a plan and well i think i have one but since im already disfellowshipped it might be too late my family was gonna do some stuff this summer like a fishing trip that i wanted to go on and etc anyway im going to try and not disfellowship myself just yet even tho i technically allready did and if they wont let me then ill just let it stand that im disfellowshipped and i dont have to do those things with my family lol anyway later on i wanna talk to jst2laws about this whole thing i was baptised when i was 14 and i dont think i was old enough to know enough to make that decision or enter into that "contract" anyway i want to try and liek i dunno get the law involved or something take it to court and say that i was a minor when the agreement contract whatever u wanna call it was made and like i dunno like make it void or whatever or something so i can just not be a brother so i cant be disfellowshipped or something i dont know im still just thinking about it but if i cant find a way to make it work ill prolly just end up being an inactive witness and if i do something that they dont liek they can disfellowship me thats my plan i wish i hadnt rushed into the whole disfellowshipping thing i had never thought of just being inactive i dunno i shoulda came up with a plan like u guys were tellin me lol but now i got one so ill be aight
JoinedPosts by OklaXwitness
i told em :)
by OklaXwitness in(check out my first post if u wanna know more about my situation).
well i waited till like 6 oclock my parents never came home so we just went to church i came back and we talked for like an hour and i was almost completely truthfull there was maybe one or two things i wasnt about but they were little anyway they know i have a girlfriend they know i went to the assembly of god last night i told em i didnt want to be a witness anymore they tryed saying that maybe i was crazy or i wasnt thinking straight anyway im going to thier meeting tonight so i can talk to the elders and probably get disfellowshipped :) and my dad said that the least i owe him is to let him study with me ive made it clear that i dont want to study but i luv my dad and i respect him so im going to let him.
it felt so good giveing up the double life i really dont wanna study but hes right i do owe him something
i told em :)
by OklaXwitness in(check out my first post if u wanna know more about my situation).
well i waited till like 6 oclock my parents never came home so we just went to church i came back and we talked for like an hour and i was almost completely truthfull there was maybe one or two things i wasnt about but they were little anyway they know i have a girlfriend they know i went to the assembly of god last night i told em i didnt want to be a witness anymore they tryed saying that maybe i was crazy or i wasnt thinking straight anyway im going to thier meeting tonight so i can talk to the elders and probably get disfellowshipped :) and my dad said that the least i owe him is to let him study with me ive made it clear that i dont want to study but i luv my dad and i respect him so im going to let him.
it felt so good giveing up the double life i really dont wanna study but hes right i do owe him something
its too late im disfellowshipped whenever i did get disfellowshipped my dad gave me my last pay check luckily i have a job application in my hand and he said that my worldly friends could take care of me, well they will mentally but i will care for myself physically i got all my bags packed i have for about a week i knew this was gonna happen when i got disassociated anyway its about 1:30 in the morning here im gonna take all my bags out to my car and im gonna leave my dad a note askin for my birth certificate social security number and car insurance papers if i have any and ill write on there before that that i love him and that i always will and im gonna leave a note for my mom too itll say somethin like i love you and i always will no matter what and that ill be bak for the rest of my stuff while they are at the meeting on tuesday anyway im kinda shookin up i was prepared but its still a big deal i mean its my family anyway i know u guys understand lol peace out
Am I the only one ...
by talesin inugh.
it seems that the jw, along w/ other stuff, has led me to a solitary position in life ... how about you ... is that why you are here?
dont worry u'll make new friends as long as you try to, the society says its impossible but they are just a bunch of manipulative psychopaths (im lucky i led a double life so i have lots of friends )
i told em :)
by OklaXwitness in(check out my first post if u wanna know more about my situation).
