im leaving guys thank you "apostates" lol witnesses are a messed up cult i wish i had known about this sooner ive been raised in "the truth" im 16 im leaveing tomorrow
still a lil scared but definately leaving
by OklaXwitness 59 Replies latest social family
Are you going to the meeting tonight, then?
You're right, my friend. I envy you, in that you have your whole life ahead of you, whereas many of us took a lot longer to realise this. On reflection it makes me feel a bit thick!
Welcome to the board
i mean im leaving today lol its 419 in the morning i forgot lol
Have you made preparations, like widening you circle of nonJW friends?
I spent about 6 - 8 weeks doing this before I left. Don't underestimate how difficult a transition it can be.
Also, what's the reaction likely to be from your family?
Are they likely to turf you out of the house, enforce a curfew, or generally make life difficult?Sorry to get all practical, on ya, but it's potentially one of the biggest steps in your life, to date.
I don't mean by that that you're making the wrong decision, because removing the blinkers is a good thing, I'm just offering some fellow-concern that it goes as smoothly as is possible in the circumstances -
Welcome to the board OklaX.
Congrats on seeing the Watchtower for the BS that it is but LT brings up some good points. It's a hard transition to make especially at 16. All the best though and glad you found this forum. -
Country Girl
Yeah, don't leave at 4:19 a.m., that'd be downright rude. At least wait til after breakfast.. heheheh.
Wait... it's 4:19 a.m.? !? Dang... I need to go night night. Good luck OK!
i have lots of friends at my school ive been talking to some people about this online he told me if they do kick me out i need to go before a judge and ask for representation to protect my rights i have 6 friends who are willing to let me stay with them i think im ready i think my parents will either make life difficult or kick me out i hope they kick me out rather than make life difficult
i hate how much you are manipulated i mean its hard for me to talk to people because of how submissive the society makes you i dont want to go against my parents (my WHOLE FAMILY is in the truth) but i wanna show some balls and stand up for what i want what i believe im workin up the courage
just remember not to be too rash. I mean, your parents probably love you but also believe that the Society is right so just try to be considerate to them. Be prepared to state calmly why you no longer want to be in.Try to talk to your parents rationally and without too much anger. I know that's hard because I was once in the same spot you are in...because of all the rage I had it spurred some unneeded conflict with my mom and took a long time to mend the damage done to our relationship.
Do you have a friend over 18 that can help you? Are all these friends your age? What about their parents; do they support this decision?
I'm not a lawyer, but I would check into your legal opportunities in Oklahoma to separate yourself from your parents custody.
Be safe.
Love, Blondie