well i waited till like 6 oclock my parents never came home so we just went to church i came back and we talked for like an hour and i was almost completely truthfull there was maybe one or two things i wasnt about but they were little anyway they know i have a girlfriend they know i went to the assembly of god last night i told em i didnt want to be a witness anymore they tryed saying that maybe i was crazy or i wasnt thinking straight anyway im going to thier meeting tonight so i can talk to the elders and probably get disfellowshipped :) and my dad said that the least i owe him is to let him study with me ive made it clear that i dont want to study but i luv my dad and i respect him so im going to let him.
it felt so good giveing up the double life i really dont wanna study but hes right i do owe him something
ok well i really dont wanna study im gonna tell em that either today or tomorrow and im going to ask em if i get disfellowshipped if they are gonna kick me out
i told em :)
by OklaXwitness in(check out my first post if u wanna know more about my situation).
well i waited till like 6 oclock my parents never came home so we just went to church i came back and we talked for like an hour and i was almost completely truthfull there was maybe one or two things i wasnt about but they were little anyway they know i have a girlfriend they know i went to the assembly of god last night i told em i didnt want to be a witness anymore they tryed saying that maybe i was crazy or i wasnt thinking straight anyway im going to thier meeting tonight so i can talk to the elders and probably get disfellowshipped :) and my dad said that the least i owe him is to let him study with me ive made it clear that i dont want to study but i luv my dad and i respect him so im going to let him.
it felt so good giveing up the double life i really dont wanna study but hes right i do owe him something
(check out my first post if u wanna know more about my situation)
well i waited till like 6 oclock my parents never came home so we just went to church i came back and we talked for like an hour and i was almost completely truthfull there was maybe one or two things i wasnt about but they were little anyway they know i have a girlfriend they know i went to the assembly of god last night i told em i didnt want to be a witness anymore they tryed saying that maybe i was crazy or i wasnt thinking straight anyway im going to thier meeting tonight so i can talk to the elders and probably get disfellowshipped :) and my dad said that the least i owe him is to let him study with me ive made it clear that i dont want to study but i luv my dad and i respect him so im going to let him
it felt so good giveing up the double life i REALLY dont wanna study but hes right i do owe him something
still a lil scared but definately leaving
by OklaXwitness inim leaving guys thank you "apostates" lol witnesses are a messed up cult i wish i had known about this sooner ive been raised in "the truth" im 16 im leaveing tomorrow
aight ill slow down i told my dad that i dont believe it and i never will and i was very vague about why but anyway the part i needed courage for is over now all i gotta do is tough it out while my whole family cries thinking im going to die its makes me mad i want to tell them why i think this is wrong but i know they wont listen they would probably even become bitter so i just say i dont know what do u believe i dont know why do u think the "truth" is wrong i dont know my sister was all liek she got sooooooo emotional lol i was liek i dont think i should force myself to believe something for other people (my family) and she was like well if its the only thing that keeps u in the truth dude this is sooooooooooo messed up probably the biggest trial of my life i gotta stick to my guns i cant let em sidetrack me by them crying
still a lil scared but definately leaving
by OklaXwitness inim leaving guys thank you "apostates" lol witnesses are a messed up cult i wish i had known about this sooner ive been raised in "the truth" im 16 im leaveing tomorrow
yea it would probably be better just to get out i mean im dont think i could get anybody to listen to me i have a friend thats in but i didnt know until i was having doubts about the "truth" that he had planned on leaving for years and that hes just waiting till hes 18 thats the only person that i think i coulda helped but hes already helped himself lol
still a lil scared but definately leaving
by OklaXwitness inim leaving guys thank you "apostates" lol witnesses are a messed up cult i wish i had known about this sooner ive been raised in "the truth" im 16 im leaveing tomorrow
i dont think i have enough courage all i have is knowledge of the truth about the "truth" and im having a hard time decideing wether or not to distribute it amongst deaf ears or keep it to myself and leave and have a better relationship with my parents possibly i think if i went around and tryed to tell people then they might be more angry at me and view me as an apostate which is what i am now and want me out of thier lives for good
still a lil scared but definately leaving
by OklaXwitness inim leaving guys thank you "apostates" lol witnesses are a messed up cult i wish i had known about this sooner ive been raised in "the truth" im 16 im leaveing tomorrow
is there any way my dad could take away my job its a janitorial service i make 10 bucks an hour last night we worked 10 hours i made 100 bucks i like this money and i think i would need it if they do kick me out so im wondering if there is any way thatthey could take away my job?
still a lil scared but definately leaving
by OklaXwitness inim leaving guys thank you "apostates" lol witnesses are a messed up cult i wish i had known about this sooner ive been raised in "the truth" im 16 im leaveing tomorrow
lol well i might not have much time b4 im discovered i tried to help someone in another congregation over yahoo check it
(8:19:52 PM): ok so wat were ur questions
richmond_r (8:20:38 PM): i started to ask myself
richmond_r (8:20:59 PM): well whenever we have questions for our doctrine
(8:21:12 PM): ok wat is docrine
(8:21:17 PM): lol
richmond_r (8:21:19 PM): our belief
richmond_r (8:21:26 PM): our system of beliefs
(8:21:27 PM): mkkkkkkkk
richmond_r (8:21:48 PM): the society tells us to get out out bible and go into the publications and study for the answer
(8:21:57 PM): rytre
richmond_r (8:22:04 PM): ive done that about a few things
(8:22:09 PM): good
richmond_r (8:22:26 PM): and all ive seen is that the publications ran me around in a circle and didnt actually answer the question
(8:22:38 PM): wat was ur question?
richmond_r (8:22:52 PM): it was a long time ago
richmond_r (8:22:57 PM): hmm let me see if i can find it
(8:23:16 PM): (my name here) wat were the questions u were gonna ask me
richmond_r (8:23:31 PM): the rapture i was going to try and explain the rapture to a class mate
richmond_r (8:23:44 PM): but the reasoning on the scriptures just ran it around
(8:23:45 PM): look in the resoning book
richmond_r (8:23:46 PM): brb door
richmond_r (8:24:12 PM): i did
richmond_r (8:24:15 PM): anyway
richmond_r (8:24:27 PM): i asked myself is the society really trust worthy
(8:24:35 PM): yah
(8:24:41 PM): DUH!
richmond_r (8:24:48 PM): why are they trust worthy?
(8:24:58 PM): b/c its wat jehovah wants them 2 do
richmond_r (8:25:05 PM): how do we know this
(8:25:11 PM): the bible
richmond_r (8:25:13 PM): how do we know that the bible was pointing to them
(8:25:19 PM): NERT NERT
richmond_r (8:25:21 PM): lol
(8:25:25 PM): (mynamehere)
(8:25:42 PM): this is stupid ur saying stuff that is stupid
richmond_r (8:25:50 PM): hahhaha
(8:25:53 PM): u kno this is the truth
richmond_r (8:26:01 PM): do u know its the truth
(8:26:07 PM): don't get side tracked
(8:26:10 PM): yah
richmond_r (8:26:11 PM): lol
(8:26:12 PM): i do
(8:26:18 PM): and i don't question it
(8:26:22 PM): by ne means
richmond_r (8:26:38 PM): thats part of human nature thats normal we are supposed to question things
richmond_r (8:26:43 PM): the society doesnt want us to
(8:26:51 PM): u kno ur sayin a bunch a bull sheaaat that is dumb
(8:26:57 PM): and i don't have 2 listen 2 u
richmond_r (8:27:02 PM): i told u that
(8:27:03 PM): b/c its dumb
(8:27:07 PM): and i won't
(8:27:08 PM): bie
richmond_r (8:27:10 PM): when i first started talkin to ya
richmond_r (8:27:12 PM): kki have a stiuation where i can try and help people out of it but u guys have to tell me how to do it hurry i dont have much time b4 this chick reports me lol they are a bunch of spies